Somali Twitter News: Somalis are Oromo?

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This was the tweet that upset many SJWs

And the Xalimos came in drones in response

There are alot more just scroll thru it

So We Are Officially Oromo Because @ciddhartha Twitter Pals Said

When Somali Afro/MelanTard brigade on twitter are not raging desperatley (''I AM BLACK PLEASE ACCEPT ME'') jihad they are instead claiming Somalis as Oromo.

Makes me wonder tho who lied to these self hating es? Somali is a race and we are neither black or oromo. You best believe that fact:gunsmiley:


Why didn't you go apeshit on them on twitter the way you do on here ?

John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
Being black is a cult for these people. They believe gender is optional but if someone dares say that they want to only consider themselves as somali, they bully and harass said individual. Funnily enough he's not forcing them to indentify as somali but they're forcing him.

How progressive.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Let DNA do the talking about whether they are Oromo or not. lol They will be sorely disappointed to find out they are not Oromo. When confronted with hard facts like Darood_Supermacist, they will refuse to believe it. Dude still thinks he's Arab. They will remain in denial. And that ain't a river in Egypt.


Shewa & Welega Oromos are basically identical to Amharas, there's really no difference.
And then you have Borana Oromos (Southern Oromos) who are heavily mixed with Omotic tribes.

Overall, Oromos are ancestry-wise not that close to Somalis, only some of the Eastern ones near Harar are.


HRH Duchess of Puntland, The Viscount of Garoowe
We're black according to who and on what authority?:kanyehmm:

I've never been called black in my life and I won't change how I identify myself because of some SJWs on Twitter. :camby:
Shewa & Welega Oromos are basically identical to Amharas, there's really no difference.
And then you have Borana Oromos (Southern Oromos) who are heavily mixed with Omotic tribes.

Overall, Oromos are not that close to Somalis, only some of the Eastern ones near Harar are.

Wether they are close or not does not make them Somali. Most Oromos ive seen look nothing like us, they either look like xoolos or Xabashi. Only the Afar in Djibouti are close to us and heck we don't claim eachother.


Suldaanka Gobyare
Ina lilaahi wa ina Ilaahi rajuun. Twitter Somalis truly have the smallest brain out of all social networking Somalis


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
By the Way Sophie according to them Gadabursi are Oromo

:gunsmiley:Guns blazing. It's twitter war now. The Gadabursi are Somali. The Oromo sheegato have to stop claiming the Adal Empire and it's glory. Our kings would be turning in their graves if they heard this.They historically thought these oromo were passive like their xabeshi cousins. These agent provocateurs try to desperately claim us when they aren't.

The Oromo threat is real. Somalis assemble!


Wether they are close or not does not make them Somali. Most Oromos ive seen look nothing like us, they either look like xoolos or Xabashi. Only the Afar in Djibouti are close to us and heck we don't claim eachother.

Everyone and their mother can become an Oromo, they are really loose that way. They even convinced some Somali Garres that they are Oromo.
:gunsmiley:Guns blazing. It's twitter war now. The Gadabursi are Somali. The Oromo sheegato have to stop claiming the Adal Empire and it's glory. Our kings would be turning in their graves if they heard this.They historically thought these oromo were passive like their xabeshi cousins. These agent provocateurs try to desperately claim us when they aren't.

The Oromo threat is real. Somalis assemble!

It's funny since they are claiming to be the rightfull owners of Dir Land. They claim that they're the original inhabitants of Northern Somalia. Somaliland need to send these imigrants back to their country. They dont even make up 0.5% population in Somaliland.


It's funny since they are claiming to be the rightfull owners of Dir Land. They claim that they're the original inhabitants of Northern Somalia. Somaliland need to send these imigrants back to their country. They dont even make up 0.5% and have no historical connection to that land.

I give them our 0.5
:gunsmiley:Guns blazing. It's twitter war now. The Gadabursi are Somali. The Oromo sheegato have to stop claiming the Adal Empire and it's glory. Our kings would be turning in their graves if they heard this.They historically thought these oromo were passive like their xabeshi cousins. These agent provocateurs try to desperately claim us when they aren't.

The Oromo threat is real. Somalis assemble!

a sultan of the dir clan disagrees with you, at from 5 minutes to the 6th minute of this video he claims 80% of oromo's are apart of the dir clan.

Everyone and their mother can become an Oromo, they are really loose that way. They even convinced some Somali Garres that they are Oromo.

No Garre and Gurreh is not the same. Gurreh is oromo living ethiopia and Garre is Somali Southern somalia and NFD.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
It's funny since they are claiming to be the rightfull owners of Dir Land. They claim that they're the original inhabitants of Northern Somalia. Somaliland need to send these imigrants back to their country. They dont even make up 0.5% and have no historical connection to that land.

Wallahi even our homie XamarCadCad could become Oromo. They accept all applications. :dead: The Oromo are dangerous since they are always looking for recruits. And the Gadabursi were actually forced to farm to fend off this Oromo land grab (initiated by the Xabeshi), since we were historically nomadic (except for merchants in Zelia). It was the only way to push back these Xabeshi minions.
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