Somalia Accession into EAC talks to begin in Mogadishu today!

You can do that without joining EAC? You can have a branch everywhere, even in America. You don't need to join a union to do that

Their troops have been in Somalia for nearly 20 years and couldn't do anything. Macawisley, Djibouti forces, PL forces, SNA and Danab did more than they ever could in a few months.
You must be naive and clueless about world politics and how things work, if you really think you can just go everywhere and setup Bank institutions everywhere.
This economic union will allow us access to this huge market without any restrictions.


Somalia survives of remittance. The people back home buy cheap goods from abroad and resell we don’t manufacture. The main natural resource we have is coast and being close to major trade routes as well as fish and livestock. Oil, uranium, gold it’s all theoretical and I will ignore since it’s been just talk for 30yrs. Many of the countries of the EAC are landlocked so we gain to make a lot of money from ports alone. Yes our markets will probably be flooded with cheap goods but this is already happening. This can be good for Somalis if our borders and coast are respected which I am not sure Kenya will do and we are to weak to defend it. In my opinion risky move but can’t hate on people back home who probably just want jobs and access to better future and not worried about borders and comings and goings of ajnabis. Hell most of us abandoned Somalia to live with ajnabis for better life so let them too
Somalis can’t even benefit from the Arab league yet we supposed to benefit from EAC?
What of worth are we offering Arab league at the moment? Only thing we are exporting is livestock and natural resources.
Here’s a harsh fact about Somalis. We are not these amazing entrepreneurs we think we are. We just like to spend money in house and that’s why Somali entrepreneurs exist . That’s it.

Plus some of you don’t realise how free Somalia is. During the scamdemic countries like Kenya and Rwanda were having curfews and stopping broke african people from making money . They were also enforcing masks onto people and if they didn’t wear one they would have to pay a fine. During that whole time Somalis in Somalia were free making money and attending their masjids. How do you know when Somalia joins this union we won’t be subjugated in the next scamdemic or this digital currency shit.


Head of Somalia freemasonry branch
Somalia joining the EAC is a plot by kenya who wants to get 🇸🇴 in so they can let the EAC, judge over the maritime dispute btwn 🇰🇪 & 🇸🇴 since kenya hasn’t recognized the official judgement from the ICJ

This is what the 🇬🇧 wanted from HSM.

Goodbye 🇸🇴


True Puntlander
Somalia joining the EAC is a plot by kenya who wants to get 🇸🇴 in so they can let the EAC, judge over the maritime dispute btwn 🇰🇪 & 🇸🇴 since kenya hasn’t recognized the official judgement from the ICJ

This is what the 🇬🇧 wanted from HSM.

Goodbye 🇸🇴
HAG mentality and IQ brain is low. That is why we refuse to listen to them.

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
Im seeing conspiracies from bantus and somalis, both sides are paranoid kkkk.

One thing I want to point out, now that Somalia has joined the EAC is probably 50% muslim as Tanzania is 40% muslim, Kenya 20% etc. The muslim numbers will continue in the coming decades due to higher fertility of muslims. Stop painting these countries as a christian supremacist stated.
Bantu people are great people. No they do not have this manifest destiny of taking over all Somali lands. Some of you really worry me


🇺🇸 PROUD MURICAN!!! Hamitic Horner Race
Bantu people are great people. No they do not have this manifest destiny of taking over all Somali lands. Some of you really worry me

Someone should give this mentally deficient woman the facts.

Keep it a boqol

“Live as if everything is rigged in your favour”
I want to see what are the official goals for this besides vague words like “larger market” are we having open boarders? Shared currency? Trade restrictions? What do we get besides these ppl using our ports? This information needs to be public
You can tell who are hustlers/business minded or not from their opinion of Somalia joining the EAC. Everyone back home seem to approve of this so that’s good

I don’t understand certain Somalis distain for Bantus. Do you think people from Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania would really want to come to Somalia? They see us as a failed state. So this mass immigration to Somalia ain’t happening. We will benefit economically from this and I’m all here for it inshalllah

I Agree with you
You speaking as if you can go there safely. Rwanda and DRC have bad tentions that Rwanda is supporting rebels in eastern Kongo.

Rwanda downed a kongolese aircraft.
Kongo is like Somalia, maybe worse and eastern part is like southern Somalia but Big powers involved.

Tanzania and Kenya are the only good ones.

You know what? you right...

I will follow your lead,, Me and you will stay broke in the west, stay scared of bantus ☠☠

Africans don't know how to create right?
So, HAG wants to invite East African Nations, who already have Somali land, to become the new "peace-keeping" force in Somalia. I cannot wait for Puntland to leave this cursed nation, we will end up with Swahili speaking neighbours to the South at this rate. I bet they will also have the Kenyan Navy in our waters.


Villa Wardhiigleey is an embarrassment. Whenever I think they can't embarrass us further, they always surprise me and actually do worse.


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