Somali girl tells the truth about

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Make Dhulos Great Again
:bell: it's not like they embarass xaliimos and make fun of 'em in front of ajnabis.

Let's say that a faarax married an ajnabi, do you ever see him saying bad things about xaliimos? Or making fun of them on Twitter just for clout?

Xaliimos are the opposite;
  • They create a yt channel when they marry out. It's lile that is the first thing they do after the engagement. Tf
  • They still talk ill of faarax' and infiltrate other xaliimo into saying that faarax's are so and so... (negative stereotypes)
  • When they end up divorcing each other[break up] they still come to faarax's that they were demeaning and insulting. You think a faarax will wife such a hambo/left over? Huh..
  • If everything bad happens to them, they blame faarax, like wtf!
This is what happens when tour culture becomes weak we allow ex cadaan criminals coming to our homeland and marrying xalimos but lets say u just got fresh out of jail and went to turkey Istanbul to marry a Turkish you wouldn’t make it out alive same goes for everywhere else were there is a strong sense of culture. Now our culture is not as weak as AAs or western cadaans but in a few more centuries if the infighting continues (which I believe it will) it will.
Most of the mosques in London are run either Asians or Arabs mostly Asians, and the reason they look for Xalimos to marry reverts is because why would an Asian or Arab marry off one of his own women to an ex con revert who was probably radicalised? That’s weak beta behaviour lol but faraxs are to busy playing what would u do if you were president and arguing about tribes.
you are right, i don't blame the arab or Asian cuz i would do the same if i was in their position, i would have sold off their women to ex convict revert brothers for a fresh bag of khat. :gaasdrink:

but would u include me(21 years old) to those faraxs who failed xalimos?? or r u talking about the fathers and uncles of those girls??
Why was I tagged?
:farmajoyaab: I don't follow Twitter and I would rather keep it that way.
Twitter is where xalimos go to die. I'm surprised wonder @Jake from State Farm wants to slide in your dm's .Well done for avoiding the plague for there will soon be a twittr war the likes of which no one has ever seen before and will never see after it.



~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Twitter is where xalimos go to die. I'm surprised wonder @Jake from State Farm wants to slide in your dm's .Well done for avoiding the plague for there will soon be a twittr war the likes of which no one has ever seen before and will never see after it.


That sounds like an Elephant graveyard.

Twitter just isn't for me.


"Will you die if you don’t entertain every ex-criminal revert ajnabi, philly nigga and faarax?"

So this one entertains only cadaan that is what i'm getting from her last sentence :tacky:

Infighting between ajnabi lovers. She is just not happy with her counterpart's low standard.

@Knowles i'm with you on this :gaasdrink:

Thank you for your honesty aboowe macan.

I may not agree with you on everything but at least you are not a liar.:fittytousand:

I will include you to my list of people who tell the truth on this forum. So far it’s a very short list which includes:

Whats wrong with marrying reverts?
They are losers and almost all go back to being gaalo. Let them marry s! or their own females, they are allowed females of the scriptures. What's not wrong with letting a noble girl marry some random loser who failed in life? let his family provide him with a female from another region.

They are losers and almost all go back to being gaalo. Let them marry s! or their own females, they are allowed females of the scriptures. What's not wrong with letting a noble girl marry some random loser who failed in life? let his family provide him with a female from another region.

Live your life. Why are you so invested in what other girls do ? They can marry any Muslim person they want . You have no right to dictate who a Somali girl marries . Stop being so judging and controlling:susp:


Live your life. Why are you so invested in what other girls do ? They can marry any Muslim person they want . You have no right to dictate who a Somali girl marries . Stop being so judging and controlling:susp:
I think he has a right somali girls are finished out here from bashing and attacking their men to lying about somali culture ,making ajnabi videos on YouTube bashing Thier
men ,marrying ex cons and reverts while embarrassing the Somali community
Live your life. Why are you so invested in what other girls do ? They can marry any Muslim person they want . You have no right to dictate who a Somali girl marries . Stop being so judging and controlling:susp:
Go recite this to arabs or other muslims. I don't care just don't encourage this in my community! It's not like they bring back non criminals and you act as if this is normal.

I think he has a right somali girls are finished out here from bashing and attacking their men to lying about somali culture ,making ajnabi videos on YouTube bashing Thier
men ,marrying ex cons and reverts while embarrassing the Somali community
Ignore her! most of these girls and not married in islam anyway since the father is never present and i (assume) that they went against the father's wishes. You have to obey your parents in everything except shirk! yet some ppl think they can change the equivalent of the ten commandments.

Tbh don't get so worked out! this is just my opinion it's not like i care or will attack her for shaming her family if she brings back a criminal. That's on her family and is their shame not mine.



Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
They are losers and almost all go back to being gaalo. Let them marry s! or their own females, they are allowed females of the scriptures. What's not wrong with letting a noble girl marry some random loser who failed in life? let his family provide him with a female from another region.


You do know some girls marry a revert cause they probably dont live in an area with alot of Somalis

Or because the area she lives in are filled with bum somalis


Hiatus✅ 1/18/21- ?
"Will you die if you don’t entertain every ex-criminal revert ajnabi, philly nigga and faarax?"

So this one entertains only cadaan that is what i'm getting from her last sentence :tacky:

Infighting between ajnabi lovers. She is just not happy with her counterpart's low standard.

@Knowles i'm with you on this :gaasdrink:
She's probably had an affair with all those mentioned, else how would she know if they're all bad!

As you can see, she is putting the blame on xaliimos and cussing them a lot. If you have eyes and can understand somali, you can see that.

All in all, she's is fed up with xaliimos who are being too easy with every race hence the term(cheap and clean).

Please read between the lines and stop picking random things. Get the gist of it!


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Even bum Somali is better than ex con revert

Whats funny is the parents of the girl would refuse the Guy but be ok with a revert bum

And if hes somali they would pressure the girl to ask for a big meher but if hes a revert they dont interfere

Somalis are hypocrites


Hiatus✅ 1/18/21- ?
You do know some girls marry a revert cause they probably dont live in an area with alot of Somalis

Or because the area she lives in are filled with bum somalis
How sure are you? You don't have to make excuses for them, right?

How many are into interracial marriage when their neighborhood is full of somali? It's not like they didn't find a faarax to settle with. And yeah, eventually xaliimos come running to Faarax after they break up with the ajnabis.

Bum somalis? You're funny. There ain't no place full of bums, there must be good ones. That reasoning of yours flopped

That's not an excuse, try harder Mr Mercury.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
How sure are you? You don't have to make excuses for them, right?

How many are into interracial marriage when their neighborhood is full of somali? It's not like they didn't find a faarax to settle with. And yeah, eventually come running to Faarax after they divorve each other..

Bum somalis? You're funny. There ain't no place full of bums, there must be good ones. That reasoning of yours flopped

That's not an excuse, try harder Mr Mercury.
The parents would rather she be with a revert bum than a somali bum thats the reality
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