Somali men hold a space with over 1k listeners insulting chunkz’s wife and Somali women


Imagine a grown man raised in Somalia chiming in to talk about another man’s wife.
# xaliye the midget.

Adam Weishaupt

Forgot I Had an Account
And in the other thread they had the audacity to talk about how women hate each other when it’s a certain demographic that constantly insults and calls Somali women dhil0s
How does a topic on women secretly hating each other got to do with with some men talking shyt about certain demographic ?

Women on women and men on women is complete different scenarios if you had basic intellect mate. Usual tactics of moving goalposts to avoid certain facts and reality.
Idk, if this is a dumb idea or not but wouldn’t it be easy to reveal who’s not Somali and who’s Somali. All you have to do is ask them a question in a live like “Hadii Somali ah tahay magacaaga kuu daar cagaar tufaax emoji” and see who could do it.
How does a topic on women secretly hating each other got to do with with some men talking shyt about certain demographic ?

Women on women and men on women is complete different scenarios if you had basic intellect mate. Usual tactics of moving goalposts to avoid certain facts and reality.
How is women hating on women different from men hating on women? It’s all hate at the end of the day.

My point was to highlight the hypocrisy in the discussion. You lot were in that thread claiming that women secretly hate each other all the while overlooking the fact that there are men who OPENLY degrade women constantly. I wasn’t moving the goal post; instead, I was trying to point out that disrespect and hostility isn’t limited to women.

Also, it’s funny how you say “women secretly hating each other”, as if all women have animosity towards each other. Yet when these men are essentially doing the same thing you were complaining, it’s just “some men talking shyt”.


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
We are finished these Dark NN ethiopian larper incels funded by the evil ethiopian regime who were slowly dying out managed to have a revival from slandering chunkz wedding. Nacalad on these bastards.
Dark NN are predominantly Darod although there’s some Hawiye and Dir there too, with most of the Hawiye on there being entirely of Habargidir stock. They number nearly 100 members and It’s a Somali diaspora outfit entirely, there’s no Cajnabis in the group and they’re pretty vicious towards them, there was this mixed race girl that got caught up in on of their escapades on Twitter and they managed to find n*des and her parents details etc etc

ps there are some women affiliated with them too who send details and stuff about people they don’t like and they air it out on Twitter whilst keeping to their dogma of misogynistic and anti women views.
Never underestimate a somalis ability to be a tribalist


♚Sargon of Adal♚
This isn't even a gender war anymore. In fact it's safe to say that shit ended on twitter. Xalimos can't even post pics on twitter without getting harassed by dark NN.
Dark NN right now, Elon created safe heaven for these .... it's basically early 2010's 4chan/8chan.

Adam Weishaupt

Forgot I Had an Account
This isn't even a gender war anymore. In fact it's safe to say that shit ended on twitter. Xalimos can't even post pics on twitter without getting harassed by dark NN.
Women are also same ones feeding these Incels information from private chats and groups of vids. Most hated Somali actually mentioned this saying he just is the messenger.

Who even uses twitter anyways some confusing grandma app, even worse who even posts themselves.
8/9 years ago when these gender wars kicked off I saw how bad this was gonna get people like putting the spotlight on other communities claiming they have it worse but we forget those communities are in the tens of millions while we are barely 1 million in the west


This goes beyond so called incels. Most of the so called incels which also include nationalists may engage in gender wars and FKD but I doubt that they would laugh it up with known Somali men haters like that Congolese Savva.

I don’t doubt that there are some deranged Faraxs amongst them but the main instigators include some who were exposed as gaalo Ethiopians. Like that Oscar guy from Twitter. They can’t even string a sentence in Somali together and are known to throw out words that anyone can google.

Its one thing for women hating Faraxs to slander us but when they go after unproblematic Somali men like Chunkz and they invite Somali men bashers on the stage, it’s clear that there is something bigger going on.

Some of the biggest accounts on Twitter that pretend to be African American and who post unflattering fight videos have been found to be run by Indians. The AA community have clocked this.
Somali men have held spaces bashing Somali women in the past though just like this. Remember digital sisterhood? Those guys in that space saying gross things were mostly Somali with their faces up, not trolls and then they allowed ajnabis to speak on it and say nasty things as well.


Women are also same ones feeding these Incels information from private chats and groups of vids. Most hated Somali actually mentioned this saying he just is the messenger.

Who even uses twitter anyways some confusing grandma app, even worse who even posts themselves.
He’s lying lmao. All that nigga does is lie. The “female” that posted chunkz and his wife was such an obvious d@rk nn troll larping as a woman. They’re not good at larping. They even did it on Eid with Somali women’s pictures. I can always tell right away

