I think timajilic might be UK slang origin word for Asians. I met some Somalis who were unfamiliar with the term and they were from EU states with few Asians.
In a different thread i was trying to explain that it is recently constructed as a slang/edgy way of referring to them by and i haven't heard the older generation use it growing up and i haven't seen in writings but when i said this they tried dismiss it or place doubt on it.
I think ''Hindi'' makes sense because they used call the whole subcontinent Al-Hind
Some Somalis actually use to refer to themselves as “Jilic” In the olden days.
They most certainly did not and they don't refer to themselves today either. At least not as a collective group. Also thinking back there was no real fixation or importance put on hair growing up, it makes sense because Somali girls were encouraged cover their hair and Somali boys were told to cut their hair extremely short. It's only from the point of view and interaction with others this stems from.
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