Somali is a semitic language (WITH EVIDENCE)


@Cush whh are you avoiding my question? I am simply asking you if you’re reer UK or not 😂 you’re definitely a European diaspora


Cushite Arab
I swear to God, I'm just going to wrap up this conversation. I believe I'm one of the most neutral civilised individuals here, standing solely on Islamic knowledge and facts. I did not come with charts and Kafir guess work sources.

I thought you had common sense, but it seems you need help. Maybe you should consider attending church and believing in "3-in-1" shampoo to fully embrace the reliability of the Bible.
She's clearly mentally retarded if she doesn't understand after all the evidence we gave, I even sent proof of Arabs sharing lineages with Persians and their replacement, and whipty woo guess what the majority haplogroups are today? J1 P58 from the Zagros mountains in Persia and J2 from Persia, all originating from the Caucasus when your source clearly stated the Shemites settled in the centre of the world and what is closer East Africa or the Caucasus and Zagros mountains? People from the Zagros destroyed Akkadia


So you're a gaalo
All people have ancestors that weren't muslim my nigga what's wrong with you.

Arabs were worst than Somalis. Those in the peninsular were polytheists and idol worshippers. The worst of all, would you put that against modern Deghace?

Somalis are much better off. The ancient Somalis and other cushites like oromo worshipped a single sky god and never used idols. Except for perhaps that leather thing worn around the neck/arm that is considered shirk.


She's clearly mentally retarded if she doesn't understand after all the evidence we gave, I even sent proof of Arabs sharing lineages with Persians and their replacement, and whipty woo guess what the majority haplogroups are today? J1 P58 from the Zagros mountains in Persia and J2 from Persia, all originating from the Caucasus when your source clearly stated the Shemites settled in the centre of the world and what is closer East Africa or the Caucasus and Zagros mountains? People from the Zagros destroyed Akkadia
Take a dna test then I’ll believe you


Cushite Arab
All people have ancestors that weren't muslim my nigga what's wrong with you.

Arabs were worst than Somalis. Those in the peninsular were polytheists and idol worshippers. The worst of all, would you put that against modern Deghace?

Somalis are much better off. The ancient Somalis and other cushites like oromo worshipped a single sky god and never used idols. Except for perhaps that leather thing worn around the neck/arm that is considered shirk.
This kid is lost and thinks he's related to Oromos who Somalis have been fighting since they first entered the horn and they differentiated from us as camel herders


This kid is lost and thinks he's related to Oromos who Somalis have been fighting since they first entered the horn and they differentiated from us as camel herders
You were grouping us with habeshas so take a seat, at least a majority of oromos are Muslims


I put Books to the Test of Life
She's clearly mentally retarded if she doesn't understand after all the evidence we gave, I even sent proof of Arabs sharing lineages with Persians and their replacement, and whipty woo guess what the majority haplogroups are today? J1 P58 from the Zagros mountains in Persia and J2 from Persia, all originating from the Caucasus when your source clearly stated the Shemites settled in the centre of the world and what is closer East Africa or the Caucasus and Zagros mountains? People from the Zagros destroyed Akkadia
Disregard everything else, but from the beginning to the end, I've relied solely on Islam, authentic tafsir, narrations, and explanations regarding the three sons of Nuh. Yet here she is, presenting me with Bible stories.

I was not even with you or Al-Adani guy. I have clearly stated that I do not claim to be Arab and never have, nor will I, since it's irrelevant and meaningless. I identify as Somali and have my own community.


Cushite Arab
You were grouping us with habeshas so take a seat, at least a majority of oromos are Muslims
:what1: How retarded are you, this is a language family it doesn't mean we are ethnically related to them and with this logic Arabs are related to them


Cushite Arab
Disregard everything else, but from the beginning to the end, I've relied solely on Islam, authentic tafsir, narrations, and explanations regarding the three sons of Nuh. Yet here she is, presenting me with Bible stories.

I was not even with you or Al-Adani guy. I have clearly stated that I do not claim to be Arab and never have, nor will I, since it's irrelevant and meaningless. I identify as Somali and have my own community.
Same I don't want to claim Arab, my problem is people lying about their origins and Somalis being lied to about their lineages, this caused many to leave the Deen and become Waaqists


:what1: How retarded are you, this is a language family it doesn't mean we are ethnically related to them and with this logic Arabs are related to them
Yeah Arabs are actually related to Habeshas, where do you think Habeshas features came from?


I put Books to the Test of Life
it's clear to me that everyone needs help and perhaps a bit of water. Learning our faith is essential; it's as vast as the oceans. From the proper way to wash oneself to understanding the origins of races, complexions, and phenotypes, all of this knowledge is within our deen. That's what I rely on and that's all I need.

I Gave good knowledge out and hope anyone benefits.

To those who use the Bible as narration and tafsir, I suggest attending Sunday church; you'll find yourselves right at home there.


Imagine not mixing for hundreds off years to preserve your blood line just for your descendants to deny it and end up claiming to be a whole other ethnic


it's clear to me that everyone needs help and perhaps a bit of water. Learning our faith is essential; it's as vast as the oceans. From the proper way to wash oneself to understanding the origins of races, complexions, and phenotypes, all of this knowledge is within our deen. That's what I rely on and that's all I need.
Islam is heavy on equality, nobody is better then the other just because of their race or tribe. But still your little friend is acting as if it’s smt great to be an Arab, Arabs are just humans like us at the end off the day. We aren’t the original Arabs either so just stop with the hotep nonsense


This kid is lost and thinks he's related to Oromos who Somalis have been fighting since they first entered the horn and they differentiated from us as camel herders
So you're saying oromo and somali are not related? You realise oromo and somali are around 5,000 year removed and very similar. Somali and Oromo can learn each other language in about 2-3 months. Since Cushitic languages of nomadic peoples like us maintained our language with very slow change compared to settled peoples.

Oromo were also camel herders. The oromo settled down en mass and became farmers soon after the futuh, and many oromo farmer like in hararghe and bale are just Somali Agriculturalists that git assimilated. Do you know any history about the region.

Somalis didn't come to the horn. We were always here, we are most native.

Proto Nilotes + Natufian (10,000 yrs) -> Proto Cushitic (10,000) - > Cushite (9,000)- > Proto lowland east Cushitic (7,000) - > east Cushitic (5,000) {Somali & Oromo split here} - > Proto Somali (2,500-2,000 yrs) - > modern Somali (2,000 - present)

This is roughly the lineage of the Somali People.


Cushite Arab
it's clear to me that everyone needs help and perhaps a bit of water. Learning our faith is essential; it's as vast as the oceans. From the proper way to wash oneself to understanding the origins of races, complexions, and phenotypes, all of this knowledge is within our deen. That's what I rely on and that's all I need.

I Gave good knowledge out and hope anyone benefits.
May Allah bless you for the evidences you sent us brother, how can I find more sources like these?


Imagine not mixing for hundreds off years to preserve your blood line just for your descendants to deny it and end up claiming to be a whole other ethnic
My landheer ali sabieh Geelgire Grindset ancestors are telling me to pick up a spear and delete this Shisheeye

