Somaliland Farming and Food Production


Reformation of Somaliland
Technical entrepreneurs in Somaliland have launched a new mobile application to enable farmers to access market information and advice on their phones.

The agri-tech startup SAMS (Somaliland Agriculture Market Solutions) – a non-profit organization – developed the app called M-Dalag (mobile harvest) with funding from international NGO Oxfam Novib. The service, which enables farmers to call in and access voice-based information for free, is supported by Somaliland’s telecommunications provider Telesom.

M-Dalag aims to connect farmers directly with buyers, leading to wide market reach for farmers and reduction of losses of perishable farm products.

According to SAMS’ founder and chief executive officer, Faisal Mohamed, the system provides farmers with customised local crop advice and market prices, while also connecting farmers directly with buyers to ensuring the get the best prices for their products.

“The system is free. To register, the farmer just dials 315 to record a voicemail. They record their details including their names and products, locations to get contact with other users of the system. It does not need smartphones,” said Faisal.

SAMS gathers daily market prices, compared to the weekly reports of Somaliland’s planning ministry, which are available on the app.

Abdullah Jam’aQor-Ges, a vegetable farmer in Biyo-Ma’an, recently registered with M-Dalag.

“I only record a voicemail detailing the kind of produceI have to sell and my contacts. Then customers get in touch with me to buy the product. Now I save on transportation cost. Initially, I used to spend $20 to transport my produce to sell in the nearest market,” he said.

Abdullahi also receives daily market prices and advice on farming techniques.

“Previously, we had no information about handling farming problems. This system teaches us how to apply modern farming techniques,” he said.

Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed, one of three agricultural experts working with M-Dalag, responds to questions from farmers.

“The farmers can record their concerns on the system by recording a voice mail,” said Mohamed. “If they dial 315 to talk to the expert, this number is connected to my personal mobile phone so that I talk to them and give them the suitable advice.”
Technical entrepreneurs in Somaliland have launched a new mobile application to enable farmers to access market information and advice on their phones.

The agri-tech startup SAMS (Somaliland Agriculture Market Solutions) – a non-profit organization – developed the app called M-Dalag (mobile harvest) with funding from international NGO Oxfam Novib. The service, which enables farmers to call in and access voice-based information for free, is supported by Somaliland’s telecommunications provider Telesom.

M-Dalag aims to connect farmers directly with buyers, leading to wide market reach for farmers and reduction of losses of perishable farm products.

According to SAMS’ founder and chief executive officer, Faisal Mohamed, the system provides farmers with customised local crop advice and market prices, while also connecting farmers directly with buyers to ensuring the get the best prices for their products.

“The system is free. To register, the farmer just dials 315 to record a voicemail. They record their details including their names and products, locations to get contact with other users of the system. It does not need smartphones,” said Faisal.

SAMS gathers daily market prices, compared to the weekly reports of Somaliland’s planning ministry, which are available on the app.

Abdullah Jam’aQor-Ges, a vegetable farmer in Biyo-Ma’an, recently registered with M-Dalag.

“I only record a voicemail detailing the kind of produceI have to sell and my contacts. Then customers get in touch with me to buy the product. Now I save on transportation cost. Initially, I used to spend $20 to transport my produce to sell in the nearest market,” he said.

Abdullahi also receives daily market prices and advice on farming techniques.

“Previously, we had no information about handling farming problems. This system teaches us how to apply modern farming techniques,” he said.

Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed, one of three agricultural experts working with M-Dalag, responds to questions from farmers.

“The farmers can record their concerns on the system by recording a voice mail,” said Mohamed. “If they dial 315 to talk to the expert, this number is connected to my personal mobile phone so that I talk to them and give them the suitable advice.”
Manshallah its a good idea. I dont that it will go wide spread as most northerns are reer badiye.


Reformation of Somaliland

UFRESH Industries License Cancelled for Selling Contaminated Products

Somaliland Quality Control Agency has stopped a local factory from manufacturing products. According to information received by Somaliland sun UFRESH Company which produces several soft drink brands and milk was stopped from accessing Somaliland market because her products were found to be contaminated and risk public health.

The chairman of Somaliland quality control agency Mr.Musa Hassan Haji revealed that they had stopped the UFRESH Company from producing products for local consumption because they posed health and hygiene hazard to the public.

The agency chairman informed journalists that dirt had been found in some products produced UFRESH factory. The quality control boss said “To make sure that the products produced by this factory have the best standard of hygiene it will be closed indefinitely.”

The specimen of some if its product were shipped to a second country quality control laboratories and their results show that their products are of inferior quality and threaten the health of the unsuspecting consumers.

He went on to say “From 9th December 2018 UFRESH Enterprises located in Koodhbuur area of Hargeisa should stop the processing of any kind of products until further notice by the agency.”

All in all 28 types of products come through the factory of UFRESH Enterprises, and some of them have been proved to be contaminated and dangerous for consumption.
Mashaalah. In any other gobol, this would go unnoticed/swept under the rug. This, and protecting our farmers from Ethiopian vegetable imports shows the SLand admin are listening to the public.


Somaliland: What are the agricultural skills this country needs?


Somaliland agriculture sector is second in importance among the production sectors after the livestock sector. 20 to 25 % of the country ‘s population depends directly on the sector for their livelihood despite constraints such as unfavorable climatic conditions ,inadequate technical capacity, inadequate institutional capacity and poor rural infrastructure , the sector has substantial untapped potential that needs to be harnessed in order for it to effectively contribute to national development.

One of the key constraints faced by the Ministry of agriculture and development (MOAD) is in adequate skilled man power .the human resource is the most important resource of any organization.

The efficiency and performance of MOAD will to a large extent depend on the availability on availability of qualified technical personnel to provide expertise in all aspects of agricultural development

The Ministry of agriculture and development (MOAD) has to address the short, medium and long term human resource needs to ensure adequate and quality service provision to the sector. These include job on training for knowledge and skill development.

It is in the need of the hour to re-open the Drying Agriculture Institute to upgrade the skills and knowledge of both young graduates, Ministry staff and farmers alike to fulfil short, medium and long term requirement of skilled manpower in the country for agricultural development and achievement of national food security plan.

The Dryland agriculture Institute is closed now for lack of funds, earlier it used to employ highly qualified agricultural experts paid by SDF for research and training in the form of capacity building for Agri graduates, ministry staff and farmers alike.The Institute, along with its dynamic agricultural environment is capable of producing agriculturists who are capable to face challenges confronting farmers of Somaliland. It will provide training both comprising both theory and practical needed by the above mentioned to become competitive in the job market; both here as well as overseas.However, the following skills are deemed to be necessary to achieve better results in the sector:

Technical know how or subject matter specialization for instances ; soil science, Entomology, agriculture engineering, Agriculture economics, crop production , plant breeding and Agriculture meteorology pesticide management, diagnosing and treating plant diseases, good agriculture practices and innovative technology transfer expert.

  • Mapping skills

  • Communication and information system management skills

  • Policy formulation

  • Monitoring and evaluation

  • Contract management

  • Conflict management

  • Human resource management

  • Management skills

  • Accounting skills

  • Data collection and analysis skills

  • Marketing skills

  • Report writing skills

  • Technical publication skills

  • Proficiency in IT

  • Project proposal development

  • Project planning and management

  • Cost and benefit analysis

  • Statistics expert

In conclusion, the implementation of the recommendations contained in this article costly and beyond the means of the Ministry of agriculture and development (MOAD). Its successful implementation will therefore depend on the good will and support of the internal and external development partners.

I therefore recommend for all stakeholders in the sector to contribute to the implementation of these useful recommendations.


Abdirahman Ibrahim Abdilahi

@Yaquub @Factz @TimaJilic @Lordilord @Futurist


Reformation of Somaliland
Fifty families from Somaliland will be supported to establish profitable apiaries by selling honey locally and exporting beeswax to Wales, thanks to funding from the Welsh Government’s Wales for Africa programme – administered by WCVA.

Beeswax, usually seen as a by-product of bee keeping, will be made into artisan candles by members of the Somaliland diaspora community in Wales and sold from their Bees for Development shop in Monmouth, south Wales.

Wales-based organisation Bees for Development has been awarded £15,000 funding through the Welsh Government’s Wales for Africa programme to facilitate the project.

They are working with a partner organisation in Ethiopia to provide training in Beekeeping skills in Somaliland.

As the country is prone to drought, livestock can be lost. Beekeeping provides an invaluable alternative source of income to support families and raise funds to replace livestock.

It is estimated 300 people will benefit from the project.


Reformation of Somaliland
The ministry of agriculture today has announced harvesting the first batch of crops is underway at Togwajale farm.

The ministry planted 1050 hectares of maize and hundreds of hectares of sorghum.

It is revealed that the crops have received enough rainfall which paved the way to produce superb crops.

The ministry of agriculture is using tractor harvester which makes it easy for doing the job.

The first objective is to have Food Reserve in case the state is faced with droughts and famine.

The project is aimed at improving food security in Somaliland whereby farming community is encouraged to plant more.




Using solar power to pump in seawater from the coastline and desalinate it on site, Paton is generating freshwater to irrigate plants, and water vapour to cool and humidify the greenhouse interior. In January – less than a year after its launch – this improbable desert oasis produced its first harvest of lettuce, cucumbers and tomatoes.

This is sad white ppl get illegals or low IQ ppl to do farming here or poor ppl. MJ aiming for Microsoft training hub in Bosaso and u talking about Lettuce. Nigga isku caqli maba nihin. Ur talking about doing the same thing that was done 10,000 years ago. Your no inventor thats for sure u dont even have the 'will' for it. Keep farming like 'retard' does. Farmers are paid the lowest wage, low skilled here. It's not high skilled occupation. War isku xishoo, ur proving your adoon slave who still farms as whites consider u. Isaaq is aiming for 1 dollar wage, Mj 100k wage per person as microsoft designers in africa. 63ki ku dhalay wase ur copying oromo cause u r oromo and oromo is 63 lower then even hawiye 67.

PS - Now watch u burst as MJ is aiming 100k per person you 1 dollar per person and then MJ call u ADOON and u get angry and say why u insult me, cause u aiming for shit he never aimed for cuz he higher IQ so he look down on u so he never want u to rule as result GET IT


Somaliland supremacy
This is sad white ppl get illegals or low IQ ppl to do farming here or poor ppl. MJ aiming for Microsoft training hub in Bosaso and u talking about Lettuce. Nigga isku caqli maba nihin. Ur talking about doing the same thing that was done 10,000 years ago. Your no inventor thats for sure u dont even have the 'will' for it. Keep farming like 'retard' does. Farmers are paid the lowest wage, low skilled here. It's not high skilled occupation. War isku xishoo, ur proving your adoon slave who still farms as whites consider u. Isaaq is aiming for 1 dollar wage, Mj 100k wage per person as microsoft designers in africa. 63ki ku dhalay wase ur copying oromo cause u r oromo and oromo is 63 lower then even hawiye 67.

PS - Now watch u burst as MJ is aiming 100k per person you 1 dollar per person and then MJ call u ADOON and u get angry and say why u insult me, cause u aiming for shit he never aimed for cuz he higher IQ so he look down on u so he never want u to rule as result GET IT
Wallahi ill find you one day hiding in your little aboriginal village and force feed your meds to you
its not simple farming go read the article,its revolutionary and can benefit a dry area like puntland too,the south had Madows farming their land for them for years we have oromos,so does puntland,you cant build a nation without proper food supply


It's all so tiresome
Posted about this project a year ago. They have a much bigger project up in Spain and Australia.

Never found the energy costs per pound of food. It seemed interesting back then but it didn't look scalable.

Maybe just use it to cool the greenhouses?

Less energy intensive as desalination but it could lower the water use by a lot.

