You're just quoting Wikipedia. Anyone can edit anything.

Hmmm you also posted that text. Where is that text from? Cus it seems to downplay Reer Xamar heavily and go against the narrative. How can Muslims tax fellow Muslims? This is clearly bogus text made by trollsMogadishu was never founded and built by immigrants from Arabia when in fact they got permission from the local native Somalis to settle in one particular neighbourhood and paid tribute to the local Somali rulers. They were always small and powerless in Mogadishu. They didn't found or rule shit, same applies for Zeila. They were just merchants or refugees that settled in those cities.
These immigrants assimilated and intermarried quickly and became Somalized Arabs.
Also a "preexisting Somali population" doesn't mean anything. It just means that ajnabis came and built the city even though the locals were already there, basically outclassing them. So yeah, it still doesn't disprove the claim that ajnabis kickstarted the city and it makes sense, the architecture is clearly foreign, Somalis never built higher than a 1 story building. Not cooning just being honest. Nomadic populations don't built stuff like that. Just sayin...
It's like saying the native Americans founded the USA because they were there before Europeans came. lmao.
Again, mostly Somali could mean around 30% were foreign or summ. ALSO it still doesn't debate my point, them being Somali majority doesn't mean ajnabis didn't give life to the cities and/or founded them. All u just did was highlight a sentence that said "Somalis were majority"...and??? You see what I mean? That blank statement saying Somalis were majority doesn't mean anything.Mogadishu, Merka and Barawa became important Muslim commercial centers but they were predominantly Somali.
They could've been ajnabi majority first and then Somalis moved in too.
Again, being majority Somali doesn't mean anything m8. Everyone knows that Zeila and Berbera were OWNED by Arabs/Muslim ajnabis during Medieval period. This is a FACT my dear friend @FactzAs for Zeila, sure it was a metropolis multi-cultural city. However, it was also predominantly Somali.
This next quote refers to Zeila in Adal period:
"According to I.M. Lewis, the polity was governed by local dynasties consisting of Somalized Arabs or Arabized Somalis, who also ruled over the similarly-established Sultanate of Mogadishu in the Benadir region to the south."

This quote is talking about Berbera and Zeila in the 18th-19th Century:
“The only seaports of importance on this coast are Feyla [Zeila] and Berbera; the former is an Arabian colony, dependent of Mocha, but Berbera is independent of any foreign power."

Does it hurt yet?

But on a real all argument is "these areas were majority Somali" and nothing more.
Buuut if u can prove to me the first pic, the one that says ajnabis were made to pay tribute, I'll gie u a point there. But otherwise, wikipedia is indeed correct. Rejoice @Shanshiyo1234
@Knowles this is real history right here

@Furioso what do u think of my analysis?