Somalia before Wahabissm

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Veiling was a preislamic norm that attoned high status

Another and the most common meaning of Hijab today is the veil worn by women.

Along with scriptural arguments, scholars argue that a head covering should not be compulsory in Islam because the veil predates the revelation of the Qur’an. Head-covering was introduced into Arabia long before advent of Islam, primarily through contacts with countries, where the hijab was a sign of social status.

The veil was apparently in use in Sassanian society, and segregation of the sexes and use of the veil were heavily in evidence in the Christian Middle East and Mediterranean regions at the time of the rise of Islam. During Mohammad’s lifetime and only toward the end of that time, his wives were the only Muslim women required to veil. After his death and following the Muslim conquest of the adjoining territories, where upper-class women veiled, the veil became a common place item of clothing for upper class. Veiling was apparently not introduced into Arabia by Muhammad but already existed. Veiling was connected with social status, as it was used among Greeks, Romans, Jews, and Assyrians, all of whom practiced veiling to some degree. It is nowhere explicitly prescribed in the Qur'an; the only verses dealing with women’s clothing, aside from those already quoted, instruct women to guard their private parts and throw a scarf over their bosoms (Sura 24:31-32). Throughout Mohammmad’s lifetime veiling, was observed only by his wives. Moreover, that the phrase “[she] took the veil” is used in the hadith to mean that a woman became a wife of Mohammad. It is not known how the customs spread to the rest of the community. The Muslim conquest of areas in which veiling was commonplace among the upper classes, the influx of wealth, the resultant raised status of Arabs, and Mohammad’s wives being taken as models probably combined to bring about their general adoption.” 4

The term chador, which is the form of veiling most used in Iran today, means a tent, and has its roots in the pre-Islamic practice of ferrying wealthy women around in covered sedan chairs.5

John Esposito, professor of Islamic Studies at Georgetown University, writes that the customs of veiling and seclusion of women in early Islam were assimilated from the conquered Persian and Byzantine societies and then later on they were viewed as appropriate expressions of Qur'anic norms and values. The Qur'an does not stipulate veiling or seclusion; on the contrary, it tends to emphasize the participation and religious responsibility of both men and women in society.6

Sheikh Muhammad al-Ghazali in his book Sunna Between Fiqh and Hadith declares that all traditions that function to keep women ignorant and prevent them from functioning in public are the remnants ofjahiliya and that following them is contrary to the spirit of Islam. Al-Ghazali says that during the time of the Prophet women were equals at home, in the mosques and on the battlefield. Today true Islam is being destroyed in the name of Islam.7
In Islam ruh al-madaniyya (Islam: the Spirit of Civilization) Shaykh Mustafa Ghalayini reminds his readers that veiling pre-dated Islam and that Muslims learned from other peoples with whom they mixed.8

Nazira Zin al-Din points out that veiling was a custom of rich families as a symbol of status. She quotes Shaykh Abdul Qadir al-Maghribi who also saw in hijab an aristocratic habit to distinguish the women of rich and prestigious families from other women. Nazira concludes that hijab as it is known today is prohibited by the Islamic shari'a.9

Another Muslim scholar, Abd al-Halim Abu Shiqa, wrote a scholarly study of women in Islam entitledTahrir al-mara'a fi 'asr al-risalah: (The Emancipation of Women during the Time of the Prophet)10. He agrees with Zin al-Din and al-Ghazali about the discrepancy between the status of women during the time of the Prophet Mohammad and the status of women today.
women are now leaving islam especially our own somali sister cause of these dum salafis who think that viels are compulsary, they force these things and make it seem like the viel is compulsary

1 only the prophets wives wore the viel , rather it was encouraged only

2 it was never compulsory or supposed to be forced on women,

Samaalic Era

Interesting how you omitted the part of the heroine's story.

@PuntiteQueen You see what these wahabists always do omitting scripture? This brave women actually devised and ingenious plan not only defending herself but overwhelming the enemy empowering other women prisoners as well. What a heroine!

Thanks for teaching me this I respect her more now, whilst @Samaalic Era tried to belittle her

Heroism and war do not mix. Alhamdulliah things went well for Khawlah but she is the exception,not the rule.

Salahudeen did many acts that you may consider heroic and honorable which in fact were downright wrong. He released a Crusader king who then lay siege to Acre. He decided to send doctors to Richard who then got better and then resumed the siege on Acre. In one battle,Richard's horse was killed and Salahudeen sent him 2 horses. This is of course not only undid his control of palestine but resulted in the mass killing and rape of the Muslims of Acre.

What im advocating is taking precaution and an emphasis on prevention rather than intervention


"Temptation" again? Why do you insist on demeaning men like this?

No wonder men in certain societies get turned on by the sight of a bare ankle.

The entire female form and existence has been perverted.

You're right in that Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) said:

"Tell the believing men to lower their gazes and protect their private parts. That is purer for them. Allah is certainly aware of everything they do."

But our diin also mentions many times about the role of women to hold themselves back as well:

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "I will not leave behind a trial more harmful to men than (the temptations of) women."

"They (believing women) should not strike their feet in such a manner that the adornment they hide may be known" (Sūrah al-Nūr, 24:31).

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "Any woman who has been around incense should not join us in the last evening prayer."

^ This was back when women prayed with men, to clarify.

"Do not be soft in speech (to men) for fear that he in whose heart is a disease should desire (you), but speak in an honorable manner" (Sūrah al-Aḥzāb, 33:32).


women are now leaving islam especially our own somali sister cause of these dum salafis who think that viels are compulsary, they force these things and make it seem like the viel is compulsary

1 only the prophets wives wore the viel , rather it was encouraged only

2 it was never compulsory or supposed to be forced on women,

1. I'm very sorry for these sisters but if they're leaving the religion of Allah (Glory to Him, the Exalted) and are becoming apostates over a headscarf then I honestly can't fathom how weak their imaan was to begin with.

2. What's mandatory is mandatory. Of course the khiimar is optional for women--in the same manner that Hell is optional. What's outlined by our Creator is not something that should be ignored and a true believer will follow Islam without discarding aspects of it that don't fit their agenda.

Samaalic Era

Ascribing orthodox practices to "Wahabism" shows a lack of sincerity on the OPs part. He parrots the orientalist myth of a spiritual "sufi islam" divorced of the ahkam the religion came with. :abuxyga:

Fact is Somalis did not practice many religious tenents properly including hijab because of ignorance not because it was a legitimate experession of the diin. In fact, whole clans didnt even know how to pray as explorers of the 19th century have attested to

Even know, you can find reer badiyo who have never prayed in their entire life.


You expected something here didn't you?!?!?
The pictures are from a time when we were Socialists/Communists, so religion naturally played a "watered" down role in Somali culture.

Funnily enough, due to our nation's policies and alliance in the mid 1900s, we were reduced to this current mess we find ourselves in. This is mainly due to, religious bodies remaining neutral and being allowed to travel freely to and from the Western and Eastern blocks and since they mainly leaned to the West, they could easily get info for NATO and co. The Saudi's sponsored a lot of young men to learn and be educated by the Muftis from Mecca and Medinah, I mean which wannabe Sheikh or Imam wouldn't want to be taught by the "Leaders" of Islam. This resulted in US and Western nations funding the building of Mosques by the Wahais in places like Somalia and other non-Wahabi countries and, unfortunately, resulted in all the current Islamist terror groups we know today. As for why Somalis are Wahabi? This is because, the very same young men who went to Makkah and Medinah are now elderly men, who are at the head of Masagids, clans and communities, the same ones that promote joining you-know-who and are protected in return. All the good Sheikhs are gone, since they were either Sufi or suing for peace in the nation and since both are "haram" to A.S and their "ways" they are killed, as to prevent it from spreading.

I pray for a day where we leave Wahhabi and return to Sufism, at the women were being treated better then they are now.

Samaalic Era

You sound a bit too authoritarian sxb. Authoritarianism breeds resentment and hatred. Don’t do that to your kids. Harmful daily interactions between men and women will not bring about the destruction of a society. We only need to teach our kids that there is a line that shouldn’t be crossed. Siting with your male co-workers and chatting with them isn’t wrong. How do you expect a society to trust and hold on to each other if you are teaching it to fear and avoid one whole half of it?

I'll have to disagree. For me to allow my children to be in a harmful environment is being irresponisble. There was a study by gaalo on mixed schools and gender specific schools and their performance. Male students performed very badly in mixed schools and their performance significantly improved in male only schools. while the females were mostly similiar but had a slight better performance in girls only school.

For men specifically, mixing with women makes them weak and feminine. This is very dangerous. Zina is the first step to the fall of a civilisation


living off borrowed time
Following Islam and having values whilst being a progressive, relaxed society and having no extremists :banderas:


Im not gonna read your long essays copied from Salafist Al Maghreb institute, Yasir Qadhi is not my authoritative source.

Name one sahabiyad other than the Prophets wives that wore niqab. Exactly there is none, they were be specially raised in rank and honour due to being Holy Prophets spouses.

That's not nice. I read your whole thing--mine specifically also addresses most of the points you made in your little essay. It also uses a lot of evidence from the Quranic text.

Also, I adore how you were specifically arguing against the hijab itself in your argument but now you've switched it up back again to niqabs; don't know how you have the decency to call me manipulative when you pull stuff like that. For your example, Umm Sulaim (RA) was documented to have worn a hijab.

You're right that the Prophet's wives (RA) were held to a higher degree of modesty than other Muslim women, but not in the niqab but that they were rarely in public. This is why in the Battle of the Camel, Aisha was in a tent on the camel and was not seen.

Go ahead and call everything you don't like Islamically "Salafist". That's like insulting people for properly following Islam, and being called out for following Islam like you're suppose to will never be an insult.
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But but but excuses excuses!

So you Wahabis pick and choose what to follow? You always declare things to be bid'ah except when it goes against your core beliefs?

Is it not bid"ah to follow a practice which the Prophet SAW deemed unnecessary (I.e seperate room for women?!?)

But but but in what world do women pray alongside men? "Wahabi" or not, Muslim men and women never pray in the same room.
The buzz-words "Wahhabism" & "Salafism" are smoke screens when referring to Authentic Islam.

Stop using manipulative words if you want an honest debate or discussion.

As for Hijab, it should not be forced, since Women have the free-will to wear it or not. However, Islamically it's compulsory for Women to wear Hijab.
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Men and women eating siding by side.

Picture is worth 1000 words

What is this post suppose to even mean? The women are still segregated from the men--eating at a separate area. Are you happy that they aren't wearing a hijab--is that it?

Also, if you can, provide more details about what exactly was going on in the picture. Was it at a wedding or a festive gathering? Was this in a major city like Mogadishu? What year did this take place? Was it during Soviet times? How old are most of the women? Are the women and the men familiar with one another?


رَّبِّ زِدْنِي عِلْمًا
The buzz-words "Wahhabism" & "Salafism" are smoke screens when referring to Authentic Islam.

Stop using manipulative words if you want an honest debate or discussion.

As for Hijab, it should not be forced, since Women have the free-will to wear it or not. However, Islamically it's compulsory for Women to wear Hijab.
I Honestly, don`t understand why they won`t read his work instead of repeating these buzz words. They won`t even bring the books of the Salaf because it will expose them. May Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'ala) guide us all. Ameen. And Allah knows best.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
What is this post suppose to even mean? The women are still segregated from the men--eating at a separate area. Are you happy that they aren't wearing a hijab--is that it?

Also, if you can, provide more details about what exactly was going on in the picture. Was it at a wedding or a festive gathering? Was this in a major city like Mogadishu? What year did this take place? Was it during Soviet times? How old are most of the women? Are the women and the men familiar with one another?
wow your really pulling at straws here, this was your typical Somali gathering.
Pre Wahabism





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