Somalia Soil Map

Video doesn’t say location but comments say it’s somewhere outside Garowee. This guy went to study agriculture in Turkey came back home and put knowledge to work

One thing he should do is apply holisitic management , he can turn the whole area into thicker grassland by doing plan grassing with the cattle

Keep them in one area let them poop etc and then move them to another etc. You fertilize the soil and give it time to recover by not overgrazing it.

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Shoulda, woulda, coulda
FAO providing grass seeds, goal is to have livestock enclosed to certain areas and limit them having to travel far and also dying when droughts hit. Place is inhospitable harsh land but as technology improves hopefully improves peoples lives


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
It would be interesting if Puntland closed off 50 hectares of land in each district to see what each area would like like without grazing. You could learn a lot from such a reserve about what the natural state of the area is.


Kismayo for example has dark orange which in the legend equals cambisol. The CM I believe also indicates that
What side of Kismayo are you talking about
North may is dark soil , near the river Gobweyn
Cost is bacaad beach sand
West and south of Kismayo is Red San
Best farm land in Somalia is Dhasheeg Waamo and Joore Badhadhe are area


Shoulda, woulda, coulda
What side of Kismayo are you talking about
North may is dark soil , near the river Gobweyn
Cost is bacaad beach sand
West and south of Kismayo is Red San
Best farm land in Somalia is Dhasheeg Waamo and Joore Badhadhe are area
Here is map. I also put legends since its way in the begenning.

CM = Cambisol
LV= Luvisol
AR= Arenosol
SN= Solonetz


