Somali girl acting ratchet at her graduation speech

I hate this shit fr, like why is it mainly Somali girls who do this shit and this is coming from another Somali girl. This is my BIGGEST pet peeve!

A lot of it comes from Somalis always copying whatever is in or trending (herd mentality) + our attention whorring tendencies…

But I HATE when these girls do shit like this, you barely ever see habesha, eritrean, hell even Ugandan girls acting like this.. It just feels like they are cosplaying or playing a part to look cool and fit in but it’s almost never genuine.

UGHHH I LOVE SOMALI GIRLS BUT CAN WE PLEASR STOP THIS SHIT!! This isn’t pretty girl behavior! 🤦🏾‍♀️
At least she has an American accent and besides no one in America would know she's Somali unless ofcourse somalis make it a main character. Although if this happened in the uk everyone would know is a somali.

But I HATE when these girls do shit like this, you barely ever see habesha, eritrean, hell even Ugandan girls acting like this.. It just feels like they are cosplaying or playing a part to look cool and fit in but it’s almost never genuine.
Somalis are usually outgoing. And why are you comparing other women to Somali women? Just because some don't fit your type of a good Somali girl doesn't mean they should limit their personalties because you feel some type of way about them lol. It can be argued these comparisons to limit them is a form of internalized self hate.

It's usually your type that annoy me than those outgoing Somali girls because why is it your business to police them or even complain about them? Girl can't even hype up her fellow class without some random girl on a forum coming at them. :snoop:
Somalis are usually outgoing. And why are you comparing other women to Somali women? Just because some don't fit your type of a good Somali girl doesn't mean they should limit their personalties because you feel some type of way about them lol. It can be argued these comparisons to limit them is a form of internalized self hate.

It's usually your type that annoy me than those outgoing Somali girls because why is it your business to police them or even complain about them? Girl can't even hype up her fellow class without some random girl on a forum coming at them. :snoop:
Lol why are you so emotional, I clearly said it’s a pet peeve and it’s not most Somali girls.

And if you look at most of the comments ajnabis think it’s cringe too. It just isn’t a good look, especially being a hijabi….

And the comparison is because the others I mentioned learn the western socialization game very early on but for some reason Somali ppl are made ignorant by neglectful or ignorant parents.

Also bffr someone saying “anyone who wants this fade, come and get it” has to be the cringiest shit I’ve ever heard.
Lol why are you so emotional, I clearly said it’s a pet peeve and it’s not most Somali girls.

And if you look at most of the comments ajnabis think it’s cringe too. It just isn’t a good look, especially being a hijabi….

And the comparison is because the others I mentioned learn the western socialization game very early on but for some reason Somali ppl are made ignorant by neglectful or ignorant parents.

Also bffr someone saying “anyone who wants this fade, come and get it” has to be the cringiest shit I’ve ever heard.
I'm not emotional, just bored replying on SSPOT. Viewed the video and at best it's lack of decorum. I also call bullshit on Ugandan, Habesha, etc learning some western socialization game from their parents just because some Somali girl tried to hype up her fellow class. And this girl is graduating from college, I doubt she was made ignorant by neglectful parents, that's a pretty bad assumption to have.

I do agree it's kinda cringe because who are you fading on your graduation but shit ain't got nothing to do with Somalis. To think I could have a cringe moment someday and someone can tie it to other Somali dudes or my cringe behaviour is because of having neglectful parents is kinda wild to me :mjlol:
Bruh most people know east african looking girls in hijab are 8/10 times a somali woman

I get you but we have to stop assuming, there are Sudanis and Muslim Oromos that also wear hijab and they also have Arabic/Muslim names. Unless the girl's name is traditionally Somali name or she says she's Somali, it's hard to tell. Muslim Oromos especially look similar to Somalis and have the same last names like Abdi.