Somali woman meets with Taliban jihadists. Afghan women furious

With this Afghanistan fiasco, and the Israel one Geenyada was dealing with a couple weeks ago, I don’t understand why people are up in arms about a travel vlogger doing her job, traveling to different countries and showcasing her experience. Just because she visits Israel or Afghanistan, it does not necessarily mean she supports what these governments are doing. Think of a travel vlogger as a wartime journalist. When Amanpour was interviewing the Taliban, did it mean she supported them? No. Countless journalists and travel vloggers have travelled to and interviewed the Taliban since they took over Afghanistan, and there was no major outcry from diaspora liberal Afghans. I wonder why when a black, Somali Muslim women does it, it’s an issue?

I’ve seen Somalis suggest that Geenyada herself is a Taliban or Islamic extremism sympathizer and somehow simultaneously a Zionist, vile shit. Let the woman do her job, these are interesting perspectives she’s sharing with the world.
I’m not defending her, I just don’t see her any different to the countless other grifting western vloggers that have done the same. People are attacking her saying she should be arrested for going afghanistan, why don’t they say the same for westerners ? It’s because she’s a black hijabi, unlike the others.

Here’s the israel vlog she posted 2 weeks ago:
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Why is there not similar outrage for this video ? Clearly she’s just doing this for views. There will always be a market for extreme travellers like her, and that’s all she is. I don’t support it but if she’s going to be attacked then it should be the same for everyone doing the same thing as her, no double standards.
She went to Isreal and humanized visiting a state actively genociding a whole nation of people just two weeks before and everyone is going on about Afghanistan :dead1::deadmanny::dead:

This is why twitter is not a “free speech platform” like Elon musk likes to suggest. Powerful people like him and others who also benefit from certain narrivtives can easily push agendas while suppressing ones they don’t benefit from at all.

Man, this reminds you that propaganda can begin from even the first stage of information processing which is deciding what gets heard and what doesn’t, the Overton window really does affect our level of knowledge and our world view and we can’t ever know beyond it unless we go out of our way to find important ignored topics, journalism is more often than not corrupted by this issue too with its clear political biases and lack of interest in things the public should know.
She went to Isreal and humanized visiting a state actively genociding a whole nation of people just two weeks before and everyone is going on about Afghanistan :dead1::deadmanny::dead:

This is why twitter is not a “free speech platform” like Elon musk likes to suggest. Powerful people like him and others who also benefit from certain narrivtives can easily push agendas while suppressing ones they don’t benefit from at all.

Man, this reminds you that propaganda can begin from even the first stage of information processing which is deciding what gets heard and what doesn’t, the Overton window really does affect our level of knowledge and our world view and we can’t ever know beyond it unless we go out of our way to find important ignored topics, journalism is more often than not corrupted by this issue too with its clear political biases and lack of interest in things the public should know.
Nope, they found out and now she’s being attacked for that as well.
I love how she’s making a terrorist group legitimate who are sanctioned by the world governments including Muslim ones. It is the 21st century we as humans are going to other worlds like mars yet you have brained dead 5th century men thinking women should breed children, and stay indoors covered head to toe in sheets. While she lives a great live with all the freedoms afforded to her by a white Christian country, and she gets to fly around visiting different countries all over the world she does this? The taliban isn’t gonna be able to last all afghans are against them they are facing sanctions, and an insurgency.


She went to Isreal and humanized visiting a state actively genociding a whole nation of people just two weeks before and everyone is going on about Afghanistan :dead1::deadmanny::dead:

This is why twitter is not a “free speech platform” like Elon musk likes to suggest. Powerful people like him and others who also benefit from certain narrivtives can easily push agendas while suppressing ones they don’t benefit from at all.

Man, this reminds you that propaganda can begin from even the first stage of information processing which is deciding what gets heard and what doesn’t, the Overton window really does affect our level of knowledge and our world view and we can’t ever know beyond it unless we go out of our way to find important ignored topics, journalism is more often than not corrupted by this issue too with its clear political biases and lack of interest in things the public should know.
She’s a Zionist that supports Palestinian genocide and at the same time she’s a Taliban supporter who doesn’t want females to be educated apparently :faysalwtf: :faysalwtf:
She’s a Zionist that supports Palestinian genocide and at the same time she’s a Taliban supporter who doesn’t want females to be educated apparently :faysalwtf: :faysalwtf:
No one thinks she’s a Taliban supporter or a real Zionist. We think she’s a traitor that lacks loyalty. Very easy concept to understand.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
why are you calling this women a traitor for simply visting a muslim nation?

banning education is tragic, but what about thr rampant sexual abuse afghan women and children went through under thr US occupation by the gaal and their colaborators?

The Taliban has done tremedous work in improving the security, economy and finance of the nation. despite major mistake they've made when comes to the rights of women, the good they've done shouldn't be ignored.

Muslim around the world should advice the rulers instead of isolating and chatises muslims for visiting Afghanistan.
Feminist thinktanks have shaped her view, geenyada madow seems like she us having a great time in Afghanistan. Shows us that western propaganda is false and they treat women kindly
Feminist thinktanks have shaped her view, geenyada madow seems like she us having a great time in Afghanistan. Shows us that western propaganda is false and they treat women kindly
It is a fact that women aren’t allowed to go school. Taliban themselves have issued a fatwa saying that women shouldn’t be taught to write. It’s the actual Taliban themselves who have said this. That is what has shaped by view, unless you’re going to argue that I’ve been influenced by feminism to think I have a right to education? Am I influenced by feminist because I dared to believe I have a right to be write?

Some of you are simply slow. Geeyada is having a great time because she’s a foreigner.

I also need to remind you that Geeyada also had a ‘great time’ in Tel Aviv. I’m sure you’ll argue that it’s all propaganda and that it’s fine for us Muslims to go there.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
It is a fact that women aren’t allowed to go school. Taliban themselves have issued a fatwa saying that women shouldn’t be taught to write. It’s the actual Taliban themselves who have said this. That is what has shaped by view, unless you’re going to argue that I’ve been influenced by feminism to think I have a right to education? Am I influenced by feminist because I dared to believe I have a right to be write?

Some of you are simply slow. Geeyada is having a great time because she’s a foreigner.

I also need to remind you that Geeyada also had a ‘great time’ in Tel Aviv. I’m sure you’ll argue that it’s all propaganda and that it’s fine for us Muslims to go there.
Well I dont see any problem with her visiting Tel Aviv, who cares what Arabs think, they are the same ones who insulted Ilhan Omar for being pro Palestine. Majority of their leaders are pro Israel also, so why should Geenyada Madow be the sacrificial lamb! I dont see any Arabs crying for Liido Beach massacre or Zoobe attack.
Ah yes, makes perfect sense. Because they’ve been oppressed for 20 yrs, they will then turn around and oppress their women even more. At this point I don’t even think men like you actually see women as people people if you get my drift because I’m at a loss when it comes to your mentality and as why you’d expect a woman like me be sympathetic towards a regime that won’t even allow me to learn?

Nope, there is a recent fatwa the government have decided to follow which is the view of a Hanafi scholar that argues that teaching women to write is haram.

These are the people you’re supporting.

Sorry better not continue this conversation, my ability to write is a sin you see.
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It is, since we’re not seen as people and are meant to suck it up even when our basic human rights are being violated all the for sake of the Ummah that doesn’t even care for our concerns unless it’s gaals violating us. That’s the only time the humanity of Muslim women is remembered. It’s aways a case of ‘brothers look at how the Kuffar treat your dear sisters in Islam!’ But it’s never a case of ‘Look at how we’re treating our sisters in Islam!’.

Salafis mostly led by men are allowed to have a back bone and be against anything that goes against their interests, women on the other hand aren’t allowed such grace.

These imbeciles expect us to not only accept but also support our abusers and to make it worse, we are being gaslight and manipulated. If we raise our disgust that means we supposedly support the gaals. If that isn’t dishonest I don’t know what is. The sad reality is that in Muslim spaces, the rights of women is automatically interpreted as ‘Western’ and being as anti-women as possible is now regarded as anti-imperialist and traditional. This ideology will have a colossal impact and no group will succeed who thinks they can harken women to the status of little more than illiterate slaves. This is the downfall of the Ummah and our dear Prophet s.a.w knew this. There is a reason why his last sermon was about the good treatment of women. That is really and truly the real fitnah of Muslim men. We shall see on the DoJ where this takes them.
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It is a fact that women aren’t allowed to go school. Taliban themselves have issued a fatwa saying that women shouldn’t be taught to write. It’s the actual Taliban themselves who have said this
This is most likely an exaggeration. I was keeping up with the situation for a bit now and I remember them saying that it wasn't a permanent thing.

What we need to keep in mind is that the afghan education system was steeped with anti Islamic teachings. I remember them teaching gender studies in unis.

I also follow a couple women that actually live there(doesn't seem like propaganda) and they share the same sentiments.

Overall if what you're saying is true, then of course they're in the wrong for making haraam something that Allah has made halal, but I personally don't think it's as bad as it's being portrayed.
This will have a colossal impact and no group will succeed who thinks they can harken women to the status of little more than illiterate slaves. This is the downfall of the Ummah and our dear Prophet s.a.w knew this. There is a reason why his last sermon was about the good treatment of women. That is really and truly the real fitnah of Muslim men. We shall see on the DoJ where this takes them.
I agree.

In the modern age, any movement that doesn't take this into account will find it hard to gain success.

Muslim women that are satisfied with their treatment in society are as strong of a defense against kufr as armed struggle.

The first target of the French were Algerian women who were hidden from their sight. Corrupting them would lead to the corruption of Muslim society itself.

There's a reason why rabid muslim feminist come from central and south Asian Muslim nations as opposed to the gulf.
This is most likely an exaggeration. I was keeping up with the situation for a bit now and I remember them saying that it wasn't a permanent thing.

What we need to keep in mind is that the afghan education system was steeped with anti Islamic teachings. I remember them teaching gender studies in unis.

I also follow a couple women that actually live there(doesn't seem like propaganda) and they share the same sentiments.

Overall if what you're saying is true, then of course they're in the wrong for making haraam something that Allah has made halal, but I personally don't think it's as bad as it's being portrayed.
I don’t buy this. If they were teaching anti-Islamic things, they’d have banned uni for men as well.

Also, that fatwas was on their site and was also shared on their twitter account. It was posted on this forum as well.

I find when people say that in uni anti Islamic things were being taught, it defies logic since funnily enough it illustrates that they think it’s okay for men to be taught this and that within itself shows how problematic their mentality is which is why no woman with two brain cells to rub together should ever take that seriously.

They’re doing it because they think being anti women is defying imperialism. They’re waging an ideological war in which Muslim woman are the casualties.
I agree.

In the modern age, any movement that doesn't take this into account will find it hard to gain success.

Muslim women that are satisfied with their treatment in society are as strong of a defense against kufr as armed struggle.

The first target of the French were Algerian women who were hidden from their sight. Corrupting them would lead to the corruption of Muslim society itself.

There's a reason why rabid muslim feminist come from central and south Asian Muslim nations as opposed to the gulf.
Guess what happened during that time period when Muslims were fighting against colonialism? They took on colonial inspired laws such as a woman that is r-worded should marry her rapist and he will be free and not jailed. That’s the thanks that Muslim women were given whilst Muslim men harked on about their dear sisters being r-worded by the gaals. I wish this was make belief but history often leads me startled.
Also I don’t get banning education for women? Just separate the schools/unis so there’s no free mixing and problem solved no? There’s nothing in Islam that prevents women from gaining knowledge. This warping of Islam honestly disgusts me and should disgust everyone else who’s Muslim.
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I don’t buy this. If they were teaching anti-Islamic things, they’d have banned uni for men as well.
Most men study stem and not the humanities.

I've seen schools on midwifery opening up recently. I don't think it will be long until they allow the study of medicine for afghan women because they really need female doctors.
Guess what happened during that time period when Muslims were fighting against colonialism? They took on colonial inspired laws such as a woman that is r-worded should marry her rapist and he will be free and not jailed. That’s the thanks that Muslim women were given whilst Muslim men harked on about their dear sisters being r-worded by the gaals. I wish this was make belief but history often leads me startled.
Where did this happen exactly?

