Stop lying how many times did your emperor use to say I have to control Somalia they can't rule for themselvesAbsolutely not! I got to be very honest with you. Habeshas don't even mention Somalis most of the time let alone to have hostility towards them. They are also very ignorant about the Somali politics. They don't know the difference between Somaliland and Somalia etc. I'm very sure over 98% don't even know that Ethiopia's Army is active in Somalia for decades. Most of them have no clue about the 1977 Ethio-Somali war, especially the younger generation doesn't even know that Ethiopia and Somalia went to war some time ago. Somalia simply doesn't play a role in Habesha life. They see them just as good Horn neighbors that was it. Somalis on the other hand know way more about Ethiopia and also have much hostility towards Habeshas.