Somali girls gets grilled by her friends on camera for dating too many guys


They’re just young and impressionable, hopefully they all learn to put out positive content that ages well rather than negative energy that blows up but causes backlash in the end :)


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
They’re just young and impressionable, hopefully they all learn to put out positive content that ages well rather than negative energy that blows up but causes backlash in the end :)
Did it work for you? They were bullying her a calling her a hoe and posted it online. Thats cyberbullying


Did it work for you? They were bullying her a calling her a *** and posted it online. Thats cyberbullying

yes when I clicked on the link, it showed me the video. She needs new friends who uplift her and encourages her to make better decisions not belittle her :)


North-West, London
It looks photoshopped though.

Plus the words written doesn’t match the actions:cosbyhmm:

Got respect for my real hijaabi sisters, but alot of these hijaabis are undercover hoés who can’t resist their hornyness.

wouldnt suprise me if its real


Passive Aggressive is the new Aggressive
Got respect for my real hijaabi sisters, but alot of these hijaabis are undercover hoés who can’t resist their hornyness.

wouldnt suprise me if its real
Yeah I agree walaal. But I know the picture you are talking about, she’s says inshallah in the original text. Then they photoshopped boobs onto her top. Doesn’t match the narrative.
That girl is not a victim wallahi why do so many girls online love to play victim? They just love the attention? It was a prank and a rather mean one but they are friends. She told them not to post it and they did that’s wrong but she wasn’t upset with what they were saying she just didn’t like how she looked :stressed:
Then she goes on twitter and conceals it’s a prank and gets a lot of interactions and gets the endorphin rush so she doubles down and let’s all these grown ass women trash her friends for real. Then use that victim perspective to gain attention and clout/subscribers.

I don’t blame her she’s young and that’s what young people do they act childish like her friends making this tasteless jokes. But how are grown ass women making fun of them? And calling them all sorts of things these girls look under 20 Lool
That girl is not a victim wallahi why do so many girls online love to play victim? They just love the attention? It was a prank and a rather mean one but they are friends. She told them not to post it and they did that’s wrong but she wasn’t upset with what they were saying she just didn’t like how she looked :stressed:
Then she goes on twitter and conceals it’s a prank and gets a lot of interactions and gets the endorphin rush so she doubles down and let’s all these grown ass women trash her friends for real. Then use that victim perspective to gain attention and clout/subscribers.

I don’t blame her she’s young and that’s what young people do they act childish like her friends making this tasteless jokes. But how are grown ass women making fun of them? And calling them all sorts of things these girls look under 20 Lool

It's a nasty prank. That girl was previously being targeted for supposedly talking to guys and the girls decided to use that against her as a prank just for likes and comments.

Also, she told them not to post it, we've seen the snapchat and dm messages, yet they refused to listen to her. How are you posting something you know, makes someone feel uncomfortable? And then have the audacity to try and gaslight them into accepting it? All for what? Clout? Couple of 'hahaha' comment at the expense of your 'friend'?

Furthermore, we are a conservative group. Creating a perception that your friend is 'for the streets' will have a huge impact on her sharaaf and marriage market. Even if that is the case, a true friend will advice her friend in private not put such content on Youtube.

Prank or not, its disgusting.
It's a nasty prank. That girl was previously being targeted for supposedly talking to guys and the girls decided to use that against her as a prank just for likes and comments.

Also, she told them not to post it, we've seen the snapchat and dm messages, yet they refused to listen to her. How are you posting something you know, makes someone feel uncomfortable? And then have the audacity to try and gaslight them into accepting it? All for what? Clout? Couple of 'hahaha' comment at the expense of your 'friend'?

Furthermore, we are a conservative group. Creating a perception that your friend is 'for the streets' will have a huge impact on her sharaaf and marriage market. Even if that is the case, a true friend will advice her friend in private not put such content on Youtube.

Prank or not, its disgusting.
It is disgusting and tbh these zoomers use “she’s for the streets” all the time so it was just her overplaying the prank. Maybe they are jealous of her and are just using this prank video to sneak diss. What I don’t get is why lie? Why make it look like they were honestly and without warrant calling you a ***** and not just say they made a tasteless prank where I didn’t like how I looked but they posted it anyway? I think she just liked ppl giving her the attention online a lot of ppl do that these days like the Australia dwarf child and his mom.

and furthermore why do I care about teenage girl drama like this? :urgh: This lockdown needs to end:tocry:
It is disgusting and tbh these zoomers use “she’s for the streets” all the time so it was just her overplaying the prank. Maybe they are jealous of her and are just using this prank video to sneak diss. What I don’t get is why lie? Why make it look like they were honestly and without warrant calling you a ***** and not just say they made a tasteless prank where I didn’t like how I looked but they posted it anyway? I think she just liked ppl giving her the attention online a lot of ppl do that these days like the Australia dwarf child and his mom.

and furthermore why do I care about teenage girl drama like this? :urgh: This lockdown needs to end:tocry:

They were....

Ever heard of the age old saying, there is a bit of truth behind every joke? Its the way a lot of girls subtly through shade at each other.

Also, people have the right to change their minds. Before they posted it, she told them she didn't feel comfortable and rightly so. You're supposed 'friends' saying your for the streets in front of the camera for thousands to see is never just a 'joke'. So yes, she has every right not to like how she looked, because they made her look like a flipping clown. What type of friend does that? Being made to look like a certain way on camera is never a laughing matter. People need to realise the stuff you post, prank or not can alter people's lives.

But yes, you're right. They are just little girls and I hope they learn from it.
@Halimak Those girls were wrong boqolki boqol and are the types of girls my mom warned me to never befriend growing up (alhamdulilah I did not). They are bullies and are trying to justify their actions now that their “prank” did not go as planned (everyone turned on them). P.S. they are over 18 and should know better than to post info that could hurt their friends reputation online. It’s clear that they were trying to be spiteful and hateful and got got. If I were the girl I would move on and find better friends. I hope she never goes back to them.