Genel is a western company based in London owned by a Rothschild and they have done deals with Somaliland.There is no reputable oil/energy company right now that is dealing with any states in Somalia.
Like I said it would stupid for the big energy companies to go through states. They don't need to anyways. The central government has said they are honouring the agreements between the Siad Barre government and the oil companies that was signed in the 80s before the civil war.
So for the companies; why would they go through an illegal way of getting oil, when the central government is telling them, you can get the oil legally from us.
Same with RAK Gas a UAE a based company.
Chinese, Norwegian etc are looking for licenses to survey both on and offshore sektorns in Somaliland.
I posted a thread about it even, under Somaliland there's believed to be oil reserves akin to the one in Yemen.
Genel is going to drill close to Burco in 2019. Then they will determine if it's possible to commercialize it.