Somalia National Development Plan 2020-2024


Bantu Liberation Movement
Why are the prices in Somalia extortionate, is that what people are willing to pay? Is Djibouti's installed capacity correct since they have a desalination plant?


Why are the prices in Somalia extortionate, is that what people are willing to pay? Is Djibouti's installed capacity correct since they have a desalination plant?
Think we get expensive low quality diesel not sure why if it’s lack of regulation or lack of purchasing power. Then the fuel is transported by truck which adds cost as well check points sometimes that also want money. Finally we have really inefficient diesal generators due to wet stacking . All the costs go to customers and maybe there is some monopoly going on as well due to lack of options and regulations


Why are the prices in Somalia extortionate, is that what people are willing to pay? Is Djibouti's installed capacity correct since they have a desalination plant?
Price comes down to economies of scale and distance to power plants. Somalia would need to invest billions to reach global competitive rates ($0.05 per kwh).

Private power companies rely on imported diesel to meet demand, which people that benefit from the status quo (diesel and charcoal importers) are incentivized to keep prices high.


The majority of Somalia’s population, perhaps 80% to 90%, relies on traditional biomass fuels, wood and charcoal, for cooking. Annual consumption of charcoal is estimated at around 4 million tons per year , a rate that is quickly exhausting Somalia’s few remaining forests. The prevalence of charcoal and wood for cooking also has some serious health impacts at the household level which will be mitigated by the proposed introduction of modern cooking fuels and cleaner, more efficient, and cost-effective end-use devices . The continuing illegal export of charcoal further contributes to the assault on the precarious and fragile vegetation.


report came out 2020. 4 years gone and no progress



Your know why bro.
the fgs too broke no president post 90's has done much in terms of captial projects. and as long as no rule of law doubt anyone will invest or give somalia the loans for the billions needed . to big a risk for the the power plants and transmission lines getting destroyed. doubt anything will happen for foreseable future

edit; here some documents from colonial days. both reports show that they didnt see much future due to hostile land other than being ports. it almost seemed like they thought we should be part of ethiopia to have real economy. somali people making harsh land and lives even harder with all the infighting. need to master land and make country safe so outsiders invest and we get loans hopefully before our life time


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Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
the fgs too broke no president post 90's has done much in terms of captial projects. and as long as no rule of law doubt anyone will invest or give somalia the loans for the billions needed . to big a risk for the the power plants and transmission lines getting destroyed. doubt anything will happen for foreseable future
Our competent Somali experts in finance from last term surely went over any plan regarding future projections for how to procure revenue in support of cheaper energy. Those experts are no longer present, they took their talents to south beach
They didn’t just skim over these costly ideas without a means of completing the task. If this legend says we could do it (cost wise with whatever plan they had), then we most certainly could. However it halted because he was accused of stuff he didn’t do. The biggest thing holding us back is grudges and corruption. He was the biggest whistleblower on any form of dollar mismanagement, so his departure was inevitable.

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Beautiful read on this file. One seeks to electricity for all of Somalia and one wanted welfare for all poor Somali citizens. Hassan and farmaajo had some noble aims. However it’s the grudge driven by one to the next which holds Somalia back.
These reports usually mandated and supported by western aid agency. Just like new Ndp 10 that will soon be released. The problem is no govt follows through because budget not there. The last big project I rme been being approved for Somalia was boroma road and pretty sure it’s still sitting on shelf


1.2 billion dollar project completed connecting Kenya with Ethipia to take advantage of GERD dam electrcity. Majority of fund provided by world bank and other western partners. Kenya saved 10 million this year in electricity costs. Imagine if something like this happened in somalia, we already pay 10x for electricity compared to neighbors due lack of infrastrcuture. Yet places like Kenya djibouti and Ethiopia get all investment. Which good for them but dam can somalia get some

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1.2 billion dollar project completed connecting Kenya with Ethipia to take advantage of GERD dam electrcity. Majority of fund provided by world bank and other western partners. Kenya saved 10 million this year in electricity costs. Imagine if something like this happened in somalia, we already pay 10x for electricity compared to neighbors due lack of infrastrcuture. Yet places like Kenya djibouti and Ethiopia get all investment. Which good for them but dam can somalia get some

Somalia getting energy from the GERD dam would be amazing but you can’t let your biggest enemy have that power over you. Rather Somalia pay 10x and slowly build up internal capacity.
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Somalia getting energy from the GERD dam would be amazing but you can’t let your biggest enemy have that power over you. Rather Somalia pay 10x and slowly build up internal capacity.
Once you have grid built up can have different sources tied into it. Dams have different outputs depending on rain and droughts. Kenya has alternatives. But doesn’t get much cheaper than dam energy instead of burning fossil fuel. Somali burning millions using shoddy diesel engineer and no real grid system
Once you have grid built up can have different sources tied into it. Dams have different outputs depending on rain and droughts. Kenya has alternatives. But doesn’t get much cheaper than dam energy instead of burning fossil fuel. Somali burning millions using shoddy diesel engineer and no real grid system
100% agree but nothing we can do saaxib. I don’t care if they gave us the energy for free I wouldn’t take it.