Somalia has some nice beaches damn...

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I have a feeling that if peace was to return to somalia, no one would vouch for somaliland. Less land makes you weak.
I have a feeling that if peace was to return to somalia, no one would vouch for somaliland. Less land makes you weak.

The moment the government of Somalia sorts itself out, then every semi-autonomous state will just naturally join the government. But now, Somalia is like Qabil of Thrones, sometimes I wonder if the leaders watch game of thrones.


Citizen of Southwest State
Walaalayaal, it doesn't matter who lives their. Socotra is in Somalia's territorial water, if the Yemen's who live their say they want to be ruled by Yemen, then no one is stopping them from going to Yemen. If you argue Socotra Island being apart of Yemen, then I will argue the Bajuni Islands (near Kismayo) given to the Bantu/Swahili people. I'm a Puntlander aswell.

The process is already underway to free the Bajuni Islands from the criminal and expansionist Somali regime. The complaint has already been drafted and will be presented to the UN very soon.

The Bajuni Islands must be returned to their rightful owner, which is Kenya. The Kenyan citizens on that island have suffered for far too long. Kenya will more than likely be successful in diplomatically retrieving her rightfully owned islands from the corrupt enemy regime of Somalia, Inshallah.
The process is already underway to free the Bajuni Islands from the criminal and expansionist Somali regime. The complaint has already been drafted and will be presented to the UN very soon.

The Bajuni Islands must be returned to their rightful owner, which is Kenya. The Kenyan citizens on that island have suffered for far too long. Kenya will more than likely be successful in diplomatically retrieving her rightfully owned islands from the corrupt enemy regime of Somalia, Inshallah.

The Bajuni Islands are near Mogadishu. How can you give the Kenyans a island that's not even in their country.



I didn't know this
People take a shit in the Somali beach. I saw a man take a dump and wipe his ass with the water in the middle of the ocean with his hands.

I also saw dead fish and an oil spill. I wouldn't swim in it.

Somalis need to take better care of their beaches
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