Somali military service for say walahi’s


"For sale: Baby shoes, never worn."
Can the diaspora residing in the West be permitted to work for a foreign military and/or government (including organizations such as NISA) is my question. Bumping the thread.
Can the diaspora residing in the West be permitted to work for a foreign military and/or government (including organizations such as NISA) is my question. Bumping the thread.
Yeah as long as you are Somali ethnically you can work in any government position & join the military
There is debate whether Somalia is even a Muslim country or not. The only country which you should be willing to do jihad for is Saudi and maybe Qatar. No others
Why are you claiming it then? Feel free to disassociate with it and claim Saudi exclusively.
Another brainwashed “Muslim” who hates everything Saudi. You probably support Ansarullah and 7ezboula as well because they are “resisting zionists” right. Foolish guy
You are the clown claiming Somalia not Muslim country and Saudi only people to fight/Jihad for, cucked fool you are
Throwing away your life for a third world military, start a business or something man
I smell a coward lol, the Somalis in the west act like they'll be their for ever, bro when it starts to kick off which it will be soon your gonna wish you knw how to protect yourself
There is debate whether Somalia is even a Muslim country or not. The only country which you should be willing to do jihad for is Saudi and maybe Qatar. No other
Sounding like some khawarij, Somalia is a Muslim country you nacas, I’d happily fight for Saudi but guess what they got America fighting for them so I don’t think they need us