Somali women says you must lighten your skin.


Inaba Caadi Maaha
There was a whole debate about skin bleaching on Universal TV. The chick at the 20:27 mark had the audacity to say that women who bleach their skin are "cleaner" than those that do not bleach.


Beati Pacifici.
Makes sense why women back home wear niqab because their skin can’t handle the sun not for religious purposes hydroquinone is no joke it’s sad tbh.


I can imagine when she's not messing her skin with cancerous agents , she's even more beautiful without the make up , but Somali men are to be blamed , for instilling these negativities.

We need to promote melaninism is good, natural and authentic and prevent notions such as hebel cadeey.

This is beyond self hatred.


Even the men are applying Diana appearing as fruitloops , whenever they walk outside and yeah the UV ray , Gamma , Beta,
would burn them and they would have to use sun lotions like the whites.
They played themselves , god gave them a blessing and they destroyed it.
They got themselves to blame.


No sorry I will never marry a xaliimo that abuses her skin even if she's a 10/10 bombshell , I don't want those aftermath genetics affecting the kids , check that information on many studies made on skin bleaching Parents passing their anomalies to their children will suffer from various diseases.


i do it anyway i like
are these people retarded black skin is a blessing that defends u from cancer if u have white skin the sun ain't gonna be merciful, black is is like a shield that defends u from the sun embrace it


Ты только маме что я в Чечне не говори
You guys are being hasty it's not this young womans fault she's bleaching her skin it's western society and it's rigerous beauty standards she can never hope to meet.
Somalis Have Dark Redish Brown Hue A Blessing But This Shit Tryin To Be The Next Becky Is Not It

The bleached look is hideous.

The beauty of a dark skinned xalimo is unmatched and most pleasing to the eye. More exotic and regal in my humble opinion.


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