Somalia IPC Population Estimates: (Jul-Sep 2022)

Darood larger than irir?
Oh My God Wow GIF


Garaadka Guud ee Beesha Calaamka
Bosaaso has actual building complexes, Niggas comparing it to Hut "cities" :drakekidding:
We have IQ. Puntland pioneered investing in medium sized towns. Burtinle, Qardho, Carmo, etc. are all flourishing and have great economic potential. It would’ve been easy for us to put all our eggs in Bosaaso or Garowe, but we didn’t.


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
Bari urban pop. 687k
Togdheer urban pop. 356k

Burco is twice the size of Bosaso and you are telling me Bosaso have 2x more pops than Burco.
Bosaso have port and airport what does burco have 😂 it’s a gang divided village east burco and west burco😂 qardho is bigger than burco

