What can be planted in Dhul Ciid?
That area is mostly gypsisol which is poor soil and mostly used for grazing. You can farm it of course but requires a lot of intervention.What can be planted in Dhul Ciid?
no i think precious metals and minerals you usually get indication by the rocks in the area or finding veins of the mineral deep underground. Oil probably by seepage and drilling. The soil types really more so for farming potential.Can soils indicate resources ?
That area is mostly gypsisol which is poor soil and mostly used for grazing. You can farm it of course but requires a lot of intervention.
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That makes sense. I think that would be Petrogypsic horizon. if its that deep to get to thats a good sign. Because if it occurs at shallow depth your yields are screwed. Shallow is like less than 20 in deep.In Galkacyo once you dig 2 meters down, you will hit a layer of hard rock that is almost impossible to break up. Many people have a hard time excavating a hole that is sufficient for a septic tank. I don't know how far this extends around the city.
Mostly seem to be maringal soils like Sn ( solonetz), Ar (Arenosols), Pl(Planosols).
You can overcome bad soils if you have have water. There is technique called drip irrigation where water and nutrienes are given to plants using tube system. It ensures you get maximum benefit from water and nutrients directly to plant
Here is interactive map of kenya alot more details since they have had more soil studies.
Kenya Soils Map
This Kenya Soil data shows the physical characteristics of soils in Kenya. The colored symbols on the map show the soil class and the labels. Click on any area to review the attributes of the selected area.hub.arcgis.com
Palaeozoic and Mesozoic formations in Kenya are found near the coast and in north- eastern Kenya.
Here is interactive map of kenya alot more details since they have had more soil studies.
Kenya Soils Map
This Kenya Soil data shows the physical characteristics of soils in Kenya. The colored symbols on the map show the soil class and the labels. Click on any area to review the attributes of the selected area.hub.arcgis.com
Southern half of Garissa is very suitable for the growing of Sorghum.
That is ~20,000 sq km of land that you could potentially mechanize and harvest.
Southern Garissa alone could produce enough sorghum to feed 3 million people.
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