Somalia's Golden Age?

Golden Age

  • Pre-Colonial

  • Colonial

  • 1960-1969

  • 1969-1978

  • 1978-1991

  • Post 1991

  • Never

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Somalia should have been properly colonized until 2000. Apparently many Somalis were not even aware that the Europeans took over. That is how low their presence was.

It takes time for the full benefits of colonization to be realized. Instead, they had a largely hands off approach and did not rule long enough to last the lifespan of a single generation.

So ofcourse the third rate communist was able to take over, and isbaaro moryaans take over from him, and fake countries and internet states popping up, a terror group carving up 1/3 as its own, and piracy. None of these things would have happened if the opportunity was not squandered. Somalia would have been a mature, stable country. Its too bad.
Literally, the British didn't think of leaving the coast until after WWII, and the Italians only cared about the two rivers. There was no real colonization until the fifties.
Probably right after independence. It was the largest single Somali state and people had hope until that boon ruined everything. We could have been so much more :wow:


The Bad Ali of Jigjiga
Pre colonial because it’s vague could be anytime between 9,000 BCE to 2nd millennium BCE to 1880
Probably right after independence. It was the largest single Somali state and people had hope until that boon ruined everything. We could have been so much more :wow:
So you guys can just diss outside the FKD and you get no warning? Wallahi we fucked Somalis so hard in the head we done united you Hutus with the others :mjlaugh:


E pluribus unum
Somalia should have been properly colonized until 2000. Apparently many Somalis were not even aware that the Europeans took over. That is how low their presence was.

It takes time for the full benefits of colonization to be realized. Instead, they had a largely hands off approach and did not rule long enough to last the lifespan of a single generation.

So ofcourse the third rate communist was able to take over, and isbaaro moryaans take over from him, and fake countries and internet states popping up, a terror group carving up 1/3 as its own, and piracy. None of these things would have happened if the opportunity was not squandered. Somalia would have been a mature, stable country. Its too bad.
It's cause the europeans rarely went beyond the cities


Our Golden age hasn't arrived yet. It'll come when the HoA is Somali majority and Kenya has a Somali President.

In the past, the closest thing we had was in 1531 when Axmed Gurey entered the Ethiopian highlands and buckbroke Abysinnia

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
Our Golden age hasn't arrived yet. It'll come when the HoA is Somali majority and Kenya has a Somali President.

In the past, the closest thing we had was in 1531 when Axmed Gurey entered the Ethiopian highlands and buckbroke Abysinnia
Adeer Axmed missed on reverting the bulk of habeshas, currently only 20% of amharas are muslim and less in tigrayans (not sure). Would have fixed a lot of the clusterfuck present in HoA today.
Somalis should focus on the future and create the golden age they wish for, not try finding solace in an imagined glorious past


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