Somalia Parliament passes new the Immigration Bill


East Africa UNUKA LEH
In Somalia we have laws that protects the citizen from exploitation especially entrepreneurs. Ajaanib can't be sole owners and a citizen has to own at least 40% of shares.
What that has to do with religion?
It was a bill defining sexual violence but Somali clerics spread misinformation and said it's a bill that would legalize LGBT.

The definition of sexual violence according to bill is that sexual violence is the insertion of anything into the genital or anus of another person without their consent.

They somehow came up with the conclusion that this bill is promoting LGBT and they slandered Sacdiyo Yasin.
Yes from what’s been said by people familiar with the bill, it allows half Somalis with non-Somali fathers get citizenship and vote in elections.

Not many people will take advantage of this if we’re honest. Hardly any of these half Somali kids want to go back to somalia. The actual bigger issue is the Oromo and other neighbours who can vote and become Somali citizens
Angry Inside Out GIF by Disney Pixar

We are losing Somali every minute, and we can't do anything about it. Wallahi there will be a right wing party in the future that will correct all these immoralities and ills in out society. Only a pure 100% Somali will be allowed to vote.

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
Somalia has multitudes of problems to address before we address immigration, gaalada are very sinister with the way they are already kicking a man who is down:kendrickcry:People with the names like Libaan Gustaffson, Warsame Lingling or Mahad Adeyola can now be somali citizens, our awoowes are weeping.
If your problem is with Somali mothers getting nationality for their foreign father having children. NEWSFLASH:

Plenty of you Somalis are from lineages that aren't Somali to begin with. The only reason you became Somali is because your female ancestor was Somali and then your father got adopted into her Somali clan. Check your DNA with 23andMe before you start ranting and raving.
Those of you with Semitic, Oromo, Bantu etc, haplogroups aren't even ethnic Somalis paternally. Your male ancestor is a Somali NATIONAL and it's thanks to the Somali mothers who bore you that you can even claim to be Somali.
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Instead of worrying about a half-Somali with a Somali hooyo, who speaks and breathes Somalinimo. Worry about the real threats to Somalia's integrity, such as:

1. Allowing foreigners to buy land, look up Michael Darby who owns over 800 acres of land in Mogadishu.
2. Allowing predatory foreigners to open factories in Somalia, such as the Chinese who are opening up factories in Somalia. Some of them think they're slick and are 'marrying' local women to curry favour.
3. Oromos and other expansionist foreigners who want to squat in Somalia and lobby for voting rights whilst not even believing in Somalia's existence.
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Somali Saayid

Frm President of Somalia, MP for Life, Cheese Love
Instead of worrying about a half-Somali with a Somali hooyo, who speaks and breathes Somalinimo. Worry about the real threats to Somalia's integrity, such as:

1. Allowing foreigners to buy land, look up Michael Darby who owns over 800 acres of land in Mogadishu.
2. Allowing predatory foreigners to open factories in Somalia, such as the Chinese who are opening up factories in Somalia. Some of them think they're slick and are 'marrying' local women to curry favour.
3. Oromos and other expansionist foreigners who want to squat in Somalia and lobby for voting rights whilst not even believing in Somalia's existence. The other threat, is with the foreigners who are allowed to
"3. Oromos and other expansionist foreigners who want to squat in Somalia and lobby for voting rights whilst not even believing in Somalia's existence. The other threat, is with the foreigners who are allowed to"

If an Oromo had a child with a Somali women they're child would become Somali due to this law. What makes you think they wouldn't vote for pro-oromo integration policies.

If we don't solve this problem Somalia is gonna get a NAZI party.

Face it the women is not the Head of Household and they child will grow up Oromo not Somali.
Somali citizenship for those who are min 90%+ Somali in their lineage.
"3. Oromos and other expansionist foreigners who want to squat in Somalia and lobby for voting rights whilst not even believing in Somalia's existence. The other threat, is with the foreigners who are allowed to"

If an Oromo had a child with a Somali women they're child would become Somali due to this law. What makes you think they wouldn't vote for pro-oromo integration policies.

If we don't solve this problem Somalia is gonna get a NAZI party.

Plenty of "Somalis" are Oromos, they just don't know it yet or they make up lies to hide it from the general public. For example, in South Somalia, Colonial-era maps, show clearly where foreigners lived but all of a sudden these foreign groups 'disappeared', but we can all guess what really happened here.
Somalia has multitudes of problems to address before we address immigration, gaalada are very sinister with the way they are already kicking a man who is down:kendrickcry:People with the names like Libaan Gustaffson, Warsame Lingling or Mahad Adeyola can now be somali citizens, our awoowes are weeping.

This has already happened, many, many times. But instead of claiming their real names, these people are doing abtiris to men who are not their male ancestors. Instead, they are probably claming the ancestry of their maternal lineage or even people who are not related to them at all.

Somali Saayid

Frm President of Somalia, MP for Life, Cheese Love
Plenty of "Somalis" are Oromos, they just don't know it yet or they make up lies to hide it from the general public. For example, in South Somalia, Colonial-era maps, show clearly where foreigners lived but all of a sudden these foreign groups 'disappeared', but we can all guess what really happened here.
Wallahi your right, do you have numbers on tribes like mx and og and the like whom were in Jubbaoyinka at the begining of colonial period?
Puntland and Somaliland will never recognize such a thing and they have the right to not recognize such a thing, one might as well tell Jews that ethnicity passes through the father.

This bill will either get shot down in the senate and permanently ruin reunification

Keep it a boqol

All Praise Be To Allah In Every Situation!!!
Puntland and Somaliland will never recognize such a thing and they have the right to not recognize such a thing, one might as well tell Jews that ethnicity passes through the father.

This bill will either get shot down in the senate and permanently ruin reunification
Inshallah. Otherwise Somalia will turn into a Chinese/Oromo/kikuyu nation. Our sovereignty is being attacked on every single level


Garaad diinle

 
Somalia isn't in a place to pass such lax law willy nilly. Somali is a neighbour to two countries one of whom is 50 million and the other is over a 100 million meanwhile somalia is barely 20 million. Both of these countries are careful about somali influx into their borders and you have somalis allowing them in into the country. The somali government must preserve the somali linage and homogeneous nature where more than 80% have a common decent and 20% have been somalis for more than 2000 years.


Puntland and Somaliland will never recognize such a thing and they have the right to not recognize such a thing, one might as well tell Jews that ethnicity passes through the father.

This bill will either get shot down in the senate and permanently ruin reunification
Of course they will. They will do what the IC tells them to do just like the FGS.

Deni was ahead of everyone with his election registration. He’s even allowing IDP refugees and all sorts of non-reer Puntland people to vote.

They’ll have a Somali passport therefore access to the whole of Somalia. Unfortunately it’s what the IC wants for us to have access to their money
Plenty of you Somalis are from lineages that aren't Somali to begin with. There are even Oromos among you, but you don't even know it, YET.
Newflash w.e lineage you got today is long after whatever mix happend that produced our ancestors. So let’s get this straight are u talking about the qabiils who are claiming Banu Hashim? Either way i dont see how that’s relevant nor that we are Natufian and Nilotic the identity of whose Somali is already quite set after Islam came to the horn.

Regarding there is Oromo among us who cares? that can be said about any group? Arabs got Persians who are ”arab” today and turks got greeks armenians albanians who are ”turk” today. Clan identity ebbs and flows based on loyalties and economic interest. For all you could know there might be HG and Isaaq that are MJ today🤣
Instead of worrying about a half-Somali with a Somali hooyo, who speaks and breathes Somalinimo. Worry about the real threats to Somalia's integrity, such as:

1. Allowing foreigners to buy land, look up Michael Darby who owns over 800 acres of land in Mogadishu.
2. Allowing predatory foreigners to open factories in Somalia, such as the Chinese who are opening up factories in Somalia. Some of them think they're slick and are 'marrying' local women to curry favour.
3. Oromos and other expansionist foreigners who want to squat in Somalia and lobby for voting rights whilst not even believing in Somalia's existence.
That man you mentioned is in Xalane practically it’s own country however that land will be taken back once it closes. What chinese factory you talking about? heard there is a chinese in Garowe who got a license to export correct me if im wrong however they built a tuna factory in Somaliland that one is owned by Somalis. Regarding foreigners being allowed to vote isnt that what this bill is advocating for? So the ones u try call out might just be against the bill?

The fear some of you got i dont see Somalis allowing foreigners to take over we dont even sell land to people that are not from the same clan and during Siyad barre time was alot half italians and hindus & yemenies who are nowhere to be found. We wont turn into Uganda letting Indians run our cities so dont worry.
Somalia isn't in a place to pass such lax law willy nilly. Somali is a neighbour to two countries one of whom is 50 million and the other is over a 100 million meanwhile somalia is barely 20 million. Both of these countries are careful about somali influx into their borders and you have somalis allowing them in into the country. The somali government must preserve the somali linage and homogeneous nature where more than 80% have a common decent and 20% have been somalis for more than 2000 years.
Neither Kenya nor Ethiopia is careful about Somali influx you can buy their passport rn if you wish.


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