Somalia should be for Somalis only


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
Despite your inaccuracies regarding Djibouti, I agree with your overall point. Somalia should enact laws on business ownership. With the exception of multinational conglomerates (for example: Google), businesses should be 51% owned by a Somali citizen.

Issue that creates is that foreign nationals with a big enough business interest in Somalia will just become Somali citizens. That’s what the Lebanese did in West Africa and the Indians did in East Africa.

Now, one could create legislation about Somali citizenship but then that gets even trickier.

For example, if you pass a law that states that Somali citizenship is patrilineal, suddenly tens of thousands of Somalis that are matrilineal Somalis that obtained citizenship before 1991 will lose their claim to Somali citizenry.

What you could do is place an amnesty period, stating that immigration prior to a certain date, these laws do not apply. But the question is what year? 1991? 1960? 2024?

It’s a tricky thing to implement but I agree in theory.


When Somalia becomes peaceful it will become a minority-dominated economy if we do not do like the gulf Arabs did requiring companies be 51% owned by a local or it is against the law.

These countries are dominated by a foreign ethnic/racial groups economically.

Mozambique- Portuguese
Angola- Portuguese
Liberia- Lebanese
Ghana- Lebanese
Cote D’ivoire- lebanese
South Africa- white
Botswana- white
Namibia- white
Malawi- white
Mozambique and Angola are former Portuguese colony buy I wouldn't say they are dominated by white Portuguese. Actually some low middle class white Portuguese folks migrated to Mozambique and Angola for employment during the economic crisis in Portugal.
Also Botswana is not economically dominated by whites and I've never seen a Yemeni Djiboutian in my life let alone think they own the country which is mostly Somali runned.
Mozambique and Angola are former Portuguese colony buy I wouldn't say they are dominated by white Portuguese. Actually some low middle class white Portuguese folks migrated to Mozambique and Angola for employment during the economic crisis in Portugal.
Also Botswana is not economically dominated by whites and I've never seen a Yemeni Djiboutian in my life let alone think they own the country which is mostly Somali runned.
No those countries are all run by the Portuguese wtf does them being “low middle class” mean their still white why would these poor African nation allow thousands of Portuguese in and have jobs when their own natives can’t get jobs?


Somalia needs more foreigners who can share the land and resources. They cannot continue having an ethnostate, the world has changed. They need to mix things up. 40 years of utter failure is the evidence whatever Somalis is doing isn't working. Bring in hardworking ethnic groups from around the world and let them contribute to the economy.


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
Somalia needs more foreigners who can share the land and resources. They cannot continue having an ethnostate, the world has changed. They need to mix things up. 40 years of utter failure is the evidence whatever Somalis is doing isn't working. Bring in hardworking ethnic groups from around the world and let them contribute to the economy.

The problem with skilled immigration is that it creates a native population that’s not interested in working in crucial industries, which means you’re going to need more and more skilled migrants, which creates a spiral.


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯

Yep they own many businesses in Djibouti and were even brought in to build their port instead of using locals, their are many Yemeni restaurants just go to downtown Djibouti ville and you will see how they dominate that country.
I've been downtown and the yemenis only own small shops that sell us nice fish or shawarma.

But just because you rock up on some country with your boats as refugees and open a few restaurants doesn't mean you run shit


The problem with skilled immigration is that it creates a native population that’s not interested in working in crucial industries, which means you’re going to need more and more skilled migrants, which creates a spiral.

I'm thinking of the Gulf Arab model bar the human rights abuses. I would like there to be some accommodation, even citizenship but with very strict rules. Naturalisation need not mean you are immune to revocation and potential repatriation to your country of origin. The Western model doesn't work.


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
I'm thinking of the Gulf Arab model bar the human rights abuses. I would like there to be some accommodation, even citizenship but with very strict rules. Naturalisation need not mean you are immune to revocation and potential repatriation to your country of origin. The Western model doesn't work.

The Gulf Arab method is slowly crumbling. Firstly, they couldn’t ban non-ethnic Gulf people from getting citizenship, they made it at the discretion of the monarch and the monarch hardly gave it out.

Secondly, recently, countries like the UAE have been giving out citizenship to non-Emiratis. This is purely to keep business within the country and also to avoid growing backlash.

The reason they got away with it for so long is because no one really noticed the Gulf in the larger scheme of things. But now that they’ve become more relevant, their citizenship rules have been getting attention.


The Gulf Arab method is slowly crumbling. Firstly, they couldn’t ban non-ethnic Gulf people from getting citizenship, they made it at the discretion of the monarch and the monarch hardly gave it out.

Secondly, recently, countries like the UAE have been giving out citizenship to non-Emiratis. This is purely to keep business within the country and also to avoid growing backlash.

The reason they got away with it for so long is because no one really noticed the Gulf in the larger scheme of things. But now that they’ve become more relevant, their citizenship rules have been getting attention.

What do you believe would be a preferential model that would somewhat work in Somalia?


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
What do you believe would be a preferential model that would somewhat work in Somalia?

Tides are irreversible. The Gulf just delayed it for decades, maybe even a century if they’re lucky.

Best way is to make sure your country doesn’t rely on skilled migration. Make sure your people are going to uni and learning the stuff required to keep the country running.

al-Mu'tamid المعتمد

عِشْ مَا شِئْتَ فَإِنَّكَ مَيِّتٌ
Somalia needs more foreigners who can share the land and resources. They cannot continue having an ethnostate, the world has changed. They need to mix things up. 40 years of utter failure is the evidence whatever Somalis is doing isn't working. Bring in hardworking ethnic groups from around the world and let them contribute to the economy.
Your a self hating slave
My prediction is because of our people’s orientation towards the Arab world and how they look up to them. Once Somalia becomes peaceful the Yemenis, Syrians etc will dominate our economy they will have neighborhoods exclusively being them and will have Somali women as servants
That will never happen in a millions years


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
My prediction is because of our people’s orientation towards the Arab world and how they look up to them. Once Somalia becomes peaceful the Yemenis, Syrians etc will dominate our economy they will have neighborhoods exclusively being them and will have Somali women as servants

You have a cuck fetish. Why is the first thing that comes to your mind is Somali women being servants in their own land.

Seek help.
Wallahi im being gasslit wallahi someone i need back up i need back up from this demon

You are right. Based off this users other posts their intention always seems to be promoting hate and division amongst Muslims while pretending to care about Somalis. You are right, it is a pathetic psy-op as they focus their energy on here to attack the ummah and foment hate.

You were right to tell them to mind their own business and leave Somali business.


I doubt the indians are much more entrepenueral than somalis (unless somehow the elite of their country come here), chinese and europeans are but they will never settle in somalia in large numbers. Bigger problem is importing large number of people to do all kinds of labour work that the backwards pastoral culture looks down on. Not just in construction, but also mechanics and similar kind of work, etc. You would have millions of somalis potentially out of work. The culture needs a massive reform before we embark on serious state and economic building.
I see a lot of gas stations owned by Indians in America. I have never seen one owned by a farax
I doubt the indians are much more entrepenueral than somalis (unless somehow the elite of their country come here), chinese and europeans are but they will never settle in somalia in large numbers. Bigger problem is importing large number of people to do all kinds of labour work that the backwards pastoral culture looks down on. Not just in construction, but also mechanics and similar kind of work, etc. You would have millions of somalis potentially out of work. The culture needs a massive reform before we embark on serious state and economic building.
Cultures change when they interact with other cultures.
Despite your inaccuracies regarding Djibouti, I agree with your overall point. Somalia should enact laws on business ownership. With the exception of multinational conglomerates (for example: Google), businesses should be 51% owned by a Somali citizen.

Issue that creates is that foreign nationals with a big enough business interest in Somalia will just become Somali citizens. That’s what the Lebanese did in West Africa and the Indians did in East Africa.

Now, one could create legislation about Somali citizenship but then that gets even trickier.

For example, if you pass a law that states that Somali citizenship is patrilineal, suddenly tens of thousands of Somalis that are matrilineal Somalis that obtained citizenship before 1991 will lose their claim to Somali citizenry.

What you could do is place an amnesty period, stating that immigration prior to a certain date, these laws do not apply. But the question is what year? 1991? 1960? 2024?

It’s a tricky thing to implement but I agree in theory.
It's already patrilinial though. I recall half Italians in somalia complaining about it not long ago


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