Somalia before Wahabissm

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Saudi culture in UK promoted by Salafist bootyclappers. Is this @Lolalola ?
Mashallah a pious muslimah with her son! Only a non Muslim bigot would be offended by this picture
you think its not gona come with the rise of right wing ideology,cant wait these ugly buffalos thrown out ,they the reason everyone hate muslims.
Yeah uk government is soft on them which is not good as it has already cost them many times plus they should deport all knive hooligans too
@TekNiKo Ina Adeer I lost hope in Somali people. I decided I wanna work on myself and in the future haduu Alle idmo my family. I've lost hope in my people. I despise Salafis.
Funny thing is that Muslims who are almost too relaxed I saw them have much better dabeecad than Salafis who dislike you just for having different views to theirs :comeon:
You know why most wear that is cause their reformed s who need to hide themselfs from the public and their past

today in somalia the majority look thm down and what made worse is lot thieves use it to steal from vendors.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
you think its not gona come with the rise of right wing ideology,cant wait these ugly buffalos thrown out ,they the reason everyone hate muslims.
Why cant they integrate in society it looks like they are dressin up for halloween:francis:


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
@TekNiKo Ina Adeer I lost hope in Somali people. I decided I wanna work on myself and in the future haduu Alle idmo my family. I've lost hope in my people. I despise Salafis.
Funny thing is that Muslims who are almost too relaxed I saw them have much better dabeecad than Salafis who dislike you just for having different views to theirs :comeon:
Yeah Ive seen first hand the evil affects of this idealogy, suicide bombing, poverty complacency and absolutely controlling
The kufar and their allies Munafiqeen have to make this kind of thread every year on sspot.

This is what women used to wear in Somalia, but you'll never see the enemies of Islam advocating for this what they want is women to be naked and the men to be dayooth aka cucks. Ilaahay baanu ka magan galnay.
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Sxb im proud of my Somalinimo and covering up and not free mixing Islam and all the Prophets ordered their women to cover themselves. As a future father In'sha'Allah, i would never allow my daughters to be around men nor would i accept my son to hang around women. They can get married and enjoy the company of their spouse.

This is a matter of deen and honor walal

@TekNiKo is likely a Dayyooth who lacks protective jealousy over his women and would prefer for them to semi-naked and for other men lust to over them. The Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said: “Allah The Almighty will not look at three persons on the Day of Resurrection: a person who is undutiful to his parents; a masculine woman; and the Dayyooth.”

He only has Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) to answer on the Day of Judgement.
Sxb im proud of my Somalinimo and covering up and not free mixing Islam and all the Prophets ordered their women to cover themselves. As a future father In'sha'Allah, i would never allow my daughters to be around men nor would i accept my son to hang around women. They can get married and enjoy the company of their spouse.

This is a matter of deen and honor walal

You sound a bit too authoritarian sxb. Authoritarianism breeds resentment and hatred. Don’t do that to your kids. Harmful daily interactions between men and women will not bring about the destruction of a society. We only need to teach our kids that there is a line that shouldn’t be crossed. Siting with your male co-workers and chatting with them isn’t wrong. How do you expect a society to trust and hold on to each other if you are teaching it to fear and avoid one whole half of it?
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