Somali VS Ethiopians explained?

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Stroking my Australinimo
Living in the West really put everyone together in peace who leave all the politics behind.

Look at the Balkan communities; everyone hate each other with extreme passion but they get along well. Live in the same areas, hang their flags in restaurants and gyms etc.

I have Macedonian friends who openly hate Greeks and Albanians like they want to murder them and never shut up about it but have Greek and Albanian friends.

It’s the same for every ethnicities...until they go to their home country for a holiday.
Honestly I have no ill will towards Ethiopia or Ethiopians, if anything I wish them well (as long as it isn't at our detriment of course). I wish the best to all African nations and people (including black people in the islands/south america). Black people are at the bottom of the social hierarchy whether we acknowledge it or not, I want us to be at the top, strong African nations is the only way to repair/improve the image of black people.

i wanna witness the fall of america, france etc :wow:
The same people that have caused us so much pain and suffering? Till Ogaden is free and their stinking gaal soldiers and people leave our country I will forever wish ill upon these people. France doesn’t affect our people the same way this wretched nation does :kanyehmm: A lot of people are trying to play it off as something that happened long ago but the atrocities they’ve committed against us are numerous and recent we can never forget how they butchered our people. I’d happily watch America and France do as they please as long as I could watch the filthy Ethiopian nation crumble
funny enough egyptians vs ethiopians would be the same dynamic if egypt destroyed the dam. ethiopians would be hating on them, the parents would be teaching their kids for years that egypt is the enemy of ethiopia and doesnt want them to prosper, they'd be bragging to egypitans about how egypt lost every war to ethiopia, while egyptian citizens would barely be thinking about ethiopians
The same people that have caused us so much pain and suffering? Till Ogaden is free and their stinking gaal soldiers and people leave our country I will forever wish ill upon these people. France doesn’t affect our people the same way this wretched nation does :kanyehmm: A lot of people are trying to play it off as something that happened long ago but the atrocities they’ve committed against us are numerous and recent we can never forget how they butchered our people. I’d happily watch America and France do as they please as long as I could watch the filthy Ethiopian nation crumble

Of course, I want justice and I don't want any foreign troops on our soil. Until then there really can't be any true and solid peace. Ultimately though a strong Somalia would greatly benefit it's neighbors, just as a strong Ethiopia would greatly help it's neighbors, of course again, only if that strengh as been acquire in a clean and healthy way.

Also there's is absolutely no point in hating the average Ethiopian, it takes too much energy and it's not worth it as he/she is also getting abused by their nation.
ITT: Xabashi imperialism

Xabashis are the eternal enemy of the Somalis after Ibliis. Any Somali child that is recently conceived must be informed in his/her mother's womb, that Xabaash is the second enemy of Somalis and Somalinimo after iblis. Maybe then Ethiopian troops will start leaving our country.


I do something called "what I want"
Absolutely not! I got to be very honest with you. Habeshas don't even mention Somalis most of the time let alone to have hostility towards them. They are also very ignorant about the Somali politics. They don't know the difference between Somaliland and Somalia etc. I'm very sure over 98% don't even know that Ethiopia's Army is active in Somalia for decades. Most of them have no clue about the 1977 Ethio-Somali war, especially the younger generation doesn't even know that Ethiopia and Somalia went to war some time ago. Somalia simply doesn't play a role in Habesha life. They see them just as good Horn neighbors and if you come to Addis or other cities Somalis will be treated well just like anyone. Somalis on the other hand know way more about Ethiopia and also have much hostility towards Habeshas.
bullsh*t, there are ethiopians who have never stepped foot in Somalia or even Ogaden region who know more about Somalia than I do. I know habeshas irl and to say that they’re ignorant of Ethio-Somali relations is a huge stretch. Sure they don’t know about Somali governance but which Somali knows about Ethiopia’s politics besides those living in or came from the Somali region of ethiopia?

You make it seem like this is one sided but it’s not, only an idiot would believe what you just said. I’ve seen in my own eyes in tiktok comment sections Ethiopians bringing up Somalis with little to no provoking by Somalis.

“they see somalis just as good horn neighbours”, lol.

Ibrahim hassan

Esteemed Excellency
I'm friendly with my Ethiopian neighbour, but it's crazy how me and him are ready to go to war with each others even tho we hang out sometimes.
Habasha helped the British empire in their war against The Sayidka and in return they received just under 400.000 sq km of somali land with 20% of somali population....

Since the collapse of the Somali government in 1990, xabasha have been busy undermining Somalis at every turn. They have killed, raped, tortured and ruined vulnerable Somali lives without repercussions..

@486th President you say we should forget the past, I say not until it has been corrected...


It’s important that we get along, we should be peaceful towards each other and let go of this hostility once and for all :)


I actually have an ethiopian maid and they seem alright i dont hate anyonr becouse of historical hatred in a time period i wasnt even born jn


SSpots starting point guard
These stinky zigney eaters have a superiority complex and are passive aggressive. The little kids in my city that are in gangs actually shoot at habesha hoods.
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