Somali guy gets shot in protests

He fucking deserves it, I hate it when these blm Somalis try so hard acting madow with history full of oppression. Wallahi this makes me ashamed as a noble geeljire.

He fucking deserves it, I hate it when these blm Somalis try so hard acting madow with history full of oppression. Wallahi this makes me ashamed as a noble geeljire.
Did u expect the officer to stop and take a look at his Cushiticness and realize how wrong he was:pachah1:
Probably shot him using rubber bullets, it wouldn't be lethal or anything close to that.

He's lucky someone took a video though, he should sue the hell of that cop :francis:
Probably shot him using rubber bullets, it wouldn't be lethal or anything close to that.

He's lucky someone took a video though, he should sue the hell of that cop :francis:
He was chimping out on a police vehicle that's probably why he got shot because the police felt threatened by his actions.
He was chimping out on a police vehicle that's probably why he got shot because the police felt threatened by his actions.
Lol, I don't see how someone shouting from a crowd is threatening, they were not that close to the officers or violent to warranting getting shot at, even with rubber bullets.

American police are psychopaths wallahi, they get a power trip from having authority.

He fucking deserves it, I hate it when these blm Somalis try so hard acting madow with history full of oppression. Wallahi this makes me ashamed as a noble geeljire.
Doesn't he know how skinny Abdis are??? :kanyehmm: :mjlol:
Should have thought before pulling the trigger.
Blacks consider ethiopians and eritreans as their black brothers and almost worship them but reject Somalis and have an unfounded hatred for us, yet, you dont see those two giving a damn about blacks.