Somalia is not a country for Muslims but instead Somali Muslims. It’s not for Abu Salah Abu Cubeyda but instead for Jaamac, Calasow, Qowdhan


Has anyone taken a good look at AlShaydani fighters? A large number of them look Bantu, now they are even recruiting Oromos. I think Somalis underestimate how many foreign shaydaans operate in Somalia.

The way to defeat AlShaydaan is something like this:

1. Census- register all Somalis and deport any non-Somali that is not native Bantu or cannot prove to be part of an existing clan (for the assimilated Somalis with foreign haplogroups).
2. Biometric database- register all fingerprints and iris scans on national database.
3. Register all Sim-Cards and Bank accounts to a biometric account- make sure phone companies don't sell to people who don't register their biometric details. + implement prison sentences for those who sell unregisteres SIM cards (burner phones).
4. Checkpoints on all streets in Somalia, nighttime curfews + volunteer neighborhood watch.
5. Fine all "beggars" and deport all Oromo and other illegals on sight.
I expect the current govenemnt to begin 2, 3, 4.

This is today, the President mentioned their now setting up Personal Identification numbers so people don’t open multiple banks and all funds can be traced.

Number 1 needs 1m1v and a nationalist Somali be elected.
I expect the current govenemnt to begin 2, 3, 4.

This is today, the President mentioned their now setting up Personal Identification numbers so people don’t open multiple banks and all funds can be traced.

Number 1 needs 1m1v and a nationalist Somali be elected.

I forgot to add that all "IDP" camps should be closed asap. There is no need for people to be homeless in their own country. It's not a coincidence that the biggest AlShabab recruits are also the majority in IDP camps; Bantu + D&M. Those places are hotbeds for criminal activity and sexual exploitation by foreign troops.

If HSM manages to implement these things, that'll be one hell of a legacy.


I forgot to add that all "IDP" camps should be closed asap. There is no need for people to be homeless in their own country. It's not a coincidence that the biggest AlShabab recruits are also the majority in IDP camps; Bantu + D&M. Those places are hotbeds for criminal activity and sexual exploitation by foreign troops. IDP camps should be dismantled once these droughts ease.

If HSM manages to implement these things, that'll be one hell of a legacy.
If the Bantu have to stay I think we should just confine them to Bay/Bakool. Give them KG ‘citizenship’ and keep them there. They shouldn’t be allowed to move about freely.

Identification number should be national but have each state your from attached to it. Like how Ethiopians have with Somali, Tigray, Amhara etc
If the Bantu have to stay I think we should just confine them to Bay/Bakool. Give them KG ‘citizenship’ and keep them there. They shouldn’t be allowed to move about freely.

Identification number should be national but have each state your from attached to it. Like how Ethiopians have with Somali, Tigray, Amhara etc


The trouble is that short-sighted people will oppose this idea and they'll follow the tune of their foreign NGO overlords. For instance, a Norwegian charity built a large IDP settlement outside Bosaso. Rest assured they will try to replicate this across Somalia and we will see Bantu flavellas across the country. This will only breed resentment, criminal behaviour and poverty.

Instead, we need Bantu citizens, who are part and parcel of a Federal State, gainfully employed tax payers. Once this happens, after a few decades, let people live and pay rent where they want. I doubt anyone will oppose a Somalian Bantu from living or working anywhere; if they are contributing members of society.
Another huge security threat in Somalia, is begging culture by Eelaay Somalis. But when people bring this up, they get offended. You will see able-bodied Eelaay men, begging for money and food in all parts of Somalia. Meanwhile, this begging man has his own home and land back home. Allegedly this begging culture has been happening before the civil war. I hate to say it, but we have our own native 'gypsies' and this needs to be clamped down on. I am convinced that Oromo sheegads hide among the Eelaay.

* Other Somalis also beg, but they beg their wealthier or diaspora family members, not on the streets.


Coping through the 1st world
If Bantus were the majority in Somalia, I think we would have been straight up genocided like the Tutsis, be careful who you feel sorry for

they don’t own most of Africa by being miskeen
They are.

I feel bad for Somalian National Bantus. They are disenfranchised and bullied on all levels, so the only 'power' they get is by signing up to AlShaydaan. I also 100% believe they are forced to join this evil gang like all people under their rule.

Instead, the Somali National Army needs to recruit Bantu males and send them to their own regions. If they have jobs and security they will not go near Alshaydaan either. We also need discrimation laws, so that Bantus can live with dignity in Somalia and not live with ciil and cuqdad.


We’re actually the most homogeneous groups and also the most genetically distinctive: compare to our Semitic-Cushitic groups (Habeshas and Eris)

we’ve been culturally and genetically loyal for thousands of years.

If we Interrogate with any minorities: this will contradict our thousands of years of no mixing.

This is why I stand by tribalism in our homeland.


Another huge security threat in Somalia, is begging culture by Eelaay Somalis. But when people bring this up, they get offended. You will see able-bodied Eelaay men, begging for money and food in all parts of Somalia. Meanwhile, this begging man has his own home and land back home. Allegedly this begging culture has been happening before the civil war. I hate to say it, but we have our own native 'gypsies' and this needs to be clamped down on. I am convinced that Oromo sheegads hide among the Eelaay.
waa bilaa dhaqan. these people don't even have our culture. I doubt all of them were muslim before all these islamist groups took over the place. used to a lot of weird shit coming out from there.
Tbh who wants to come to our country though, aside from Oromos. What's the point of saying something like that as if there's some mass migration of Muslims from other countries. :mindblown:
you havent been to mogadishu and other cities in somalia recently then. huge influx of yemenis, syrians and south asians. Although i personally don't have any issue with this. not sure if these are the people HSM is referring to. think its more on how other countries want to always have their noses in somali internal affairs.
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Coping through the 1st world
US interference in our soil should be also be called out:

this is no different in any Muslim countries to Control and corrupt the nation.
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Yep, even White british man and half syrian/half american people have joined too.

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Weirdest part is they're usually marrying Somali women as well.
They are.

I feel bad for Somalian National Bantus. They are disenfranchised and bullied on all levels, so the only 'power' they get is by signing up to AlShaydaan. I also 100% believe they are forced to join this evil gang like all people under their rule.

Instead, the Somali National Army needs to recruit Bantu males and send them to their own regions. If they have jobs and security they will not go near Alshaydaan either. We also need discrimation laws, so that Bantus can live with dignity in Somalia and not live with ciil and cuqdad.

Agreed. Injustice can create situations like this. That's why Somalia needs to work on not discriminating against minority clans and giving them a sort of restitution and protection.

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
Thread went from applauding HSM to fearmongering about bantus, its time to have honest look in the mirror. Bantus will never conquer Somalia that will happen when pigs fly nor will they take over by migrating. Are you guys even listening to yourselves. Somali bantus are hardworking people, leave them be, racism is haram
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We’re actually the most homogeneous groups and also the most genetically distinctive: compare to our Semitic-Cushitic groups (Habeshas and Eris)

we’ve been culturally and genetically loyal for thousands of years.

If we Interrogate with any minorities: this will contradict our thousands of years of no mixing.

This is why I stand by tribalism in our homeland.

We need to hold slave trading Somalis responsible. They, Arabs and the Italian colonisers brought the Bantus. I also think there are Bantus who are just economic migrant descendants. Whatever it is, they are in Somalia now and there is no getting rid of them.

I think they can be a source of strength and also a way to build a bridge with other African Nations. Somalians are part and parcel of Somalia, that also goes for the mixed-race communities who descend from Hindi/Arab/Bantu etc like Shanshi, Barawani and of course, Bajuni natives.