Somali Region is pushing back against Afar invasion

Mostly online propaganda. Afar militias still control Gadamaytu, Undufo and Adaytu which are the 3 main settlements that are at the crux of the fighting. Make of that what you wish. There was recent clashes where the Afar were pushed back from a small periphery east of Adaytu and Gadamaytu near the official Somali Afar regional border but there hasn't been any significant changes. The maps are still the same and the territory of those 3 districts haven't swapped hands.

What is this guy talking about ? We pushed canfar all the way to banka hoyale 😂😂 gadabursi are always ciilan and support canfar
This Jaarso dude I spoke with once had better Somali accent than some Somali clans you would be surprised. Soon you head west from Jigjiga you will be confused on who’s Somali and who isn’t. There’s this Ciise professor who suggested Ciise should give irir Samale the middle finger and join Darood because Darood is the only Somali clan that’s helping Ciise to this day. I totally agree with him.
Prof Amare ia a disgrace he cares more about SSC than his own people you guy's can have him
So all Afar forces unite and attack a single Somali clan, and the other Somali clan is not fighting with their brothers because it’s not their land that is being attacked? 😂 yeah we Somalis are finished people.
This guy is gadabursi they are jealous of ciise and always side canfar over somalis.
How? He’s Ciise himself and he’s not biased sxb he’s a knowledgeable person walahi he cares for his people much more than darood otherwise he wouldn’t be speaking up.
He's a clown who doesn't care about his own people. I can name how many times he talked about sitti with one hand 😂
He's a clown who doesn't care about his own people. I can name how many times he talked about sitti with one hand 😂
I thought to my self🤔this is the only Ciise I see who’s bringing awareness to what’s happening to his people he must care for his people🤔and I was right, he does care for his fellow Ciise, I respect him walahi. I’m sure that fuckface called IOG will assassinate him soon. May Allah be with him.
He's a clown who doesn't care about his own people. I can name how many times he talked about sitti with one hand 😂
The blame also goes to your exiled opposition figures who's main platform is just tribalism and hatred to the corrupts ruling family while not offering or presenting any real alternative polices to the people same goes to Canfar opposition groups and that's only strengthens the corrupt regime in staying in power as the tribal conflict between the Ciise and Canfar favors them
So far 400 soldiers including afar but mostly Somalis have died and liyuu detained 90 of them. It turns out the ones who were detained by liyuu after capturing banka Hoyaale near Cadeytu were actually Duduble! Yes you read that right! And! surprisingly Eritreans! Wtf! Others were afars and ethiopians wtf!🤦‍♂️ my friend’s cousins who live in Sitti told him this🤦‍♂️ walahi this is driving me crazy.
So far 400 soldiers including afar but mostly Somalis have died and liyuu detained 90 of them. It turns out the ones who were detained by liyuu after capturing banka Hoyaale near Cadeytu were actually Duduble! Yes you read that right! And! surprisingly Eritreans! Wtf! Others were afars and ethiopians wtf!🤦‍♂️ my friend’s cousins who live in Sitti told him this🤦‍♂️ walahi this is driving me crazy.
Afars are inspired by the way we recaptured xoori 😂
Huh? Aren't Ogaden liyuu police fighting alongside the Isse now?
wow. Wallahi my brother and two cousins died last week, and they are both Ogaden. Family name is cumar Jano, ask around if you have connections.
I hate how Somali people are pathological about their lies.
Drop the qabiil or you'll end up forcing those of who abandoned to embrace it.
This is my brother, who left behind 7 children and he was barely 30 years old!

I am outing myself because I think I am going to start embracing my qabiil. You motherfuckers don't even wanna acknowledge that Ogaden people are dying for you. Hoyadiin wasa!

@Magan Joseph be sure to tag me next time, I am fully dropping the Somalinimo bullsht.
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@Adeer_Boomer Inna lillahi wa Inna ileyhi raajicuun. Broski don't let idiots taint your somalinimo. Stay strong and pls delete that comment outing yourself like that. We all have had times where we wanted to say f all but that's only gonna make us become the jaahils we hate.
@Adeer_Boomer Inna lillahi wa Inna ileyhi raajicuun. Broski don't let idiots taint your somalinimo. Stay strong and pls delete that comment outing yourself like that. We all have had times where we wanted to say f all but that's only gonna make is become the jaahils we hate.
bro we wallahi we lost my brother and two my uncle's son, all left behind orphans we now have to support and take care and we have people making this conflict about qabiil.
It's insane what I am seeing online!
This is my brother, who left behind 7 children and he was barely 30 years old!

I am outing myself because I think I am going to start embracing my qabiil. You motherfuckers don't even wanna acknowledge that Ogaden people are dying for you. Hoyadiin wasa!

@Magan Joseph be sure to tag me next time, I am fully dropping the Somalinimo bullsht.
Like I said ugaas, I hate humans, even more I hate every laangaab to the core. Wan necbahay dadkas, with ALL my heart, walahi they’re our worst enemy. Just daraato, an Absame man was gunned down in puntland, reason? Because he was Absame and our prime minister is Absame, that’s it! Killer walked free. They don’t just hate you, you just don’t understand, they envy you bc taariikh ka wanaagsan bad leedahay. They tell you Ethiopians and Kenyans are your enemy, the I see it, the Kenyan maybe jealous because I’m doing better than him in his own city in terms of ganacsi. The Ethiopian on the other hand doesn’t care about you, all he wants is your land, he doesn’t envy you, he doesn’t care about your history, he won’t sit beside you call you brother and kill you the next day, if he wants to k you he will come to you and do it without any hesitation. The xabashi is an expansionist clueless midget who goes around preaching mother Africa while his own people are massacring each other. So no, the ethio-kenyan aren’t your worst enemy the day you forget this you’re doomed. Sometimes I forget to mention dua when I’m going to the toilet, sometimes I say “Alahuma ini acuudu bika min laangaab wal laangaabatu” instead and inshaAllah if I build a masjid in Ogadenia, I will not let sheikh from a laangaab clan lead the salah. I hate them🤮warya! They have no reason to envy us, yes we have better history, but Allah gave them land that’s much more beautiful than ours, Allah blessed them with natural resources. It was an Absame woman who convinced them to kick out the italian colonialists from the country, it was a half Absame man who convinced them Ogaden region is a Somali land ethiopia has no right to to administer it (siyad), and today it’s an Absame man who’s convincing them to move forward and drop this qabyaalad bullshit. Wallahi waan ka wiswisaa dadkan disgusting weeye all of them are the same. There was this Ogaden 18 year old kid that died while he was ambushing afars, when Liyuu Ogadens wanted to bury him where he died, all the sudden dir family came and said “burry him somewhere else this is our plot we are going to build a house here” yes you read that right, crystal clear, same man that was died to free their people from afar colonisation🤮walahi I’m done with them. I’m going to marry Absame, support Absame business, live in Absame land, drink from Absame camel, listen to Absame music and fly Absame airlines (if we manage to obtain one in the near future inshaAllah). Give up on them bro.


Like I said ugaas, I hate humans, even more I hate every laangaab to the core. Wan necbahay dadkas, with ALL my heart, walahi they’re our worst enemy. Just daraato, an Absame man was gunned down in puntland, reason? Because he was Absame and our prime minister is Absame, that’s it! Killer walked free. They don’t just hate you, you just don’t understand, they envy you bc taariikh ka wanaagsan bad leedahay. They tell you Ethiopians and Kenyans are your enemy, the I see it, the Kenyan maybe jealous because I’m doing better than him in his own city in terms of ganacsi. The Ethiopian on the other hand doesn’t care about you, all he wants is your land, he doesn’t envy you, he doesn’t care about your history, he won’t sit beside you call you brother and kill you the next day, if he wants to k you he will come to you and do it without any hesitation. The xabashi is an expansionist clueless midget who goes around preaching mother Africa while his own people are massacring each other. So no, the ethio-kenyan aren’t your worst enemy the day you forget this you’re doomed. Sometimes I forget to mention dua when I’m going to the toilet, sometimes I say “Alahuma ini acuudu bika min laangaab wal laangaabatu” instead and inshaAllah if I build a masjid in Ogadenia, I will not let sheikh from a laangaab clan lead the salah. I hate them🤮warya! They have no reason to envy us, yes we have better history, but Allah gave them land that’s much more beautiful than ours, Allah blessed them with natural resources. It was an Absame woman who convinced them to kick out the italian colonialists from the country, it was a half Absame man who convinced them Ogaden region is a Somali land ethiopia has no right to to administer it (siyad), and today it’s an Absame man who’s convincing them to move forward and drop this qabyaalad bullshit. Wallahi waan ka wiswisaa dadkan disgusting weeye all of them are the same. There was this Ogaden 18 year old kid that died while he was ambushing afars, when Liyuu Ogadens wanted to bury him where he died, all the sudden dir family came and said “burry him somewhere else this is our plot we are going to build a house here” yes you read that right, crystal clear, same man that was died to free their people from afar colonisation🤮walahi I’m done with them. I’m going to marry Absame, support Absame business, live in Absame land, drink from Absame camel, listen to Absame music and fly Absame airlines (if we manage to obtain one in the near future inshaAllah). Give up on them bro.
Somalia is wild Wild West it was some crazy ass cops that did the shooting. There is no way they knew guy was OG just trigger happy police they even shot at each other. Case getting lots of publicity and family will get justice iA

Somalia is wild Wild West it was some crazy ass cops that did the shooting. There is no way they knew guy was OG just trigger happy police they even shot at each other. Case getting lots of publicity and family will get justice iA

The Absame family said screw justice we’re not expecting justice from you, just tell us the subclan of the killer, just tell us his subclan that’s all we want to know, no one told them yet, the body of the man was in a fridge for almost a week. No justice was served nobody told them the sub of the killer, this was premeditated we all know this. Many Absame men have lost their lives in puntland for no reason it’s nothing new.

Ethiopian generals have apparently met the elders and told them to halt any advance into the towns the Somali population were forcefully expelled from and still held by Afar militias. The elders have rejected this offer in the video above and the situation remains volatile.
The Absame family said screw justice we’re not expecting justice from you, just tell us the subclan of the killer, just tell us his subclan that’s all we want to know, no one told them yet, the body of the man was in a fridge for almost a week. No justice was served nobody told them the sub of the killer, this was premeditated we all know this. Many Absame men have lost their lives in puntland for no reason it’s nothing new.
Nobody targeted him because he was absame, it's just poorly trained soldiers who also killed another local man during that week that they were supposed to improve the security situation in the city, and after his family met with the government they agreed to pay his diya.
an Absame man was gunned down in puntland, reason? Because he was Absame and our prime minister is Absame, that’s it! Killer walked free.
lol, I think if I look at an Absame man, he would reply: why're you looking at me? is it because of the prime minister?!
Kenan And Kel Scrubs GIF

