Somalia is not a country for Muslims but instead Somali Muslims. It’s not for Abu Salah Abu Cubeyda but instead for Jaamac, Calasow, Qowdhan



That’s my President :obamaswag:


We finally beat Medicare 🎊 🎉
Bad take. No need to go there when 100% of the people are Somali. Focus on economy and security instead. Imagine a random Muslim named Abu Cubeyda hearing this
Bad take. No need to go there when 100% of the people are Somali. Focus on economy and security instead. Imagine a random Muslim named Abu Cubeyda hearing this
I'm wondering if he's talking about the Non-Somali nationals that join Al-shabab trying to export their braindead violent interpretation of "Islamic state."

Apart from that I can't see why this would be mentioned.
Sick of these ajinabi outcasts traveling to our forefathers land, to wage war on us in the name of Islam.

Somali first, Ummah second.

Culusow got my support for this.



but non-Muslim Somalis should be included.

they can be buddhist Somalis or Christian Somalis.

all Somalis: genetically and culturally regardless of their creed.
I don’t think we’re ready yet for inclusion for non-Muslim Somalis. Let’s just get rid of these Wahhabist extremists first
Tbh who wants to come to our country though, aside from Oromos. What's the point of saying something like that as if there's some mass migration of Muslims from other countries. :mindblown:

