Habesha and Somali should be peaceful towards each other
Habesha and Somali should be peaceful towards each other
Fuyanbiro and jinacsani both have a strong jaarso population. Both cities belong to somalisIdk much about Asebe Teferi but Gursum (Funyan Bira) and Jinacasani are majority Somali.
Fuyanbiro and jinacsani both have a strong jaarso population. Both cities belong to somalis
Huume dage yaxyaxe faarax qaldho Xasan maxamed madaxweyn dir are Somalis. Same with jaarso.Jarso and Humme AQ Oromos.
asbe Tefarri which is actually called Cirro(chiro) doesn’t have a large Somali population. It’s the capital of Ittu land(charchar or west Hararge).
Holy city of the blessed Abdalle clan
The land contracts will go to foreign countries like Turkey,China and ME.I hope they get land contracts this is Africa people steal from eachother all the time especially in areas that aren’t digital yet.
The more Xabash who have land the more I will be able to steal when ONLF comes in you guys dont know how easy stealing land is Abiys testing me and I wont fail