Somali Men, Who Would You Choose

Who do you desire more?

  • A

    Votes: 22 34.4%
  • B

    Votes: 42 65.6%

  • Total voters
Name one thing that Somalis came up with!
You’re culturally Somali yourself and mixed with Somalis. Since you want to think you’re different from us then let me tell you. No offence but you’re people are a minority in Somalia. You live on our land, speak our language and carry our culture so you’re only attacking yourself at the end of the day with these stupid comments.
Lool you’re funny. You’re not Arab, persian or Middle eastern. You’re culturally Somali and you mixed with us. You speak our language, carry our culture and live on our land. Benadiris on average have 40-50% Somali DNA so be quiet. You sound stupid when you think you’re different from other Somalis.
It’s your fellow ethnic Somalis constantly bashing us, stalking us, and harassing us. I’m NOT culturally Somali. We didn’t mix your people, your people mixed with us. We were the first in Mogadishu and you know it!


"You are your best thing"
Why do you care if we look like or Bantus or not?! And we don’t, not there’s anything wrong with Bantus! Are you sure (real) Ashraf can look like regular Somalis?
You are the one that took that as an insult and then you are going to ask me what’s wrong with it? Of course there is nothing wrong with looking like a Bantu, I just noticed the similarities, and I would know how asharafs look since I’m half asharaf myself :samwelcome: you will never see asharaf claiming to be anything but Somali unlike shanshis who like to bootyclap Arabs and some even claim xaar throwers.:susp:
Lool you’re funny. You’re not Arab, persian or Middle eastern. You’re culturally Somali and you mixed with us. You speak our language, carry our culture and live on our land. Benadiris on average have 40-50% Somali DNA so be quiet. You sound stupid when you think you’re different from other Somalis.
It’s your fellow ethnic Somalis constantly bashing us, stalking us, and harassing us. I’m NOT culturally Somali. We didn’t mix your people, your people mixed with us. We were the first in Mogadishu and you know it!
It’s your fellow ethnic Somalis constantly bashing us, stalking us, and harassing us. I’m NOT culturally Somali. We didn’t mix your people, your people mixed with us. We were the first in Mogadishu and you know it!
That’s been refuted. Didn’t you get into a debate with Factz where you got debunked and humiliated on that thread? Your historical revisionism doesn’t work and it’s easily debunked. Mogadishu has always been a Somali city whether you like it or not. You’re history starts with when you were poor refugees who were accepted by the Ajuran Sultanate, that’s all.
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Lool you’re funny. You’re not Arab, persian or Middle eastern. You’re culturally Somali and you mixed with us. You speak our language, carry our culture and live on our land. Benadiris on average have 40-50% Somali DNA so be quiet. You sound stupid when you think you’re different from other Somalis.
It’s your fellow ethnic Somalis constantly bashing us, stalking us, and harassing us. I’m NOT culturally Somali. We didn’t mix your people, your people mixed with us. We were the first in Mogadishu and you know it!
Keep claiming Mogadishu. Didn’t you get into a debate with Factz where you got debunked and humiliated on that thread? Your historical revisionism doesn’t work and it’s easily debunked. Mogadishu has always been a Somali city whether you like it or not. You’re history starts with when you were poor refugees who were accepted by the Ajuran Sultanate, that’s all.
Dude Falzy never debunked me. The only people who practice historical revisionism are YOUR people. I screenshotted books written in 1500s you low iq f*ck!
I’m NOT culturally Somali.
That’s you’re opinion. At the end of the day, most Reer xamars are proud of being Somali, probably one of the proudest Somalis I ever seen. You will be laughed at by the Reer Xamar community for saying you have nothing to do with Somalis.

This Reer xamar girl proudly reps Somalia:

All the men in the world prefer light skinned women, not just Somali men. It is biological. Who on earth wants a dhuxul wife when you can get a beautiful reer xamar hoor al ayn.
you are honest with your self and with people around you.
having a high priced naturally light skinned daughter is way better then having a dhuxul as a descendent that can be inticed with 1/2 apple.
No offense to halimos but somalis need to wise up and breed beautiful people not dhuxul looking ones.


The Reer Xamar girl on the left is cute, would wife her (too bad she’s probably engaged to her cousin tho)

Also, there’s nothing wrong with preferring light skin, let’s be honest most of us do.
It’s your fellow ethnic Somalis constantly bashing us, stalking us, and harassing us. I’m NOT culturally Somali. We didn’t mix your people, your people mixed with us. We were the first in Mogadishu and you know it!

Dude Falzy never debunked me. The only people who practice historical revisionism are YOUR people. I screenshotted books written in 1500s you low iq f*ck!
Oh no who brang this guy back *facepalm*

this is in high demand

that's like the top 2.5 percentile of xalimos. Anyone can hand pick from insta m8.

The basic xalimo:




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