The parents would rather she be with a revert bum than a somali bum thats the reality

The parents would rather she be with a revert bum than a somali bum thats the reality
what in the retardation
Did I just read
So, the issue is with the parents and not xaliimos? Arranged marriages you mean?The parents would rather she be with a revert bum than a somali bum thats the reality
Mercury..... you are female aren't you? the trend on this site is that you must doubt everyone that states their gender on this site. First knowles saying she's a male with that "call me abo shit" and now you actin feminine as hell and white knighting too much.You do know some girls marry a revert cause they probably dont live in an area with alot of Somalis
Or because the area she lives in are filled with bum somalis
So, the issue is with the parents and not xaliimos? Arranged marriages you mean?
So, all those insults, and bashing of somali men on twitter wasn't their fault but the parents' faults?.hmmm
Interesting info!
So, you read people's minds? Interesting. Else how would you know all somali parents' minds
Now that's what I call a fabricated BS.
Just waiting for another bs. Another one, Mr Mercury!![]()
I Said some Einstein
This is what you said to me first. You didn't say some, did you?The parents would rather she be with a revert bum than a somali bum thats the reality
This is after you saw my response and tried to change it to 'some', smartass fellaSome somali parents would rather see the daughter marrying a revert than from a certain tribe
She's probably had an affair with all those mentioned, else how would she know if they're all bad!
As you can see, she is putting the blame on xaliimos and cussing them a lot. If you have eyes and can understand somali, you can see that.
All in all, she's is fed up with xaliimos who are being too easy with every race hence the term(cheap and clean).
Please read between the lines and stop picking random things. Get the gist of it!
isnt that embarrassing thoughSome somali parents would rather see the daughter marrying a revert than from a certain tribe
Mercury..... you are female aren't you? the trend on this site is that you must doubt everyone that states their gender on this site. First knowles saying she's a male with that "call me abo shit" and now you actin feminine as hell and white knighting too much.
Wtf!I find more somali guys embarrassing than girls
what so marrying ex cons reverts and prisoners with a life sentence is not embarrassingNo im a somali Guy only difference is that im not sensitive and easily offended
Over stupid shit like what a random xaliimo marries
I find more Somali guys embarrassing than girls
At this point, it's better off if you repeat or return to those ESL classes you dodged. You're interpreting words on your own, I didn't say that. Basically, misinterpretation!!!Get the gist of it as in ignore the part where she lists you alongside criminal reverts as people Somali women shouldn’t marry.
Anyway no one cares what this loud mouth xalimo says we just find it funny that you’re taking it oh so seriously when she also insults Somali men.
She's probably had an affair with all those mentioned, else how would she know if they're all bad!
As you can see, she is putting the blame on xaliimos and cussing them a lot. If you have eyes and can understand somali, you can see that.
All in all, she's is fed up with xaliimos who are being too easy with every race hence the term(cheap and clean).
Please read between the lines and stop picking random things. Get the gist of it!
what so marrying ex cons reverts and prisoners with a life sentence is not embarrassing
especially since thier broke as f*ck and likely dint even pay mehr
with a prison record they dont have a job or any money
it just make Somali girls cheep and clean is that not embarrassing
Somali girls getting labelled as cheep and clean
still we need to condemn those marriages,Like I Said what a random xaliimo dont mean shit to me youre making it like 100s somali girls are marrying reverts
That's what the whole point was about.i'm against Somali women marrying ajnabi and insulting Somali men.
What's wrong with your question?Whats wrong with marrying reverts?
What a way to change the whole thread!How come you guys care so much about what a random somali girl marries a revert?
As guys you should feel more embarrased by
-somali fathers who sit in cofee shops like its their day job instead of being with their wife and kids
-Somali teens who kill one another or who sell drugs or go in and outta jail
- old men that leaves his kids and wife behind to Marry an 18 year old back home
Stuff like that is far more danaging to the somali community