Somali girls are merciless


Somebody make a Somali version of this:


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
:draketf: Who dates at 18? And tries to show someone with an ciyaal mentality culture.

Though I think its cruel and childish to act in that manner. Your choice of Xalimo just goes to show how surface level you were. So undiscerning of character and willing to date someone with an unevolved persona just because of looks. And you didn't even do your homework on her.
It was fun ok.
In all honesty, there was nothing wrong with the date if you really enjoyed it but you have to understand that not everyone is like you.

Say alhamdulillah that you dodged a bullet(may Allah make you dodge helen too) because any person that makes fun of your passions is a horrible person. Imagine if you ended up marrying her? If she could gossip and ruin your rep over something you enjoy, then imagine all the other shit she could have done to you.

If she still retains that awful character of hers , the I'm sure she's living an ignoble lifestyle.
Why do you enjoy bullying me? am l very interesting?
You don't carry yourself with respect.

I've seen the most miskeen looking niggas get mad respect because of how they carried themselves.

You give off cuck vibes. If I wasn't a kind person and I met you in real life I'm sure I would have bullied you and I'm younger than you kkkk

Hassan mahat

I karbash wahabist salafis daily.
What exactly do you mean by crippling anxiety walaal?

Did the anxiety cause you to simp for helen to the point where you abandoned jumuah just because she told you to?
Helen was asking for it. She sat next to multiple times during lectures. Not like that qumayo, also we have same interests.


Waawarey I have never seen so many people gang up on one man :chrisfreshhah:
If this isn’t a sign to change your name to müeller and karbaash her family you ain’t Somali waryaa


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Damn, they have no chill. In my last year of highschool, I hit on this halimo who was very attractive. We talked for a bit. We went for a first date and I took her to a Shakespeare play happening in my city. The tickets were very hard to get and I thought she would like it. In the middle of the play, she just started sleeping and when it was over, she call me a weirdo, in front of everyone. She also started talking with the other Somali girls in our school and they gave Me the nickname “Dudu”. I did not know the meaning of that and when I searched it up it apparently means poop or shit. From that day on I have anxiety When around Somali women. I never hit on another one nor will be In The future.
a Shakespeare play?

Sounds like the most boring thing ever Im suprised you think its a good idea
How do you do this btw? Asking for a friend.
I can't really explain it tbh but I'll try my best.

Majority has to do with loving yourself and having self worth. When you love something you naturally respect it as well.

Prioritizing yourself when it's needed is not selfishness. People respect people who have their own goals to achieve and they prioritize that.


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