Somali professor sentenced to 2 1/2 half years in prison for blasphemy

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Samaalic Era

Umm... have you ever been? They really aren't as religious as western Somalis think they are.

Thats true. They only memorize Qur'an but have zero understanding of it and no nothing about Somali history except from the communist era. They are opportunists who have no honor or loyalty except for a few, not to say that diaspora Somalis are better

Samaalic Era

I found an English translation of the first post to help anyone who's as bad at Somali as I am:

"Our tyrannical God, who doesn't care about the weakest of our people and doesn't give them the rain they asked for, despite being Muslims and asking him that over and over and prayed for, I strongly believe that it's because of the contempt he has for us and that he only wants to humiliate us and because he sees us weak people the he had defeated them.

While Europeans and Americans defeated him when they told him "To keep the rain to himself" and started making it artificially.

So, it's better for Somalis To stop praying for this stubborn God and throw his religion into the dustbin and start learning how to make rain by themselves as other developed people like Europeans and Americans did".

- Mahmoud Jama Ahmed - Hamdi
Thats straight up gaalnimo:gucciwhat:
So much blasphemy in one post, subhanallah. :jcoleno:

Correct me if I'm wrong, but did he literally say that America and Europe were stronger than Allah (Glory be to Him, the Exalted) and that Somalia should throw away her deen?

Please say my Somali is just terrible and I read that wrong.
This guy sounds so ignorant..
Last year we had a drought here in my end of Europe.. All the farmers were worried and crying for rain.. He's very disrespectful and sound really ignorant.


But they will protect 11 old child rapist and not put him in jail the people that raped and killed that little girl are free

Not sure why you feel the need to lie but all the men in that case are in jail and their court hearing begins next Saturday.

You don't remember Aisha that the little girl she was around 12/13 old gang raped and killed by them out "respect and tradition" they didn't face no jail and we're protected by the elders that kinda people your dealing but since elder know better we have to respect how do we know they aren't paid themselves shit fucked me up

This is a blatant lie and never took place. You are one sick individual to be writing a fantasy about a such a tragic case.

Sxb, if he’s the guy that Mercury posted, the prof sounds to me as an atheist and for getting only 2 1/2 years, he must come from a powerful clan. In Burco, the talibans there would’ve demanded for his neck.

in that case he could be in big trouble with salafists(salafists really dont have any power right now unless they in the court system or they wouldve killed him)but seriously someone has to show me credible evidence he is in jail. am sure he is not in jail cos its not in the news anywhere here.
in many cases the people(clans)r more powerful than the courts here unless you a murderer or thief or rapist. many people not as religious in somalia as people think. it looks its goin back to pre 1980s.
and this should be left to his god. people exercising how much they can go with their freedom of speech, so far working .
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Now you see, what this 'professor' was displaying is the classic atheist arrogance and smugness. The funny thing is, he'll be mocking Muslims for prayers for rain and so on, all the while his 'intelligent' self standing around dishing out insults, and not doing a thing to help.

I tell you mate, murtads are a special breed of people.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
So the man was imprisoned for telling people to stop acting handicapped and find productive solutions to their problems... :bell:
Thats partly what he Said but he went further than that he told people to throw away their religion

Even Allah says he wont change the condition of people unless they strive to change themselves but this Guy went too far


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Wow, thats clear cut (disbelief) kufr. I was about to defend him giving him the enefit of the doubt meaning I thought he was encouraging not only Praying but action as well. It seems he dismisses prayer all together.


I found an English translation of the first post to help anyone who's as bad at Somali as I am:

"Our tyrannical God, who doesn't care about the weakest of our people and doesn't give them the rain they asked for, despite being Muslims and asking him that over and over and prayed for, I strongly believe that it's because of the contempt he has for us and that he only wants to humiliate us and because he sees us weak people the he had defeated them.

While Europeans and Americans defeated him when they told him "To keep the rain to himself" and started making it artificially.

So, it's better for Somalis To stop praying for this stubborn God and throw his religion into the dustbin and start learning how to make rain by themselves as other developed people like Europeans and Americans did".

- Mahmoud Jama Ahmed - Hamdi
Statistically, there would have to be, but I’m still impressed someone who lives in Somaliland said something like this, especially publicly. I wouldn’t call him a “murtad”, he’s not questioning god’s existence, more like the character of the “tyrannical god” and the utility of prayer.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Statistically, there would have to be, but I’m still impressed someone who lives in Somaliland said something like this, especially publicly. I wouldn’t call him a “murtad”, he’s not questioning god’s existence, more like the character of the “tyrannical god” and the utility of prayer.
The religion of nihilism is spreading indeed.


The religion of nihilism is spreading indeed.
I wouldn’t call him a nihilist. He reads more like a utilitarian, he’s results-driven, which is hardly a bad thing. But I know you can’t agree with me on that.
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Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
I wouldn’t call him a nihilist. He reads more like a utilitarian, he’s results-driven, which is hardly a bad thing. But I know you can’t agree with me on that.
800 years ago Islam was in the golden age


800 years ago Islam was in the golden age
It sounds like he’s someone who prayed and prayed, and saw a lot praying going on amidst suffering, and yet without any change. It’s human, and a sign of normal intelligence to feel/think that way, especially in that situation. I’m sad he’s being imprisoned on top of it.

If more ppl start thinking with that spirit, things will get much better. That’s not to say the population need become murtads or whatever, but if they start putting action over prayer, it won’t matter what they believe. You can still be spiritual. It doesn’t have to be a threat.

Samaalic Era

It sounds like he’s someone who prayed and prayed, and saw a lot praying going on amidst suffering, and yet without any change. It’s human, and a sign of normal intelligence to feel that way. I’m sad he’s being imprisoned on top of it.

If more ppl start thinking with that spirit, things will get much better. That’s not to say the population need become murtads, but if they start putting action over prayer, it won’t matter what they believe. You can still be spiritual. It doesn’t have to be a threat.
Dua must be followed by action.
Also dua is very effective so long as you fulfill the requirements of Dua and show patience and take action
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