Somali Muslim leader gives a rhino to the ruler of Makkah

Basic google search will tell you Ezana adopted the term Ethiopia in the 4th century, it is literally used on the Ezana stone

AFTER conquering a declining Ethiopia a.k.a Kush / Nubia of old. It would be like Haile Selassie renaming Abyssinia as Saba because an ancient king from a different kingdom once flexed it as being part of its dominions.

Emir of Zayla

𝕹𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 𝖔𝖋 𝕻𝖔𝖊𝖙𝖘
Basic google search will tell you Ezana adopted the term Ethiopia in the 4th century, it is literally used on the Ezana stone
Even more basic google search will tell you it was a gradual adoption by Highlanders to associate with Biblical Ethiopia (Kush)
Even more basic google search will tell you it was a gradual adoption by Highlanders to associate with Biblical Ethiopia (Kush)
I never said it wasn’t due to that lol but you claimed it was recent which simply isn’t true.
Also there seems to be early Meroitic influences in pre-Axumite Ethiopia/Eritrea so there reason for claiming Ethiopia may be more complex than simply wanting to identify with Biblical Ethiopia.
Also, on the Ezana stone Ethiopian is equated with Habesha, as in, the Greek portion of the stone says Ethiopia but that term in the Sabean or Ge’ez version is “Habashat”.

“Ezana, son of Ella Amida, king of the Aksumites, the Himyarites, Raeidan, the Ethiopians, the Sabaeans, Silei (Salhen), Tiyamo, the Beja and Kasou, king of kings, son of the unconquered god Ares.”

Notice how Ethiopians are separate from Axumite, they were a specific peoples living in the highlands who ended up being conquered by the Axumites.

I personally think the highlands were made up of a bunch of different people who all fought each other and had differing identities, the most dominant groups ended up taking over and spreading there identity to the rest of the highlands(Axum, Adulis, Agazi and Habesha/Ethiopian)

Agazi for example, are a peoples/polity that are mentioned in the Adulite throne as being subjugated by the king of Adulis, among many other peoples. Tigrinya Eritreans and Tigrayans only recently stopped calling themselves “Agazian”(20th cent) .So that term became an identifier among all Tigrinya speakers who btw are the true inheritors of Axum not the Amhara, this clearly shows certain groups in the highlands in the early Axumite era spread out and conquered the region spreading these identities and replacing the weaker people’s identities.

Basically my point is the highlanders who called themselves Ethiopian were probably a specific tribe/polity that could have had actual Nubian roots, and they simply spread this identity through conquest/assimilation, rather than the entire state adopting the term purely to associate with Biblical Ethiopia.
AFTER conquering a declining Ethiopia a.k.a Kush / Nubia of old. It would be like Haile Selassie renaming Abyssinia as Saba because an ancient king from a different kingdom once flexed it as being part of its dominions.
We don’t know that for sure, see my post above. It doesn’t make sense for the term Habesha/Habashat to predate Ezana and for him to equate that term with Ethiopian yet he talks about conquering Ethiopians who are supposed to be the Habashat who are highlanders
Also if we’re being honest Habesha and Somalis MAY have a greater historical claim to Nubia/ancient Ethiopia than modern North Sudanis(except Beja)
Wallahi, you Somali hoteps kill me. Garaad Mahfuz was of Harla hereditary nobility. Garaaf Mahfuz had nothing to do with Somalis. I have to admit, I am pretty impressed with how the Somali hoteps are extremely dedicated and never get tired of spreading historical fiction and exaggerating historical accounts. One day, it will catch up to you.

Imam Ahmad's elder brother, Abun, succeeded his father as the garad of Sim. After the death of his father around 1510, Abun continued to lead the Sim contingent force under Amir Mahfuz (1490-1516) until he was killed in one of Mahfuz's annual raids into the Christian Kingdom. Sim was the Harla people's principality. Imam Ahmed and Mahfuz were members of the hereditary Harla aristocracy.

Most of the Hawiye clan didn't even know about Imam Ahmed until very recently. You are connecting the wrong puzzles and coming to a false and premature conclusion about Imam Ahmed being Somali. Harla waa Somali. Balaw was Somali. You hoteps kill me.
During the colonial period, there was a hunting ban, and anyone who hunted without a permit was imprisoned. Animal life was destroyed after 1960. When my father was a child in the early sixties, he would still see elephants in western Hargeisa And giraffes migrated during the rainy season.
Imam Ahmad's elder brother, Abun, succeeded his father as the garad of Sim. After the death of his father around 1510, Abun continued to lead the Sim contingent force under Amir Mahfuz (1490-1516) until he was killed in one of Mahfuz's annual raids into the Christian Kingdom. Sim was the Harla people's principality. Imam Ahmed and Mahfuz were members of the hereditary Harla aristocracy. Dont let these hoteps deceive you.
Wallahi, you Somali hoteps kill me. Garaad Mahfuz was of Harla hereditary nobility. Garaaf Mahfuz had nothing to do with Somalis. I have to admit, I am pretty impressed with how the Somali hoteps are extremely dedicated and never get tired of spreading historical fiction and exaggerating historical accounts. One day, it will catch up to you.

Imam Ahmad's elder brother, Abun, succeeded his father as the garad of Sim. After the death of his father around 1510, Abun continued to lead the Sim contingent force under Amir Mahfuz (1490-1516) until he was killed in one of Mahfuz's annual raids into the Christian Kingdom. Sim was the Harla people's principality. Imam Ahmed and Mahfuz were members of the hereditary Harla aristocracy.

Most of the Hawiye clan didn't even know about Imam Ahmed until very recently. You are connecting the wrong puzzles and coming to a false and premature conclusion about Imam Ahmed being Somali. Harla waa Somali. Balaw was Somali. You hoteps kill me.

Harar is dhul Hawiye. Our saints and elders are buried all over Harar. Gidir Magala itself is named after Gidir Karanle.




Wallahi, you Somali hoteps kill me. Garaad Mahfuz was of Harla hereditary nobility. Garaaf Mahfuz had nothing to do with Somalis. I have to admit, I am pretty impressed with how the Somali hoteps are extremely dedicated and never get tired of spreading historical fiction and exaggerating historical accounts. One day, it will catch up to you.

Imam Ahmad's elder brother, Abun, succeeded his father as the garad of Sim. After the death of his father around 1510, Abun continued to lead the Sim contingent force under Amir Mahfuz (1490-1516) until he was killed in one of Mahfuz's annual raids into the Christian Kingdom. Sim was the Harla people's principality. Imam Ahmed and Mahfuz were members of the hereditary Harla aristocracy.

Most of the Hawiye clan didn't even know about Imam Ahmed until very recently. You are connecting the wrong puzzles and coming to a false and premature conclusion about Imam Ahmed being Somali. Harla waa Somali. Balaw was Somali. You hoteps kill me.
Just like clock work HabarEthiopian is here to try to discredit or rewrite somali history, This a full time job for you
Harar is dhul Hawiye. Our saints and elders are buried all over Harar. Gidir Magala itself is named after Gidir Karanle.

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You didn't address any of my points. Harar was never Dhul Hawiye. You hoteps made that up. I demonstrated that Imam Ahmad's brother Abun led the sim contingent force under Mahfuz. Do you know that Sim was the Harla people's principality? Hubat and Sim were the principalities of the Harla people.

You only showed a passage of Hawiye raiding cattle and destroying crops. The futuh al-Habesh describes the inhabitants of Harar in great detail. The only sedentary agriculturalist Somali clans described as inhabiting Harar are Marehan and Girri. No mention of hawiye. Most Hawiye don't even know Mahfuz. Sxb stop being intellectually dishonest. Can you name any prominent Karanle historian who said Imam Ahmed or Mahfuz were Somali?
Just like clock work HabarEthiopian is here to try to discredit or rewrite somali history, This a full time job for you
Prove anything I said was wrong or intellectually dishonest. I know you hoteps are seething in rage whenever your lies and exaggerations of historical accounts are exposed. You can only resort to name-calling and discrediting people's roots as a coping mechanism. You don't have the intellectual capacity or maturity to analyze historical sources with a critical eye.

Discrediting people's roots and resorting to name-calling is a sign of defeat and frustration. It also shows your inability to effectively communicate your disagreements. Your poor cognitive system and your severely deficient intellectual capacity restrict your ability to constructively engage in any topic. Keep staying mad hotep.
What a great find and a keen observation. I've read portuguese account on the history of ethiopia and surprisingly garaad mahfuz was very prominent. If i recall correctly according to the portuguese he was allied to both the turks and the arabs. I'd say this account is probably talking about him specially since the date matches and rhinos were still roaming in the north.
Imam Ahmad's elder brother, Abun, succeeded his father as the garad of Sim. After the death of his father around 1510, Abun continued to lead the Sim contingent force under Amir Mahfuz (1490-1516) until he was killed in one of Mahfuz's annual raids into the Christian Kingdom. Sim was the Harla people's principality. Imam Ahmed and Mahfuz were members of the hereditary Harla aristocracy. Please stop being intellectually dishonest.
You didn't address any of my points. Harar was never Dhul Hawiye. You hoteps made that up. I demonstrated that Imam Ahmad's brother Abun led the sim contingent force under Mahfuz. Do you know that Sim was the Harla people's principality? Hubat and Sim were the principalities of the Harla people.

You only showed a passage of Hawiye raiding cattle and destroying crops. The futuh al-Habesh describes the inhabitants of Harar in great detail. The only sedentary agriculturalist Somali clans described as inhabiting Harar are Marehan and Girri. No mention of hawiye. Most Hawiye don't even know Mahfuz. Sxb stop being intellectually dishonest. Can you name any prominent Karanle historian who said Imam Ahmed or Mahfuz were Somali?

You’re wasting time. Imam Ahmed and his entire family are Karanle. People will remember harar started off as its own confederate a karanle village with sheikh abadirs sheikhal emirate moving the town forward as a fourth capital of islam. Our history has long been institutionalised by the Ethiopian “state”. It’s pointless arguing with me when your knowledge is nothing compared to Ahmed Sami and the likes!

Imam Ahmad's elder brother, Abun, succeeded his father as the garad of Sim. After the death of his father around 1510, Abun continued to lead the Sim contingent force under Amir Mahfuz (1490-1516) until he was killed in one of Mahfuz's annual raids into the Christian Kingdom. Sim was the Harla people's principality. Imam Ahmed and Mahfuz were members of the hereditary Harla aristocracy. Please stop being intellectually dishonest.
Muslim scholar Ahmed Sami who knows futuh medinat harar and futuh habesha like the back of his hand has made it clear. Futuh habesha isnt even complete, a whole 2nd volume is missing and yet karanle subsubclans and deegaans are all over first futuh 🤣

Ali Keno, Aw sharif , Hawiye Gudina etc are all old Karanle figures buried inside Harar region area. Don’t waste your time.



Wallahi, you Somali hoteps kill me. Garaad Mahfuz was of Harla hereditary nobility. Garaaf Mahfuz had nothing to do with Somalis. I have to admit, I am pretty impressed with how the Somali hoteps are extremely dedicated and never get tired of spreading historical fiction and exaggerating historical accounts. One day, it will catch up to you.

Imam Ahmad's elder brother, Abun, succeeded his father as the garad of Sim. After the death of his father around 1510, Abun continued to lead the Sim contingent force under Amir Mahfuz (1490-1516) until he was killed in one of Mahfuz's annual raids into the Christian Kingdom. Sim was the Harla people's principality. Imam Ahmed and Mahfuz were members of the hereditary Harla aristocracy.

Most of the Hawiye clan didn't even know about Imam Ahmed until very recently. You are connecting the wrong puzzles and coming to a false and premature conclusion about Imam Ahmed being Somali. Harla waa Somali. Balaw was Somali. You hoteps kill me.
Hawiye were in the Adal and Ethiopia war sxb


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