Somali woman meets with Taliban jihadists. Afghan women furious

The rationale given is that it would lead to lower birth rates due to factors like female hypergamy, and that it would disincentives women from adhering to the Islamic structure of the family, where the husband is the head of the family.

And since one of the maqasid of the shariah is to maintain the Islamic family structure, then it would be in Islam's best interest to ban female education.

They often use Western and East Asian nations as an example on why Muslims need to be wary of this.

In matters of women entering the workforce and it's detrimental affect on Muslim marriages I find myself agreeing with them, but the solutions they provide isn't wise.

If there is a way for women to earn money without engaging in free mixing with men, then I have zero issues with it. Especially when the life of SAHM is less fulfilling in the modern age due to their lesser involvement in a lot of key matters like the education of children.
That is simply their misogynistic interpretation which is when you actually delve into it goes against common sense. There is nothing in Islam to suggest that women aren’t allowed to fend for themselves or be educated. Especially in the light of the fact that in Islam, women are indeed incredibly financially vulnerable. In the Hanafi fiqh, a husband has no obligations to even pay for his wife’s medical expenses:


To top it off, Muslim men have the right for unilateral divorce and can divorce any time for any reason. Alimony in Islam is haram, even for a middled aged woman who has been married for 30 yrs that has spent her whole youth looking after her husband homes and after 3 months upon divorce can find herself homeless and that’s all within the sharia.

So please explain to me, why If Muslim men really care about the health of the family, why is it at the survival and expense of women? Why have Muslim men never tried to create policies that make it easier for women to fulfil their family obligations but also take into account their emotional, financial and physical health?

What the Taliban are doing is reducing women to baby making incubators whose very survival is at risk and there is a reason why statistically the world’s poor is mostly made up of women.

As a woman, this farce cannot be upheld and don’t expect any woman with any common sense or survival instincts to even care about this male obsession of birth rates. If I a woman is nothing but a breeding cattle and my wellbeing isn’t taking into account, humanity can cease to exist for all I care and every Muslim should know what is written is written and it’s Allah who decides the future of a nation.


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Most men study stem and not the humanities.

I've seen schools on midwifery opening up recently. I don't think it will be long until they allow the study of medicine for afghan women because they really need female doctors.
It is a well known fact that Muslim countries with segregation have the highest rates of female stem graduates. Look at the Gulf, Saudi being an example and that also extends to Eastern societies in general, look at India.

Also, men in Afghanistan are still able to study humanities and if they did have issues with humanities courses they could have banned that for BOTH genders and let women continue with stem courses.

Wallahi my brother in Islam, do you not get tired of insulting our intelligence? I don’t mean to be rude here but you and I both know that was an incredibly redundant remark that will take the average person less than a minute to refute especially in the light of the fact Eastern female graduates have the highest rates of Stem enrollment.
If Muslim men really cared about finding solutions that made it easier for women to prioritize their families and be able to be looked after so that the most vulnerable of women aren’t in jeopardy of homelessness or abuse, they could create policies that safeguard the dunya interests of women.

A. They could encourage women to get into tech roles that are mostly online. Try to create easier avenues for women to dominate E-commerce businesses and the like. This allows them to stay home and prioritize kids.

B. They could normalize marriage contracts in which a woman can have her husband pay into a savings account in return her safeguarding and looking after his home in which under Sharia she’s entitled to.

C. Enforce laws that make it compulsory for husbands to pay for wives medical expenses and like the like.

But instead, they’ll reduce Muslim women into living like baby making cattle who can’t even leave abusive marriages and once widowed have to live from the charity of disgruntled relatives hence living a life devoid of dignity.

Btw, these are the same people who’ll argue that you can’t get work or an education but say that if you have cancer your husband doesn’t have to pay since you should have your own money that isn’t connected to that of your husband. This is the fiqh that women have to deal with, especially the Hanafis.
Wallahi my brother in Islam, do you not get tired of insulting our intelligence? I don’t mean to be rude here but you and I both know that was an incredibly redundant remark that will take the average person less than a minute to refute especially in the light of the fact Eastern female graduates have the highest rates of Stem enrollment.
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My Husn ad dhan has run dry a long time ago, well before. The straw that broke the camels back for me is that Islamic societies have simultaneously discouraged any form of female independence, but they’ll argue for it when it’s time to divorce a woman whenever a man wants to or when a woman has a medical health issue. You saw the Fatwa I posted, now all of a sudden we need to independent boss queens who should have money of their own. How can women even survive in an environment of such contradictions that is based on male benefit? Nobody wants to talk about the elephant in the room and we simply lie and brush things under the carpet.
They’re coming at her because she’s a black muslima. I doubt even a Arab girl would get this type of backlash and definitely none if she was white.

Good for her to keep ignoring them, some would have deleted their post.
Surre queen triggering all the Liberals for visiting The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan beacuse she's a women and a hijabi.
I’m not defending her, I just don’t see her any different to the countless other grifting western vloggers that have done the same. People are attacking her saying she should be arrested for going afghanistan, why don’t they say the same for westerners ? It’s because she’s a black hijabi, unlike the others.

Here’s the israel vlog she posted 2 weeks ago:
View attachment 339648

Why is there not similar outrage for this video ? Clearly she’s just doing this for views. There will always be a market for extreme travellers like her, and that’s all she is. I don’t support it but if she’s going to be attacked then it should be the same for everyone doing the same thing as her, no double standards.
What are somalis doing in that place?? we need their names and every info of them so they get the appropriate punishment for helping the zionist settler state
I’m not defending her, I just don’t see her any different to the countless other grifting western vloggers that have done the same. People are attacking her saying she should be arrested for going afghanistan, why don’t they say the same for westerners ? It’s because she’s a black hijabi, unlike the others.

Here’s the israel vlog she posted 2 weeks ago:
View attachment 339648

Why is there not similar outrage for this video ? Clearly she’s just doing this for views. There will always be a market for extreme travellers like her, and that’s all she is. I don’t support it but if she’s going to be attacked then it should be the same for everyone doing the same thing as her, no double standards.
she did get dragged for visiting Israel mainly by Somalis.

Let’s assess the facts. The Taliban has recently made it clear that they’re not going to be opening public schools and universities for women as they’re using the Fatwa of a Hanafi scholar who believes that women shouldn’t write. That’s the facts.

So please explain why a Somali woman who clearly benefited from an education, who is a YouTuber and puts her face online, who has a history of traveling around the world without a Mahram, is now in Afghanistan taking picture with non Mahram Afghani men who think it’s ceeb for men to even know the name of their daughters let alone men taking pictures with her face on display to be put on the internet and think it’s okay to deprive women like her even the ability of write their own names!

I’m with the Afghan women on this one. You can’t be a flipping hypocrite and I don’t care if she’s Somali. I’m not supporting stupidity on the basis of Somalinimo. I don’t support traitors.

She’s a Western privileged YouTuber who is grinning with a bunch of men who don’t even believe young women like her should have an education let alone gallivanting to different nations.

People lack principles in this day and age and so many young women included.

