Somali-Yemeni Special Relationship.

Mehri-Jeberti brotherhood is stronk

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I've met Yemeni people and they've all been cool with me. However, besides mercantile exchanges, I don't think there's been an extensive exchange on a cultural level between the two nations. I think Somali culture and Yemeni culture became similar mostly through Islam creating a shared value system, not necessarily from pre-Islamic times.
This consistent level of extraordinary gusriding needs to be academically studied. Pick a better gimmick.
No need to project your inferiority towards Arabs on a thread about friendship between Yemenis and Somalis. Your heart fills with rage/hatred when you see Somalis and fellow Arabs fraternising, it’s pathetic.

Go seek help, Negro.
I've met Yemeni people and they've all been cool with me. However, besides mercantile exchanges, I don't think there's been an extensive exchange on a cultural level between the two nations. I think Somali culture and Yemeni culture became similar mostly through Islam creating a shared value system, not necessarily from pre-Islamic times.
There’s definitely been cultural exchange, including pre-Islamic times. There are ancient South Arabian/Sabaean inscriptions found in Northern Somalia that confirm links/connections in pre-Islamic times.

Plus, Somali and Peninsular Arab cuisines are similar, especially the rice and chicken dish. I could go on & on about the similarities.
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♚Sargon of Adal♚
The betrayal against Ethiopia still hurts, should have known they'll help their bastard offspring.
Bro used the Somali dude as a marketing scheme for that Yemeni online business.

He just know Somalis with a large digital footprint were gonna give the video views and essentially boost the algorithm so more people can see it. :lolbron:

Just check the comments lmao.
Bro used the Somali dude as a marketing scheme for that Yemeni online business.

He just know Somalis with a large digital footprint were gonna give the video views and essentially boost the algorithm so more people can see it. :lolbron:

Just check the comments lmao.
It's a double win, since Somalis love to wear Arab clothing and he expects them to be keen customers. Clever marketing from the Yemeni fella to use a Somali to promote the Yemeni business.
Why do people have issues? Yemenis and Somalis are very similar and we’ve been intermarrying for centuries. We’re not Arab and we have a distinct culture but acknowledging that we do have a historical relationship with Yemen doesn’t mean that we’re Arab begging or pretending to be Arab. We’re Somali, different to Arabs and are our own people, but we do have a lot of similarities and a relationship with Yemenis.
Why do people have issues? Yemenis and Somalis are very similar and we’ve been intermarrying for centuries. We’re not Arab and we have a distinct culture but acknowledging that we do have a historical relationship with Yemen doesn’t mean that we’re Arab begging or pretending to be Arab. We’re Somali, different to Arabs and are our own people, but we do have a lot of similarities and a relationship with Yemenis.
Many people on here suffer from inferiority complex. No other way to explain it.

They try hiding it by having irrational extreme hatred for fellow Arabs.
Why do people have issues? Yemenis and Somalis are very similar and we’ve been intermarrying for centuries. We’re not Arab and we have a distinct culture but acknowledging that we do have a historical relationship with Yemen doesn’t mean that we’re Arab begging or pretending to be Arab. We’re Somali, different to Arabs and are our own people, but we do have a lot of similarities and a relationship with Yemenis.
this is sspot people only talk in absolutes. they only see in black and white here most cant handle the nuances of the grey area in matters like these. it either your an arab/madow/cadaan lover or a hater there is no in-between :mjlol:


No need to project your inferiority towards Arabs on a thread about friendship between Yemenis and Somalis. Your heart fills with rage/hatred when you see Somalis and fellow Arabs fraternising, it’s pathetic.

Go seek help, Negro.
He tapped into the Afrocentrism and black solidarity bullshit. @El Nino believes every White man is deceptive and racist because of his skin color. This is a dangerous mentality.

May Allah rest his soul
this is sspot people only talk in absolutes. they only see in black and white here most cant handle the nuances of the grey area in matters like these. it either your an arab/madow/cadaan lover or a hater there is no in-between :mjlol:
I’ve noticed this forum. Very extreme bunch of people. You have the crazy types like @Hamzza who believe they’re Carabs and praise everything Arabs do. Then you have the unhinged types who destest them and will downplay any similarities we have with them especially Yemenis. I’m sorry to you carab haters but our culture is very and I mean very similar to Yemenis and gulf Arabs. It’s different to Northern Arabs and Egyptians but similar to the former (Yemenis and Gulf) and nothing you say is going to change that. At the same time, we’re not Arab and are a distinct group and saying we’re Arab when the criteria to being one is in fact speaking Arabic is downright embarrassing.

They also do that with madows as well. Even saying hey we share similar skin tone and are profiled as black in the West is an issue for some.

It’s a toxic mixture of low self-esteem and severe racism. God help them.
Many people on here suffer from inferiority complex. No other way to explain it.

They try hiding it by having irrational extreme hatred for fellow Arabs.
Yep, I’m beginning to see that. Why they hate them only Allah knows. We’re never been abused or enslaved by them, so why? They’re our neighbors whom we share similarities with. What’s so controversial about this thread?!


Yep, I’m beginning to see that. Why they hate them only Allah knows. We’re never been abused or enslaved by them, so why? They’re our neighbors whom we share similarities with. What’s so controversial about this thread?!
they had a reputation of abusing somali refugees rape killing in the 1990s. eben today there is the brutalization of immigrants in yemen who are on their way to saudi. you dont see ethiopians (on their way to yemen then saudi) being brutalized by reer puntland.
Us Somali Arabs are too intelligent to fall for Afrocentric xaar.

Cursed be the ones who take pride in their skin colour and Sub-Saharaness.
What’s wrong with that? How are you any different to the weird extreme Arab haters? You’re all the same, different sides of the same coins.

People really have irrational takes here on madows and Carabs.
they had a reputation of abusing somali refugees rape killing in the 1990s. eben today there is the brutalization of immigrants in yemen who are on their way to saudi. you dont see ethiopians (on their way to yemen then saudi) being brutalized by reer puntland.
Somalis did the same to Reer Xamaris. What do you expect from a war-torn country who are also brutalizing each other? Yemen is a war torn poor country and immigrants and those that are different are also targeted along with the locals as well. This victim complex needs to go. Somalis have lived in Yemen documented since the 1800s and probably lived their centuries before as well peacefully .


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