Somali guy fears for family's safety after Dadaab closure

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Suicidal men adore me.
Honestly even tho I hate Kenya and I'm well aware of their motives dadaab needs to be closed down and the "Somali gov" and the people of Somalia need to take responsibility and fix their country. We can't keep begging nor running away from our problem it's time to own up, clean house and fix Somalia. These people need to come back to Somalia.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Tell your people not to close dadaab Abdi what about all the abdijohnson that need help? The LGBT community?


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Abdijohnson you need to fight for the rights of countless other limp wrist having abdijohnson's bradar.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Besides I don't think you care about the gay Somalis, they're just canon fodder, any ethnicity for that matter who aren't blue bloods, cause you worship your massa hence the name Abdi Johnson kkk

I see you my g, you ain't fooling no one. When your master is sick you say are we sick boss kkk


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
But I support you
Masha Allah, may Islam rain supreme over the entire globe, may the pm Justin Trudeau revert to Islam. Support me so I may support humanity by spread Islam, you could give dawa to the homosexuals & I can give dawa to the ladies.
Masha Allah, may Islam rain supreme over the entire globe, may the pm Justin Trudeau revert to Islam. Support me so I may support humanity by spread Islam, you could give dawa to the homosexuals & I can give dawa to the ladies.

I am coming to London soon and I would like to take you for a friendly Somali dinner to chicken and chips. I want to meet the legend


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
I am coming to London soon and I would like to take you for a friendly Somali dinner to chicken and chips. I want to meet the legend
I'll look forward to that insha Allah, I can see it already, me & duchess on the back of a boat in Hyde park while you're at the front cycling, effectively killing two birds with one stone by you actually socialising in real life with real human beings while you excercise, while me & the Dutchess discuss profound & pressing issues, naturally we would move onto speakers corner.
I'll look forward to that insha Allah, I can see it already, me & duchess on the back of a boat in Hyde park while you're at the front cycling, effectively killing two birds with one stone by you actually socialising in real life with real human beings while you excercise, while me & the Dutchess discuss profound & pressing issues, naturally we would move onto speakers corner.

Listen I'm serious. Dont be a pusswhole lol

Are you anywhere near Woolwich or Camden? Lol.

I am not the same as my Internet persona.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Listen I'm serious. Dont be a pusswhole lol

Are you anywhere near Woolwich or Camden? Lol.

I am not the same as my Internet persona.
Bradar I'm whipping, honestly wallahi I would treat you & the dutchess like family, soo dhawoow bradar & please do send her my warmest regards. My online persona aside, the dutchess would grow found of my chivalry, she would become so absorbed by me, it'll be like a book she just wouldn't want to put down. With that being said, I've worked hard for my persona online so I would like for the whole affair to remain incognito.
Bradar I'm whipping, honestly wallahi I would treat you & the dutchess like family, soo dhawoow bradar & please do send her my warmest regards. My online persona aside, the dutchess would grow found of my chivalry, she would become so absorbed by me, it'll be like a book she just wouldn't want to put down. With that being said, I've worked hard for my persona online so I would like for the whole affair to remain incognito.

I will take you up on your offer. I am in London within weeks. I hope you do not stand me up. It would be a honour to you. I will PM you when I'm in your city
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