Why does Somalia have the shittiest PR in Africa?

Look at our neighbors

Ethiopia: only country in Africa not colonized, Ethiopian food, The Weeknd, Queen of Sheba

Egypt: One of the best and ancient histories in the world, Mohammed salah, Egyptian food, pyramids, mummies

Now Somalia: pirates, failed state for 35+ years, anarchy, look at me I’m captain now, big foreheads

What do we need to turn our image around?
Look at our neighbors

Ethiopia: only country in Africa not colonized, Ethiopian food, The Weeknd, Queen of Sheba

Egypt: One of the best and ancient histories in the world, Mohammed salah, Egyptian food, pyramids, mummies

Now Somalia: pirates, failed state for 35+ years, anarchy, look at me I’m captain now, big foreheads

What do we need to turn our image around?
Ethiopia's image isn't that much better than than ours. They were/are the poster child for African starvation and famines hence all the Ethiopian food jokes and starvin marvin. And Egypt isn't really a direct neighbor and they xoog all African countries when it comes to history anyways.

The clear steps needed to alleviate our image are:
  • to fully bring rule of law back to Somalia and finish the constitution
  • eliminate all terrorists, pirates and clan militias
  • nation wide rehabilitation and reconciliation dealing with justice and forgiveness
  • invest heavily in infrastructure, ports, roads, dams, and other critical projects
  • create many jobs as possible for somalis and transition nomads into ranching
All obvious things needed to be done since the main perception behind Somalia (failed state, anarchy, piracy) are a result of a lack of all of the above. Then we just invest in some media to show Somalia in a positive light and there you go.


Entitled uppity East African
Look at our neighbors

Ethiopia: only country in Africa not colonized, Ethiopian food, The Weeknd, Queen of Sheba

Egypt: One of the best and ancient histories in the world, Mohammed salah, Egyptian food, pyramids, mummies

Now Somalia: pirates, failed state for 35+ years, anarchy, look at me I’m captain now, big foreheads

What do we need to turn our image around?
Egypt isn’t our neighbour.


Entitled uppity East African
Ethiopia's image isn't that much better than than ours. They were/are the poster child for African starvation and famines hence all the Ethiopian food jokes and starvin marvin. And Egypt isn't really a direct neighbor and they xoog all African countries when it comes to history anyways.

The clear steps needed to alleviate our image are:
  • to fully bring rule of law back to Somalia and finish the constitution
  • eliminate all terrorists, pirates and clan militias
  • nation wide rehabilitation and reconciliation dealing with justice and forgiveness
  • invest heavily in infrastructure, ports, roads, dams, and other critical projects
  • create many jobs as possible for somalis and transition nomads into ranching
All obvious things needed to be done since the main perception behind Somalia (failed state, anarchy, piracy) are a result of a lack of all of the above. Then we just invest in some media to show Somalia in a positive light and there you go.
I made a post a while back and it was some guy coming after Habesha people and making fun of famines in Eritrea and Ethiopia he never mentioned Somalia or somalis at all i was shocked :wtf:


A Laandheere always pays his debts
If there are two things Somali diaspora can do to *truly* make practical changes to the country, instead of FKD:
- Start a business / Invest in a business
- Learn about Soft Power and how to contribute your part - especially in this age of the Creator Economy. Soft Power is everything in IR, it is the cornerstone for all economics, politics, development, etc. (https://softpower30.com/country/)


♚Sargon of Adal♚
Look at our neighbors

Ethiopia: only country in Africa not colonized, Ethiopian food, The Weeknd, Queen of Sheba

Egypt: One of the best and ancient histories in the world, Mohammed salah, Egyptian food, pyramids, mummies

Now Somalia: pirates, failed state for 35+ years, anarchy, look at me I’m captain now, big foreheads

What do we need to turn our image around?
The queen of Sheba was Yemeni, the Yemeni tradition, linking her to the Sabaean kingdom, is supported by archaeological findings in Yemen, while the Ethiopian tradition is deeply rooted in Ethiopia's national identity and religious history.(the first text linking her to the Ethiopian regime was from the 14th century.)

You are what you consume, lay off the TikTok and the Instagram, at least be fair.

Egypt: American Aid, Arab Spring, Pyramids, Scammers, Ancient Egypt, being ruled by the Romans, failed war against Israel etc..

Ethiopia: Rastafarian, Civil Wars, Famine, Addis, AU HQ, Injera.

Somalia: Siad Barre, Poetry, Coastline, Black Hawk down, Al Kebab


Look at our neighbors

Ethiopia: only country in Africa not colonized, Ethiopian food, The Weeknd, Queen of Sheba

Egypt: One of the best and ancient histories in the world, Mohammed salah, Egyptian food, pyramids, mummies

Now Somalia: pirates, failed state for 35+ years, anarchy, look at me I’m captain now, big foreheads

What do we need to turn our image around?
Ethiopia has some skeletons in their closet too, especially how Imam Ahmed made them run around naked an shit. Egypt whilst having a great history has been conquered by every nation like they were a blunt being passed around. The rest of Africa well they're a bunch of hoolos that gave Africa the mud hut stereotype. At-least we got history! at-least we didn't sell our people into slavery to be literally buckbroken and cucked by slavers.

Alhamdulilah we ain't got it that bad. If we conduct archaeological excavations and reconstruct our ancient buildings a reverse engineer everything we find we can redefine our history and that coupled with our vast resources and oil reserves, we could certainly build a utopia together. Qabil however must be thrown in the garbage disposal.

Whenever you feel like things are bad just thank god we weren't as unlucky as some of our neighbours and even some Asians that were literally cucked and raped by their neighbours. We were always alphas and that energy is destroying our nation till this day. We just gotta learn to control that real nigga energy.


Coping through the 1st world
You’re being a bit biased saxib. Both countries you mentioned have bad PR.

Ethiopia is somewhat the poster child of poorer country in Africa.

Egypt is considered to be the worst country to visit for tourist groups of people. Due to scamming, weird boundaries towards women and how poorly is managed as a country.


Plotting world domination
You’re being a bit biased saxib. Both countries you mentioned have bad PR.

Ethiopia is somewhat the poster child of poorer country in Africa.

Egypt is considered to be the worst country to visit for tourist groups of people. Due to scamming, weird boundaries towards women and how poorly is managed as a country.
Y'all keep mentioning Ethiopia being poor but I haven't seen the country get dissed by ajnabis in a long as time.

Last time I've seen them get cooked was over a decade ago when south park made an episode about them.

Most of the hate I've seen them get is from us.


Entitled uppity East African
Y'all keep mentioning Ethiopia being poor but I haven't seen the country get dissed by ajnabis in a long as time.

Last time I've seen them get cooked was over a decade ago when south park made an episode about them.

Most of the hate I've seen them get is from us.
I have :hillarybiz:


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