Somalia’s population hits 19 million


Head of Somalia freemasonry branch

Internet Nomad

How much of those people can read and write? How many will have an education? How many are food and water secure? How many have decent housing? How many have jobs or opportunities to make a living?


Scientologist | Against Trudeau's antiBlack racism
Staff Member
That country is toast. Chinese and Indian-intensified climate change will finish whatever remains of it.
How much of those people can read and write? How many will have an education? How many are food and water secure? How many have decent housing? How many have jobs or opportunities to make a living?
Yep this.

All this doesnt matter if the majority of Somali people are not literate or numerate


Madaxweynaha Qurbo Joogta 🇸🇴
Yep this.

All this doesnt matter if the majority of Somali people are not literate or numerate
Being illiterate isn’t a a self evident problem. It is a good skill to have and should be encouraged but it isn’t a problem. Problem is something like lack of food security and housing


Madaxweynaha Qurbo Joogta 🇸🇴
Somalia's sky high illiteracy rate is why there is a lack of food security and housing.
You are going to have to explain that one to me. How did you make the connection between literacy and food security. Just looking at history, many societies including Somalia were illiterate but still had food and housing
You are going to have to explain that one to me. How did you make the connection between literacy and food security. Just looking at history, many societies including Somalia were illiterate but still had food and housing
Fair enough, to be honest i dont see the state of somalia exsisting in 20 years.

it will probably devolve into several states, like Juba, Punt, and Landers


Head of Somalia freemasonry branch
Fair enough, to be honest i dont see the state of somalia exsisting in 20 years.

it will probably devolve into several states, like Juba, Punt, and Landers
Nah America and international community won’t let that happen

Imagine 4 mini Somalia’s each begging for money and aid


Scientologist | Against Trudeau's antiBlack racism
Staff Member
You are going to have to explain that one to me. How did you make the connection between literacy and food security. Just looking at history, many societies including Somalia were illiterate but still had food and housing

Hunger from drought and famine has probably wiped out most Somalis that have ever lived.

Literate farmers compared to illiterate ones in the third world are much more effective in increasing crop yields by using improved farming techniques to do so. They're very connected. Most Somalis working in livestock and farming, which are the biggest part of the economy, are illiterate.


Let him cook
The west shutting down borders and with AI and automation improvements you won’t need mass cheap labor from abroad in distant future

. The east never really accepted immigrants and leave you in limbo and no future. Somalia headed for bad place huge population with arid land with limited resources and no economic opportunity. This recipe for lots of bloodshed and destabilization
The west shutting down borders and with AI and automation improvements you won’t need mass cheap labor from abroad in distant future

. The east never really accepted immigrants and leave you in limbo and no future. Somalia headed for bad place huge population with arid land with limited resources and no economic opportunity. This recipe for lots of bloodshed and destabilization
recipe for disaster get ready for more bullshit winter is coming
winter is coming GIF

