Somalia Accession into EAC talks to begin in Mogadishu today!

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
Somalis will be taking over from Kigali to Kinshasa unakeh leh

People are not seeing this opportunity, instead focusing on the unlikely immigration. Freedom of movement is far away, this trade union is just economical.
Hope it doesn't happen! EAC values do not ally with Somali interests. Somalia's coastline alone is worth more than half these countries combined GDP's. All together, if you exclude the DRC.. all the resources in Somalia and the potential to utilize them to create local industries is immense and far surpasses the other countries. Instead of joining this union it would be best to focus on on internal issues, once they are solved then you should help create many local industries. For example, small computer chips, solar panels, oil, even food/grain production etc. This would lead to the export economy Somalia was heading towards before the collapse happened in 91, we used to export bananas, livestock, medication and more. With todays technologies you can do much more and do it much faster. The FGS and FMS need to subsidize businesses and attract young entrepreneurs locally and from the diaspora. Also enact laws that won't create monopolies on various industries
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I dont really follow the eac
But no one wants to admit that the only reason some of you guys are against it is because you think a horde of madows will come to xamar and steal all da womenz:trumpsmirk:
Animated GIF
Ain't no nigga fighting over reer magaalo chicks

Economic suicide.

Somalia will not be a beneficiary of this union at all. While they're eyeing your coastline with the vast untapped resources and the major trade route, you want to talk about how a couple hundred Somali businessmen will benefit lol they won't even reinvest into Somalia

Some of you gotta face the facts that Somalia will be just another prostitute like DRC and SSudan while the big dogs, Kenya and Rwanda will be the pimps. This is more than likely to go through too because I see corrupt Somali politicians who are known for their schemes present at those meetings. They're the only ones who will benefit by selling the country off.
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Im convinced nobody in here knows what the EAC is. ”Its just business bro” “my qabiils gonna make money”

These are probably the same lines our suldaans said when they sold us all into colonialism :snoop:
Im convinced nobody in here knows what the EAC is. ”Its just business bro” “my qabiils gonna make money”

These are probably the same lines our suldaans said when they sold us all into colonialism :snoop:
Your kind are already Kenyan citizens not much will change for you:mjlaugh:
Here's the best chance to create large Somali Banks with large number of customers.
Can you guys imagine Salam Bank with 150 million customers?
Ok so if we join the EAC does this mean they will help stability our country and finish off Al Shabab?? Does it also mean we become 1 country?
Im convinced nobody in here knows what the EAC is. ”Its just business bro” “my qabiils gonna make money”

These are probably the same lines our suldaans said when they sold us all into colonialism :snoop:
Let's hope we can vote ourselves out if things get sticky
Here's the best chance to create large Somali Banks with large number of customers.
Can you guys imagine Salam Bank with 150 million customers?
You can do that without joining EAC? You can have a branch everywhere, even in America. You don't need to join a union to do that
Ok so if we join the EAC does this mean they will help stability our country and finish off Al Shabab?? Does it also mean we become 1 country?
Their troops have been in Somalia for nearly 20 years and couldn't do anything. Macawisley, Djibouti forces, PL forces, SNA and Danab did more than they ever could in a few months.
Economic suicide.

Somalia will not be a beneficiary of this union at all. While they're eyeing your coastline with the vast untapped resources and the major trade route, you want to talk about how a couple hundred Somali businessmen will benefit lol they won't even reinvest into Somalia

Some of you gotta face the facts that Somalia will be just another prostitute like DRC and SSudan while the big dogs, Kenya and Rwanda will be the pimps. This is more than likely to go through too because I see corrupt Somali politicians who are known for their schemes present at those meetings. They're the only ones who will benefit by selling the country off.
True, all of our politicians are puppets of western and Gulf nations who really call the shots and we have Al Shabab working in our government, what will the EAC change? It will only make things worse and will we be more easily exploited.
Yes but since we are joining them to become a country so they would probably be forced to do a full assault on them.
I think it will make things worse, we don't need them. All Somalis need is reconciliation between each other and nothing else, no foreigners should be allowed in our business. If reconciliation between everyone is achieved, everything will slowly but surely solve itself


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View attachment 250461Feel free to update the thread with news updates and opinions.

I will personally update it with any information I get on the talks.
Somalia doesn’t manufacture anything, we don’t even have an electric grid and still use diesel generators in 2023. We do not have the energy needed to become a manufacturing power. There isn’t anything we can export to other countries. What will happen is that other countries will dump their cheaper products into Somalia and our businesses won’t be able to compete and eventually shut down.
Somalis can’t even benefit from the Arab league yet we supposed to benefit from EAC?
What of worth are we offering Arab league at the moment? Only thing we are exporting is livestock and natural resources.
Here’s a harsh fact about Somalis. We are not these amazing entrepreneurs we think we are. We just like to spend money in house and that’s why Somalis entrepreneurs exist . That’s it.

Plus some of you don’t realise how free Somalia is. During the scamdemic countries like Kenya and Rwanda were having curfews and stopping broke african people from making money . They were also enforcing masks onto ppl and if they didn’t wear one they would pay a fine. During that whole time Somalis were free making money and attending their masjids. How do you know when Somalia joins this union we won’t be subjugating to the next scamdemic or this digital currency shit.


Head of Somalia freemasonry branch
Somalia doesn’t manufacture anything, we don’t even have an electric grid and still use diesel generators in 2023. We do not have the energy needed to become a manufacturing power. There isn’t anything we can export to other countries. What will happen is that other countries will dump their cheaper products into Somalia and our businesses won’t be able to compete and eventually shut down.
This is what I have been saying

