Somali Men Should Embrace Blackpill


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Imma be honest Idc how fine a guy is I would lose interest if I found out he subscribed to these ideologies or talks, personally for me there is nothing more unattractive than a man who treats attraction like a game of chess it’s the best way of saying you don’t want ME in particular but just about any woman who meets a particular level of attractiveness.

A lot of ppl these days men and women treat dating as a way to validate their ego and like a game of chess, they are more preoccupied with the validation that come with a “yes” as opposed to finding a genuine connection it’s really getting old.

Ps hookup culture has really fucked shit up men literally lie up and down of course women have to be more selective, and now it’s worse bc unattractive men try to overcompensate with lies (ASK ME HOW I KNOW) there’s no winning, if women are selective they’re b*tches, if they’re easy they’re wh*res. MAKE IT MAKE F*CKING SENSE :snoop:

i choose being a b*tch over a “wh+re” anyday and that’s that on that. I’m ready to get dragged tho just watch :chrisfreshhah:
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Black pill is for…..

1) basement dwelling incels, who get validated for not trying to improve their circumstances, due to lack of (insert whatever excuse that makes you feel better) . Like the loser who owns this Channel. The guy knows absolutely nothing about female nature, he only regurgitates info from dating apps.

2) F boys who only have the ability to attract women, but zero game in maintaining them. so they do hook up and use their notch count to stroke their sensitive egos, like fit x fearless. I remember when he was a unknown YouTuber and use to brag about sleeping with a 100 women. Then traveling to Colombia to pick up women on the street and in the malls, why didn’t he try that in the U.S, where he allegedly had stud statues? Straight goofy.

3) tricks with no game to attract women at all but who instead use money, material and statues to obtain only fan girls services, like the two losers from fresh and fit who call themselves red pill. While completely going against its teachings. One being don’t pay for cookies!!!!!!
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El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
Nihilism in understanding where you stand in the hierarchy and striving to change your standing its the form of giving yourself the brutal cold harsh truth and accepting and working with what you have to boost your standing by any means neccessary even if it means going under the knife

” Where you stand in the Hierarchy

” Going under the knife”

Walaal, I will be harsh. Stop this nikka talk. Raganimo waxaan ma ahan, this is just stupidity.

Being realistic with yourself doesn’t mean to be pessimistic about yourself. Because thats what you truly think about yourself.

I will involve our religion into this discussion. How can you be pessimistic when Allah SWT can grant you anything? You can’t be pessimistic, you are not a gaal.

Man up and look to the future positively. You got no other choice.
It's mental laziness—the same reason people say, "I can get good grades, but I'm lazy," or "College is a scam, which is why I choose to work a minimum-wage, no-growth job."

You're afraid: afraid of rejection, afraid of hard work, and afraid that part of the problem might actually be you.

"Girls make up their minds in half a second," you say, while being borderline obese or looking like a Holocaust survivor.

"All girls think the same!" you exclaim, while rotting your brain on social media.

One year—that's all it takes to make significant improvements physically and mentally, to become a far more attractive human being.

But that's hard. You know what's not hard? Blaming some external factor that's completely out of your control for all your misfortune. That way, you don't have to confront the truth: the only person solely responsible for your current situation is YOU.


This ideology can genuinely save somali men and here are some key takes from this very informative video

1. A woman makes up her mind in less than half a second.
2. You cannot change a womans mind.
3. All women share the same mind.

And these points are explained more in depth in the video I believe we should enforce this thinking on all of us so we can have better stock quality, less ugly guys and higher appeal. Thoughts?
Bro this is extremely dangerous movement and it could result of creating the first Somali puff diddy in our small community.

Emir of Zayla

𝕹𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 𝖔𝖋 𝕻𝖔𝖊𝖙𝖘
This ideology can genuinely save somali men and here are some key takes from this very informative video

1. A woman makes up her mind in less than half a second.
2. You cannot change a womans mind.
3. All women share the same mind.

And these points are explained more in depth in the video I believe we should enforce this thinking on all of us so we can have better stock quality, less ugly guys and higher appeal. Thoughts?
Fix up and work on yourself brother, go to the gym and allat. This apathetic outlook on life isn’t good for any young man.


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
Never and our women aren't all the same or have the same mindset and as a man you should know how to get your woman on control.
The thought process doesnt apply to one type of women they all act like this and its simple biology.


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
Lots of black pillers turn into incels.

I'd rather Somali men learn how to pull women within their range. I don't want to see guys crying and mateguarding because they can't pull baddies out of their league.
Even pulling women in your range is tough how many times do I have to stress the point looks is everything.


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
isn't this also part of a 1% averga e person doesn't look like this
No its 1–2% people beautiful and very attractive in many ways physically,. 45% are AVERAGE people and over 50% are considered ugly people physically.


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
Black pill is for…..

1) basement dwelling incels, who get validated for not trying to improve their circumstances, due to lack of (insert whatever excuse that makes you feel better) . Like the loser who owns this Channel. The guy knows absolutely nothing about female nature, he only regurgitates info from dating apps.
Explain how though lol everything said is undeniable facts and is literally wired into both male and female biological mind 😂 I can attest to his points personally cause I got varying and neutral expressions from women whether I approached them or made eye contact 2 years ago but now its different and when I changed and improved they all smile, express positive body language and want to be near me and I dont hate women for that or hold them accountable since I understand thats just how human nature works.
It's mental laziness—the same reason people say, "I can get good grades, but I'm lazy," or "College is a scam, which is why I choose to work a minimum-wage, no-growth job."

You're afraid: afraid of rejection, afraid of hard work, and afraid that part of the problem might actually be you.

"Girls make up their minds in half a second," you say, while being borderline obese or looking like a Holocaust survivor.

"All girls think the same!" you exclaim, while rotting your brain on social media.

One year—that's all it takes to make significant improvements physically and mentally, to become a far more attractive human being.

But that's hard. You know what's not hard? Blaming some external factor that's completely out of your control for all your misfortune. That way, you don't have to confront the truth: the only person solely responsible for your current situation is YOU.
Like I said before blackpill either consumes you or pushes you to do better and come out a better man.


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
” Where you stand in the Hierarchy

” Going under the knife”

Walaal, I will be harsh. Stop this nikka talk. Raganimo waxaan ma ahan, this is just stupidity.

Being realistic with yourself doesn’t mean to be pessimistic about yourself. Because thats what you truly think about yourself.

I will involve our religion into this discussion. How can you be pessimistic when Allah SWT can grant you anything? You can’t be pessimistic, you are not a gaal.

Man up and look to the future positively. You got no other choice.
You cant just sit there and bring your hands up to allah and ask him to grant you something you have to prove how much you want something thats how it works you accept the harsh reality, make dua to allah and work your ass off to reach your goal how hard can it be that you guys deny this?
Fix up and work on yourself brother, go to the gym and allat. This apathetic outlook on life isn’t good for any young man.
Blackpill if used correctly= Progress and Ascension
Imma be honest Idc how fine a guy is I would lose interest if I found out he subscribed to these ideologies or talks, personally for me there is nothing more unattractive than a man who treats attraction like a game of chess it’s the best way of saying you don’t want ME in particular but just about any woman who meets a particular level of attractiveness.

A lot of ppl these days men and women treat dating as a way to validate their ego and like a game of chess, they are more preoccupied with the validation that come with a “yes” as opposed to finding a genuine connection it’s really getting old.

Ps hookup culture has really fucked shit up men literally lie up and down of course women have to be more selective, and now it’s worse bc unattractive men try to overcompensate with lies (ASK ME HOW I KNOW) there’s no winning, if women are selective they’re b*tches, if they’re easy they’re wh*res. MAKE IT MAKE F*CKING SENSE :snoop:

i choose being a b*tch over a “wh+re” anyday and that’s that on that. I’m ready to get dragged tho just watch :chrisfreshhah:
Attraction isnt chess its one of the most simple human natures
Handsome= High Appeal and Attraction
Ugly= Low Appeal and Attraction
Also I agree with you being selective theres nothing wrong with it everyone is its just women are biologically wired to be more selective after all they are responsible for passing down the genes to their offspring. I told @idc The same thing and how does a thought process throw you off its just essentially the belief or opinion that "Looks is Everything" which you hypocritically subscribe to that belief but dont want men to have the same belief even when it means them improving.
You cant just sit there and bring your hands up to allah and ask him to grant you something you have to prove how much you want something thats how it works you accept the harsh reality, make dua to allah and work your ass off to reach your goal how hard can it be that you guys deny this?

Blackpill if used correctly= Progress and Ascension

Attraction isnt chess its one of the most simple human natures
Handsome= High Appeal and Attraction
Ugly= Low Appeal and Attraction
Also I agree with you being selective theres nothing wrong with it everyone is its just women are biologically wired to be more selective after all they are responsible for passing down the genes to their offspring. I told @idc The same thing and how does a thought process throw you off its just essentially the belief or opinion that "Looks is Everything" which you hypocritically subscribe to that belief but dont want men to have the same belief even when it means them improving.
Sxb just go outside and look at the couples you see in public. Look at who your friends are dating.

This looks is everything stuff is all bs all you have to do is not be ugly. For 80% of people to not be ugly all you have to do is groom yourself, and be a nice person. That’s literally it.

The only folks who get ladies out of their league are the ones who have something going for them (wealth,charisma,gym) that’s what you should be focusing on 👍🏾


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
You folks are coping so hard 🤦‍♂️ Blackpill= Acknoledgement of Truth/Reality= Either fall into despair or Come out stronger and better you guys are preaching the 3rd step but want to refuse the 1st step :what1: this approach is simple how do you solve the problem? do you jump straight to the solution without knowing anything or acknowledge the problem and make actionable steps to reach the solution. Blackpill opens your mind to this and from there YOU 🫵 have the choice on acting upon it or not thats YOUR 🫵 problem

Say this guy would you really tell him to just "Be confident!", "Have a Good Personality!" "Just go to the gym and be happy!" The last one is semi true but gym only gets you so far and your being very general by telling him to "Just be happy" how would he achieve that? All your doing is causing this guy more suffering and pain.

Whereas I would sit him down. Point out his physical flaws, No sugarcoating, No BS, No Virtue signalling and then outline how he can change that whether it ranges from basic self care, rigorous softmaxx or plainly put. Surgery. From there he wont be tormented he will be aware of his flaws and its up to him to decide what to do with this information. People dont care if your nice, funny, caring, confident those things are secondary and always will be to looks if you improve your looks you can improve thosr aspects with ease thats how the world works I wish it wasnt this way but thats how it is and we must accept it instead of whining and coping this isnt a disney movie that you watched with your family or as a kid

Its reality. Grow up.


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
Lol just don’t go on that guys looksmaxxing show blaming your ethnicity for how you look
You think I am self hating like you? I played with the cards I was dealt with and reaped massive benefits it doesnt matter if your black, brown or white you can still ascend its how you personally take these truths that determine your outcome. Looks ascend over your ethnic group you can be indian or white gutter trash but still be very handsome and attract all sorts of women and people.