Somalia should be for Somalis only


Cabdul's Status CLOSED until further notice.
I agree that the Oromos are a threat because they live right in the heart of Mogadishu when no Somalis live in all of Oromia, and yet they continue to threaten Soma lands in Ethiopia but that still doesn’t excuse us allowing us Arabs, Indians, Turks to dominate and control Somalia’s economy.
First off, go back to where you belong first larper. 2nd off, why are you so obsessed? Somalia dosent have an economy, its an AID STATE. Nothing the current government does is real or benefits the country. Somalis will not let another person control their economy, we control others economy you ajnabi. Go back to where you came from, youre not somali or a lander.
First off, go back to where you belong first larper. 2nd off, why are you so obsessed? Somalia dosent have an economy, its an AID STATE. Nothing the current government does is real or benefits the country. Somalis will not let another person control their economy, we control others economy you ajnabi. Go back to where you came from, youre not somali or a lander.
What is a Lander? Are they space aliens? And already Syrians and Turks are in business right now in Mogadishu Somalia if it doesn’t take steps to make sure we dominate in business in our own land will be dominated by outsiders like the UAE and etc why is what I’m saying a threat to you? I’m guessing your against us controlling our own wealth in our nation, Somalis like you would rather have ajnabi controlling us because you wish harm against us.
The failed state of Yemen 🇾🇪 are the puppet masters of Djibouti 🇩🇯 - @thisthatone ☝️☝️🤓🤓
View attachment 339460View attachment 339461

Yep they own many businesses in Djibouti and were even brought in to build their port instead of using locals, their are many Yemeni restaurants just go to downtown Djibouti ville and you will see how they dominate that country.


Cabdul's Status CLOSED until further notice.
What is a Lander? Are they space aliens? And already Syrians and Turks are in business right now in Mogadishu Somalia if it doesn’t take steps to make sure we dominate in business in our own land will be dominated by outsiders like the UAE and etc why is what I’m saying a threat to you? I’m guessing your against us controlling our own wealth in our nation, Somalis like you would rather have ajnabi controlling us because you wish harm against us.
Nigga were you not claiming lander for the past what year or something, Wlhi just proves my point further. Or your pinkys unhinged alt.
Langaab Nigeria you booty scratching danyeers would be sweeping the streets or serving canjeero iyo beer for us Ciise along with your fellow langaab Yemeni pirates and Afar barbarian who ended up in our city
See Somalis are brain dead while your dumb ass is worried about stupid fake ass made up qabil as if your black ass is descendant of Arabs so called Ciise are being massacred in Ethiopia by the afar because Somalis would rather care about qabil instead of coming together but hey I already foresaw this more and more Somalis will be assimilated into the Oromo.

Yep they own many businesses in Djibouti and were even brought in to build their port instead of using locals, their are many Yemeni restaurants just go to downtown Djibouti ville and you will see how they dominate that country.
The only reason you think Yemenis control Dijibouti is because they're a non-black ethnic minority. You have a massive inferiority complex


Cabdul's Status CLOSED until further notice.
What is a Lander? Are they space aliens? And already Syrians and Turks are in business right now in Mogadishu Somalia if it doesn’t take steps to make sure we dominate in business in our own land will be dominated by outsiders like the UAE and etc why is what I’m saying a threat to you? I’m guessing your against us controlling our own wealth in our nation, Somalis like you would rather have ajnabi controlling us because you wish harm against us.
Go ahead, give me 1 example. Anything as a source aswell, you have 10 minutes.
Nigga were you not claiming lander for the past what year or something, Wlhi just proves my point further. Or your pinkys unhinged alt.
Lmfao never have I ever claimed somaliland I said maybe we should give them their independence with conditions that those clans that want to join Somalia join Somalia I’m against the disintegration of Somalia I’m a die hard Somaliweyn supporter sadly that dream has sailed.


Cabdul's Status CLOSED until further notice.
Lmfao never have I ever claimed somaliland I said maybe we should give them their independence with conditions that those clans that want to join Somalia join Somalia I’m against the disintegration of Somalia I’m a die hard Somaliweyn supporter sadly that dream has sailed.
Wallahi im being gasslit wallahi someone i need back up i need back up from this demon


Cabdul's Status CLOSED until further notice.
What you need is self love and Somalinimo you hate anything that is Somalia in favor of foreigners Somalis like you are dangerous to our cause, and our nation.
Your 10 minutes are up, you are still yet to give me an example of turks and syrians running somali business.
I agree that the Oromos are a threat because they live right in the heart of Mogadishu when no Somalis live in all of Oromia, and yet they continue to threaten Soma lands in Ethiopia but that still doesn’t excuse us allowing us Arabs, Indians, Turks to dominate and control Somalia’s economy.

Laangaab pajeets are not a threat. They are a cucked and humiliated group. They are memed globally for this very reason. Arabs investing here and there doesn't mean much. Turks are the only group there who could actually become a threat.
I already knew this is what you were gonna send, ridiculous
Please tell us why you don’t want Somalis controlling their own resources like other ethnic groups do in other countries the fact that your so against my suggestion let’s me know what a fucking cuck you are a slave who should be castrated and killed.


Cabdul's Status CLOSED until further notice.
Please tell us why you don’t want Somalis controlling their own resources like other ethnic groups do in other countries the fact that your so against my suggestion let’s me know what a fucking cuck you are a slave who should be castrated and killed.
What is this, are you an agent playing with me or something??? Pinkys unhinged alt?? Am I being trolled??? I dont even know how to react, at first i was laughing, second I started being scared. Surely youre trolling right, whats going on
What is this, are you an agent playing with me or something??? Pinkys unhinged alt?? Am I being trolled??? I dont even know how to react, at first i was laughing, second I started being scared. Surely youre trolling right, whats going on
wtf are you in this thread it has nothing to do with you self haters


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