Somalia is not a country for Muslims but instead Somali Muslims. It’s not for Abu Salah Abu Cubeyda but instead for Jaamac, Calasow, Qowdhan

@bidenkulaha Saxib I'm using my work laptop I have endpoint software blocking your post. Ileen it was HSM, he's a goat for that statement.:mjlaugh:

Finally a Somali president telling someone off. No more bending over for everyone.:rejoice:


Coping through the 1st world
I don’t think we’re ready yet for inclusion for non-Muslim Somalis. Let’s just get rid of these Wahhabist extremists first

Somalia is not like Iran: the country just need to ease the qabil hate.

Since that should be our main priority.

As for Wahhabism: finding a way through funds and commercialising the anti-Wahhabism belief should be a way to eradicate Al Shabab groups.
Saxib we're refugees all over the world, how are we going deny yemenis who are basically in the same situation entry in to our country.
There is no territory to govern without immigration policy and border patrol. If you can't monitor who enters and who leaves your territory, you are not a country but a public toilet.
Tbh who wants to come to our country though, aside from Oromos. What's the point of saying something like that as if there's some mass migration of Muslims from other countries. :mindblown:

A British West African travelled to Somalia for "Jihad"; probably promised 'Somali women virgins' like the rest of these terrorist creeps. He was a high-ranking AlShaydani.

Zubair "Al Muhaajir" kulaha.

Screenshot 2022-09-16 at 21.02.18.png
Has anyone taken a good look at AlShaydani fighters? A large number of them look Bantu, now they are even recruiting Oromos. I think Somalis underestimate how many foreign shaydaans operate in Somalia.

The way to defeat AlShaydaan is something like this:

1. Census- register all Somalis and deport any non-Somali that is not native Bantu or cannot prove to be part of an existing clan (for the assimilated Somalis with foreign haplogroups).
2. Biometric database- register all fingerprints and iris scans on national database.
3. Register all Sim-Cards and Bank accounts to a biometric account- make sure phone companies don't sell to people who don't register their biometric details. + implement prison sentences for those who sell unregisteres SIM cards (burner phones).
4. Checkpoints on all streets in Somalia, nighttime curfews + volunteer neighborhood watch.
5. Fine all "beggars" and deport all Oromo and other illegals on sight.
I’ve heard most Somali Bantus are part of al Shabab groups.

If they are. Then mass deportation!

They are.

I feel bad for Somalian National Bantus. They are disenfranchised and bullied on all levels, so the only 'power' they get is by signing up to AlShaydaan. I also 100% believe they are forced to join this evil gang like all people under their rule.

Instead, the Somali National Army needs to recruit Bantu males and send them to their own regions. If they have jobs and security they will not go near Alshaydaan either. We also need discrimation laws, so that Bantus can live with dignity in Somalia and not live with ciil and cuqdad.
Saudi Arabia and UAE are 'peaceful' precisely because they don't play around with security. They have everyone's fingerprints and iris registered. If you buy a sim-card or an internet router, you have to register your passport. Same thing with Bank accounts, it's connected to your passport.

Meanwhile in Somalia, anyone can buy a 'passport' in the black market. Anyone can transfer money and open a bank account without being traced. I also suspect leading telecom agencies are involved with AlShaydaan themselves. Remember when the NISA agent, Ikram Tahliil, was killed? Hormuud Telecom refused to release information about the last number that appeared on Ikram's phone.

* Qali is Ikram's mother.
Qali also said Hormud Telcom, the country's largest telecom provider, 'declined' to share information about the last number which appeared on Ikran's phone.

They are.

I feel bad for Somalian National Bantus. They are disenfranchised and bullied on all levels, so the only 'power' they get is by signing up to AlShaydaan. I also 100% believe they are forced to join this evil gang like all people under their rule.

Instead, the Somali National Army needs to recruit Bantu males and send them to their own regions. If they have jobs and security they will not go near Alshaydaan either. We also need discrimation laws, so that Bantus can live with dignity in Somalia and not live with ciil and cuqdad.
If Bantus were the majority in Somalia, I think we would have been straight up genocided like the Tutsis, be careful who you feel sorry for

they don’t own most of Africa by being miskeen
If Bantus were the majority in Somalia, I think we would have been straight up genocided like the Tutsis, be careful who you feel sorry for

they don’t own most of Africa by being miskeen

Oh for sure. I don't believe in 'miskeenimo', however, since they are Somalians (Nationals), they deserve their rights. We cannot be inhumane. I am convinced they would love to be repatriated to Tanzania, but the UN stopped the repatriation programme for some reason.