Somalia Presidential Election Day 2022: LIVE UPDATES and Analysis

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@Galmudug-State @six What kind of people would want their own clan members to engage in sin (murder), that will just end up being used against you on the final hour? HSM antics lead to people dying on both sides, innocent civilians, and you're just typing away on some random board, unbelievable.
No one said they wanted that to happen. They just know he’s a guy we can rely on.

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
@Chase and others

Question is how would Deni work with Hawiyes, other Daroods and Raxanweyn people. He has done a lot for Puntland but I don’t think he would solve a lot of problems in Southern Somalia. He needs someone credible like Shariif or HSM to be his president if he wins.
HSM was a always a hiraabist. That’s something that will never change

You call attacking peacefull wacdan nomads in lantabuur, jazeerada and wacdan&bimaal nomads outskirts of merka and labeling them al shabaabis hiraabist :bell: ?
He was racist and only cared for HG/abg interests other then that alhamdulilah we squashed all that
@Galmudug-State @six What kind of people would want their own clan members to engage in sin (murder), that will just end up being used against you on the final hour? HSM antics lead to people dying on both sides, innocent civilians, and you're just typing away on some random board, unbelievable.

Look CBB, no one is buying your bull crap when you are a Farmajoo supporter. Give it a rest.
Begging Abgaal now, forever irrelavant:heh::heh:
Mate your own clan MX is forever banished from Politics. Just a few months ago you and your fellow Marehan on here were confident in Farmaajo staying. We as Hawiyes were united and ready to support any powerful HAG candidate. The only loser here is you. :gucciwhat:

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
Sheikh Shariif was the best candidate in my opinion, he would have stabilised SWS, arguably the biggest with problems with Al-shabaab. He has a proven track record of fighting Al-shaabab and bringing hostile clans together ( his ICU days ). He was the man for the job. Hopefully he gets a PM position if a Darood candidate wins.
@Galmudug-State @six What kind of people would want their own clan members to engage in sin (murder), that will just end up being used against you on the final hour? HSM antics lead to people dying on both sides, innocent civilians, and you're just typing away on some random board, unbelievable.
I want expansion and investment. I don't fall for your pathetic diversions.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Mate your own clan MX is forever banished from Politics. Just a few months ago you and your fellow Marehan on here were confident in Farmaajo staying. We as Hawiyes were united and ready to support any powerful HAG candidate. The only loser here is you. :gucciwhat:
When Farmaajo Or Deni wins I will requote you, your tears shall be sweet even Abgaal cant save your failed politics.


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
@Galmudug-State @six What kind of people would want their own clan members to engage in sin (murder), that will just end up being used against you on the final hour? HSM antics lead to people dying on both sides, innocent civilians, and you're just typing away on some random board, unbelievable.

They just mad that they spent two years boasting about their dick size to get bukakked by Deni and Farmaajo.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Nope, as soon as he was named PM, AAW moved in and was driving him like a fiddle. The Damul jadiid is just a new cover since the nigga AAW is a toast now.

The joke is on Baahane, Guuleed, Qoorqoor, and their crew who taught AAW could be a president in Somalia. :dead: :deadpeter::deadmanny:
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