Yes your right but the risks are far less, good family is irrelevant, it has to be a family were the Father runs the household with an iron fist unopposed (not to be mistaken for a tyrant)The thing is as long as the state interferes with families, even ones brought up in good families become home wreckers.
The West is a cursed place
Female's that grow up in those households have submissiveness inculcated in there psyche, they are naturally soft and feminine craving the same type of husband.
They naturally despise the typical weak spineless Farax's, if you want any shot of surviving in the diaspora and going back home is not an option, these are the types of female's you should court.
They are scared of being single mothers unlike our ones that take pride in it with the majority of them being raised in either broken homes or households were the Fathers are rendered toothless.
These are the type of female's predisposed to homewrecking, conflict and destruction.