Somalia before Wahabissm

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The kufar and their allies Munafiqeen have to make this kind of thread every year on sspot.
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This is what women used to wear in Somalia, but you'll never see the enemies of Islam advocating for this what they want is women to be naked and the men to be dayooth aka cucks. Ilaahay baanu ka magan galnay.

Women and little girls weren't forced into a uniform dress code in pre-war Somalia. You could wear a garbasaar or a gambo one day and not wear it the next day if you wanted. There was no compulsion which is the way Islam should be.


Bosaso iyo Bandar Siyada
Im not gonna read your long essays copied from Salafist Al Maghreb institute, Yasir Qadhi is not my authoritative source.

Name one sahabiyad other than the Prophets wives that wore niqab. Exactly there is none, they were be specially raised in rank and honour due to being Holy Prophets spouses.
Ibn Abbas (ra) is one of the most learned men of the Sahaba (Companions). Prophet Muhammad (
) even prayed for him saying "O Allah, make him acquire a deep understanding of the religion of Islam and instruct him in the meaning and interpretation of things." He with reference to Surah An-Nur “except only that which is apparent” as Ibn Kathir narrated with a Sahih (authentic) chain of narrators, said it’s "The hand, the ring, and the face." Abdullah Ibn Omar Ibn Al-Khattab (ra) said “the face and the two hands”. Anas Ibn Malik (ra) said “the hand and the ring”.
There's hope for Somalis after all. I wasn't expecting that many people to be aware of the dangers of Wahhabism (especially with respect to Somali culture).


I have no proof, only whispers
Instead of trying to control what women wear why don't you simply teach your sons to be respectful of women? Not to stare at them, to leave them be when their attention isn't wanted and not to rape...

Women make up 50+% of the worlds population, they are leaders, innovators, mothers, and more. Stop segregating them...
Instead of trying to control what women wear why don't you simply teach your sons to be respectful of women? Not to stare at them, to leave them be when their attention isn't wanted and not to rape...
What do these two things have to do with each other?
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