Should I do a voice message?
Yes abaayo. We want to hear your voice more.

Should I do a voice message?
I see you changed your avatar trying to compete with the new users. Now you want to share your voice? The struggle to stay relevant is real.Should I do a voice message?
I see you changed your avatar trying to compete with the new users. Now you want to share your voice? The struggle to stay relevant is real.
I gave up long ago.
Of course you shouldShould I do a voice message?
Just take the L bro
Just take the L bro
Did you watch the BTS juice wrld videoDid you atleast watch the video
I did, is it like a mash up or legit?Did you watch the BTS juice wrld video![]()
Nah they actually made a song togetherI did, is it like a mash up or legit?
I thought it was um... revolutional?Nah they actually made a song together
BTS spoke up when he passed away too lol
but what did you think
Bro before you all go off...
I know you are aware of all the gender wars and farax bashing but this is kind of an empowerment thread/ interesting thought that came to my head.
If you actually sit down and think about it, Somali guys are truly the most liberal and best husbands in the Islamic world.
Xalimos I promise you after a month with a Bangladeshi, Lebanese, Pakistani, Nigerian, Turkish, or Saudi husband...
You’ll come back running to our ashen ankles
Sanjit, Ahmet, and Ufufu won’t let you leave the house without one male representative. Married xalimos go wherever they please, and have actual freedom to be themselves
appreciate us before it is too late....![]()
FGM is not clitoral hood reduction you should understand the sources you are using.Well, as studies have shown:
“The study Aesthetic Labia Minora and Clitoral Hood Reduction using Extended Central Wedge Resection(2008) reported that of a 407-woman cohort, 98 per cent were satisfied with the labial reduction outcomes; that the average patient satisfaction score was 9.2 points on a 10-point scale; that 95 per cent of the women experienced reduced pudendal discomfort; that 93 per cent of the women experienced improved self esteem; that 71 per cent experienced improved sexual functioning; that 0.6 per cent (one woman) reported lessened sexual functioning; and that 4.4 per cent of the women experienced medical complications.”
Source: Alter GJ. Aesthetic Labia Minora and Clitoral Hood Reduction Using Extended Central Wedge Resection. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 2008. 122:6; 1780–1789.
“A clitoridotomy is a plastic surgery procedure wherein the clitoral hood is either split or removed completely. It is also known as female circumcision and has the same risks and potential complications as male circumcision. It also goes by other names, such as clitoral hoodectomy.”
“The aesthetic improvement associated with the procedure, on the other hand, is also known to help improve patients’ self-esteem.
Most women who undergo the procedure are satisfied with the results and the occurrence rating of post-surgical complications is very low. However, some specialists may advise patients to undergo psychological counseling before undergoing the said procedure to help them set the right expectations for the procedure.”
Source: Bramwell R, Morland C, Garden AS. Expectations and Experience of Labial Reduction: A Qualitative Study. British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 2007. 114(12);1493–1499.
Somali Liberal men are in reality weak cuckolds
They will soon die out in the coming age In'sha'Allah![]()
What happened to All Are Welcome In Beesha Land? I’m saddened to see this sort of behavior from a HG. We’re supposed to do better. Always think about how your posts will reflect on your people. You’re part of something bigger than yourself. Try to be a good representative for your people
FGM is not clitoral hood reduction you should understand the sources you are using.
I assumed we were talking about fgm in the somali context where type 3 is most common, if not then i misunderstood.Well, first off you need to look at my first post in this thread and realize what exactly we were discussing from the beginning. Secondly, the studies on elective circumcision is to prove that there’s no measurable harm in removing the clitoral hood, that it’s analogous to male circumcision and if anything it improved the lives of the patients. If you’re against any form of non-elective body modification where’s your uproar at parents who choose to get their babies ears pierced or male circumcision? Thirdly, the removal of the clitoral hood is classified as FGM see here for the WHO definition and I took the liberty to underline the relevant part.
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