Somalia’s population hits 19 million

The west shutting down borders and with AI and automation improvements you won’t need mass cheap labor from abroad in distant future

. The east never really accepted immigrants and leave you in limbo and no future. Somalia headed for bad place huge population with arid land with limited resources and no economic opportunity. This recipe for lots of bloodshed and destabilization

Right now Somalia is a lawless place, it is the GTA of the World

Fobnimo Till I Dhimo

كَمَا دَخَلُوهُ أَوَّلَ مَرَّةٍۢ🕌☝🏾

Right now Somalia is a lawless place, it is the GTA of the World
What’s up with the exaggeration? :kodaksmiley: The country is significantly better off than before. Progress might be slow, but things are gradually improving. Comparing it to a GTA server is outrageous, the real GTA server is Haiti
What’s up with the exaggeration? :kodaksmiley: The country is significantly better off than before. Progress might be slow, but things are gradually improving. Comparing it to a GTA server is outrageous, the real GTA server is Haiti
Ok fair enough that was a big exaggeration :lol:

That being said it still has alot of problems that i personally dont see the gov solving

Fobnimo Till I Dhimo

كَمَا دَخَلُوهُ أَوَّلَ مَرَّةٍۢ🕌☝🏾
Ok fair enough that was a big exaggeration :lol:

That being said it still has alot of problems that i personally dont see the gov solving
As much as I would like things to progress quickly, it's important to remember that the government is still in its infancy. Progress will be slow and at times frustrating. Once the country surpasses certain thresholds and gets the basics under control, things should start to smooth out. As long as the government builds on what has already been achieved and doesn't erase the progress made by previous administrations, there is still hope for a better future.
How much of those people can read and write? How many will have an education? How many are food and water secure? How many have decent housing? How many have jobs or opportunities to make a living?
As long as they can hammer in rail spikes they're good in my book.


Cabdul's Status CLOSED until further notice.
MashAllah, if only we had a good government to make use of this growing population. We are a very small country population wise, even more so when you look at population to area. I dont understand why everyone is against population growth. Just hypocritical and completely uneducated view


heart is in Artsakh and Galbeed🇦🇲🇸🇴
MashAllah, if only we had a good government to make use of this growing population. We are a very small country population wise, even more so when you look at population to area. I dont understand why everyone is against population growth. Just hypocritical and completely uneducated view
Have you not seen the way a good amount of people live back home
Somalis pouplation is incredible small. While there might be problems in the short term a large pouplation means that we will build up a larger domestic industry and honestly for real industrialization your country needs cheap labor which only happens with a large enough pouplation. It's only a problem when your 70,80 100+ million country and your extermely poor.


Cabdul's Status CLOSED until further notice.
Have you not seen the way a good amount of people live back home
Yes I have but that issue is not due to population. Thats the governments fault, every single country has gone through this process. Somalia is only exacerbated by its civil war. Name a country who hasent gone through this. Just look at our neighbors. Of course you and many others wont have the same energy.
Somalis pouplation is incredible small. While there might be problems in the short term a large pouplation means that we will build up a larger domestic industry and honestly for real industrialization your country needs cheap labor which only happens with a large enough pouplation. It's only a problem when your 70,80 100+ million country and your extermely poor.
Right this is called the demographic transistion, in order to avoid that problem we need a good government to make use of its growing population and industrialize. Of course the Intelligent ones on this forum will say all somalis should stop having children. How will that solve anything? Its always about the people back home are poor so they should stop having children but never why they are poor and how we can solve that


Head of Somalia freemasonry branch
In 2017 Somalia’s population was 14.7 million in the space of 6 years the country has gained 5 million people

which is the population size of countries like Armenia ,Lebanon
We need lebensraum to the west, we can’t sustain a population of 30 million plus in a mostly arid country like Somalia, future governments and entities will have to address this issue


Cabdul's Status CLOSED until further notice.
Don’t @ me again
Do you even understand what you wrote? How does anyone take you seriously
We need lebensraum to the west, we can’t sustain a population of 30 million plus in a mostly arid country like Somalia, future governments and entities will have to address this issue
Somalia is not mostly arid, it is undeveloped. Future governments will need to put the population to work and industrialize and take advantage of our vast lands. We absolutely have the right amount of resources to support a population of 100+ million people. Its about management.
Do you even understand what you wrote? How does anyone take you seriously

Somalia is not mostly arid, it is undeveloped. Future governments will need to put the population to work and industrialize and take advantage of our vast lands. We absolutely have the right amount of resources to support a population of 100+ million people. It’s about management.
I’ve got more of a chance finding a million dollars in a suitcase on a morning walk than this ever happening
Also how many of those kids were conceived through SAs etc

Get lost murtad

